I suppose when you have two happily married, very hot TV characters, you have to play up any possible conflict when you can. Which brings us to this week’s Chuck scoop from TV Guide:
Got any scoop on the holiday episode of Chuck? — Henry
NATALIE: ‘Tis the season for mistletoe, and boy, will there be a lot of smooching going on! Not only will Chuck kiss another woman, but Sarah will kiss another man — But that won’t be the biggest secret that she’s hiding from her hubby. There’s another that will change the dynamic of their relationship forever.
Dun dun dunnnnnnn! The holiday episode of Chuck, “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit”, airs Friday, December 23 at 8/7c.
Is the secret that she’s pregnant? That would certainly change the dynamic of their relationship. The next episode is Baby.
And maybe the secret is not that she’s pregnant, it’s that she’s ready to be.
If there is going to be something that changes their dynamic forever, I would bet almost anything it is in a positive way.
Agreed, that’s what makes the most sense at this point in the story. That gives them 5 more episodes to talk about it before she announces her pregnancy in the series finale.
Is that why Sarah wasn’t in mission garb in the ten thumbs down picture? She has stopped going on missions?
I will bet what’s in my wallet that Sarah will Chuck that she’s ready to start a family and wants out of the spy world. Of course there’s about $12 in my wallet, so take from it what you will.
I’ll gladly take the $12…I assume it’s USD? 😛
I think the secret in vs the Christmas Suit is that Sarah wants to start a family…and the next few episodes will be family planning/preparation/seeing fertility specialists, etc…
A divorce would change their dynamic quite a bit too.
Depends on who’s divorcing. Sarah’s parents are already apart, so who else’s split would she be keeping a secret?
Could Sarah have been previously married and the divorce ws never finalized???
Mel, you think “the dynamic change” it will be for good ?????
I personally for the few episodes until the final I don’t need any more problems between Chuck and Sarah.
I prefere your setence “VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY HAPPILY MARRIED + action with Decker Mafia and know whats the conspiracy!!!
What do Chucksters think of the possibility that Sarah might have had a kid before she met Chuck? All signs point toward that direction at this stage.
Really? All signs? What do you know that I don’t? The only sign I can think of is the title of the episode. It seems a huge stretch to draw that particular conclusion when there are tons of other explanations.
Are there other things that I’m missing?
That’s actually where my mind’s been going, too. With “Baby” coming next and a casting tidbit that seems to have gone largely unnoticed, that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking. Personally, I really, really don’t want that to be the case. IMHO it’s not in-character for Sarah, and far too big a can of worms to be opening this late in the game. I really hope I’m wrong.
That’s exactly why I didn’t post that bit of casting info yet, Kirsten. It would’ve overshadowed the first 7 eps and caused a lot of angst about something that I don’t think will happen. Or it will and our jaws will be on the floor.
Perhaps Shaw and Eve had a baby that Sarah took in after her red test?
Well, there has been speculation on this previously. And given the propensity for TPTB to present parallels, it could be that Sarah had a pregnancy and gave the baby to her mother to look after (that would parallel how Sarah was not raised by her mother).
I hope they don’t go that way, but I’ll take what comes.
I reeeeally think it’s absurd that people think Sarah had been married or have a secret child. I don’t think they would do that, this is not a fanfiction or a soup opera. The most reasonable explanation is that she’s thinking about having children with chuck, and this is the last season so I woudn’t be surprised if they empregnated her, and I have no objections against that as long as it happens at the end of the season.
We are supposed to find out Sarah’s secret in the christmas episode and then dig into her past in the next one. So based on that I’m guessing that the secret is something happening in the present day and not something about her past.
The big secret I think is she was married once and had a child. I really think is that. That’s the only thing that could change everything in their lives and I think she had a daughter and it could have been her C.I.A. handler that she married.
I just don’t see how they could write that in a plausible way. How do you present a character with such strong emotional and biological connection and then throw it away forever at the end of the episode. What purpose would that serve?
I think that Sarah finds out she is pregnant in the christmas episode. That would be fitting since Chuck’s and Sarah’s baby has to be somekind of messiah. Also the timeline this season has been very condensed, so the last six episodes could take place in a few weeks timeframe and that way they wouldn’t have to worry about the (physical) effects of the pregnancy.
TPTB have often stated that a pregnant Sarah is not in their plans, so I doubt Sarah had a baby in the past.
Could be that Sarah’s mother had another child with another man?
I’ve been away from the website for a while so someone else may already have mentioned this and I might be miles out here too so feel free to shout me down if you think this idea doesn’t fly, but I was getting the impression that willingly or more likely unwillingly Sarah might be working with Decker 😮
There was a comment near the end of the first episode when Chuck is talking to Decker and says ‘ you’ll trigger the alarm and my people are inside’ Decker says ‘ Your people!……cute’, it seemed like a hint that not all of Chucks team were indeed his own. The second incident that made me think this could be the case was episode four where Sarah passed the lie detector test while telling a lie about being there with her husband Morgan, when Casey said she was getting pretty good at lying, they seemed to make a point of her looking worried and incredibly guilty.
As I said, probably miles out with this, I always am.
I like this idea better than the baby one. I would still shudder at it as there have been too many lies after the “no more lies” talk(s). In any real relationship it would not only change the dynamic it would quite likely break it completely.
Seiously If the PTB make it that sarah has had a baby that is a Jump the shark moment. There is no way they are going to decimate her Character like that. Who would she have had the baby with, Bryce is the only other boyfriend we know about before she met Chuck. We know as a 10-12 year old she lived with her gran and then she lived with her father while at high school why would she place her child with her mother?
I think in light of looking at Awesome and Clara last episode she is thinking of starting a family with Chuck she and that is the secreat or it could just be she makes contact with her mum and wants her to meet him. we know her mum is in 5.08. Meeting the Mother in law definately could change there relationship.
The idea of Sarah being played was thought of in S3 i believe but why would she be now what is her motivation, I believe that remark from Dekker was simply a comment about Chuck being the Leader of ‘My Team’
For this idea to pan out Sarah would have had to be playing Chuck from the very beginning and the more I think about this the more boxes it ticks. I’m certain that Sarah’s love for Chuck is real so the only thing that could have kept her in line all this time is a threat to someone as close to her as her child. It also makes sense of the synopsis for the next episode, why is this being billed as a Sarah solo episode? Where is Chuck? Is he away feeling betrayed? It explains why Sarah’s handler is on the scene, he would have been her mentor for the original mission and if she’s backing out of her agreement because she can’t deceive Chuck anymore then he could be the one sent in to execute the threat they’ve been holding over her, so she has to defend her family. It also explains why Sarah always got so anxious when here family were mentioned with regard to attending the wedding.
Also, Deckers comments in the final episode of season four where he says pretty much everything that has happened was part of a plan. Later Casey says ‘who could have controlled our lives so well’ Sarah says she doesn’t know but in reality she’s probably the only person who has been close enough all the time to have such an influence on Chuck.
To me it looks like maybe Sarah just can’t deceive her husband anymore, she’s breaking ranks and she’s going to get punished for it.
Oh, it also explains the casting for 5.08 the age fits.
Anyway, I’ve finished playing out this highly unlikely story arc in my little mind, I doubt it’ll come to fruition.
That’s a possibility. It’s unlikely the writers would hide that bit of foreshadowing that Sarah was indeed working with someone on the “outside” of this group. You’re right that the information exists that she “Passes lie detector tests with lies” and Decker’s comment about “Your people… cute.”
Last nights episode however showed a Sarah determined to stick with her hubby at all costs and to see him succeed in stopping the very people you think Sarah is working with. That unfortunately contradicts this theory.
I think the better question is who are the “Powerful people” that Chuck has managed to piss off so badly? That’s the burning question I’m trying to solve. Someone or many people are going to a lot of trouble to do in our boy Chuck. Who are they and why?
I’d be very disappointed in the writers if Sarah ends up having a secret child, marriage of even both. To be honest, I have no idea what they’re going to reveal, as long as it’s not something that’s predictable and soap opera-y. I think it would ruin this season for me
I’d be very disappointed in the writers if Sarah ends up having a secret child, marriage of even both. I have no idea what they’re going to reveal, as long as it’s not something that’s predictable and soap opera-y. I think it would ruin this season for me
She’s pregnant and longs for her missing mother in parallel to the way Ellie felt with her initial pregnancy. Would that be a stretch ?
Introducing a secret child of Sarah´s this late in the series would be just jumping the shark they´d probably think they have nothing to loose by doing it. But it better not be something so major or else I´d wonder how Chuck would even stay with her revealing something so personal like that this late.