We’ve updated the Chuck season 5 music page with songs from “Chuck vs. the Curse.” Note that I couldn’t figure out who sings the first song, when Ellie and Devon are getting ready to go out. Lyric search fail! If you know who it is, please leave a comment below.
Updated 12.17.11: Thanks to Jeff in the comments below, we have the first song identified.
Another site has Zascha Moktan as the signer.
Ah ha! You’re right!
Sepinwall says it’s Joie de Vivre, and he apparently gets the music list every week from a good source.
I can’t find a singer or group called “Joie de Vivre”. 🙁
Hey Chucksters the song the play when Ellie is dressing up is Kiss Me by Zascha Moktan
I think it’s actually Everyday by Zascha Moktan
Can’t figure out how to edit my post. Here’s the song preview http://prostopleer.com/tracks/5124121evQn
I’m really sorry, i messed up. delete my posts i was wrong.
The chuck website has a music section and it says it is Kiss me by Joie de Vivre but it can’t be found anywhere.
We are the Chuck website. 😉 As noted above, it’s by Zascha Mockton.
If you take a look at NBC’s website, it does say Kiss Me by Joie de Vivre (http://www.nbc.com/chuck/about/music/index.shtml?506). Joie de Vivre can be found in Spotify, but Kiss Me is probably not yet released since that particular song isn’t listed.
I found it. It’s called kiss me by Zascha Moktan on her album state of mind which has not been released in the United States.
Yes, we updated the post to reflect that info on Saturday. Thanks though!