Chuck vs. the Santa Suit

PHOTOS: “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit” (Look Who’s Kissing!)

Well, we have the answer to one side of the spoiler about Chuck and Sarah smooching other people in “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit”, airing Friday, December 23 at 8/7c. I cannot wait to see the story behind this!

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  1. Awkward! Somehow, I always knew Beckman had a bit of a randy side! Lol ;-D

  2. Never knew the general was such a cougar!

  3. Some Lip Action for Diane Beckman! LOL!

    I wonder how Roan feels, now that the shoe is on the other foot?

    Good For Her! LOL!


  4. that’s one hell of a santa’s beard

  5. Chuck ‘undercover’ in a CIA building?
    Beckman is wearing her ID badge so I’m assuming it’s in a CIA facility somewhere….?

  6. We have seen who chuck is kisssing but who will sarah be kissing ? anyway it should be a great episode.

    Alison ( Ali )

  7. So that means Sarah is the one kissing the “unfriendly”. Although Beckman doesn’t look all that friendly in those pics!

  8. So Mel, I see that this episode has been sent out to various members of the media – Were you one of the lucky chosen? And if so, what did you think? I’ve read comments like wonder, awesome, have to stop watching or people on the bus will wonder why I’m crying….
    You’d also have the answer to that unannounced casting tidbit we’ve wondered about in another post.
    So, would you pass the finger-tip lie detector? 😉

  9. stan lee kiss Sarah

  10. Mel
    I still haven’t seen the title of episode 5-12 yet. Do you know what it is? Can’t you tell us? It is the only one not mentioned and taping for the show is complete.

    • I haven’t heard what it is yet. Will try to track that down for you.

      • Episode 5-12 is “Chuck vs the Goodbye.” It is a two hour series finale; therefore it counts as both episodes 5-12 and 5-13.

      • No, 12 & 13 are not a 2-hour episode cut in half. Originally they were slated to air separately, but NBC decided to air them back-to-back like they did in season 2. Ep 12 has a different title.

    • No necessarily, even though its part of a 2 hour finale its usually still 2 episodes that are back to back.

  11. LMFAO!!! We all knew Diane had the hots for Chuck 😛

  12. isn’t this a bit of a spoiler? Just asking, not being critical 🙂

  13. so funny 🙂
    not a fat santa, a giant one 🙂

    she needs a promotion after that kiss 🙂

  14. After today’s promo, I have my money in Sarah kissing Shaw….

  15. Dagoye, i came to post with similar comments after i saw the promo after last nights episode. :/

  16. Hi All,

    These pics are probably in the middle of the Episode. Shaw has Captured Mrs B (Sarah). Chuck turns to Beckman for help thinking Shaw is still an Intersect! Beckman Brings Chuck to the secret Interset Base so he can upload/refresh the 2.0 to take on Shaw and save Sarah! Deckker used Shaw’s plot for revenge against him – Like the Ring Director did! Chuck & Sarah manage to convince Shaw to work with them to take down the “Mastermind”!

  17. These photos makes me laughing all the time! Beckman is so awesome!!! I cant wait to see her in this episode. I am really curious what is behind this!
    Czech republic

  18. get in their chuck lol