Recap: Chuck vs the Curse (5.06)

Dog house – noun, 1.  a small shelter for a dog 2. where you are sleeping tonight when your wife is so mad that she leaves you tied up to a beam in a factory after rescuing you from a torture-loving psychopath

Tonight’s stellar episode of Chuck was certainly not short on emotion! All of the non-Buy More characters had important roles to play in a very well-integrated storyline. We got great scenes with Alex and Morgan, Ellie and Devon and some really emotional scenes between Chuck and Sarah that showed that even though their relationship has come a long way, there are still some trust and communication issues to work out, not to mention that Chuck is still handling some serious family baggage.

The episode began with the team reassembling in Castle, still trying to come to grips with Decker’s plan and his death. They decide to find Beckman and, speak of the devil, she pops up on a computer screen to tell them that they are all under arrest for the murder of Decker as well as treason. How could she do this to them? But wait, Casey notices that she’s trying to give them a message by tapping her finger on the desk in morse code. Casey heads to rendezvous with Beckman while Chuck and Sarah head to Orion’s cabin. Morgan gets tasked with wiping Casey’s computer clean.

Morgan breaks into their apartment and is greeted by Alex and a large gun (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!). They don’t have much time to reconnect before the CIA shows up with one special agent Robin Cunnings making a very leggy entrance. Alex quickly concocts a story (they are dating!) and after searching the apartment, Robin leaves. Chuck calls and tells Morgan that he and Sarah are on the run and asks him to retrieve his PANTS (Private Artifacts Never to Share) from his apartment.

Alex helps Morgan get into Chuck’s apartment by creating a diversion, once again proving that she’s got a lot more skills than her history as a grad student and waitress would suggest. Alex is not ready to take Morgan back yet, but it sure seems like he made some inroads with her in this episode. She won’t agree that their time together was a date, but she does agree to keep his PANTS. After he leaves, she opens the box and the first thing she sees is a picture of the two of them.

Chuck and Sarah head for the cabin. Chuck is wracked with guilt worrying about Ellie and Awesome. He tells Sarah that he thinks that there is a Bartowski curse and that every member of his family ends up having to leave their family to protect them. Sarah assures him that there is no curse and Chuck is different because he has her and they are together. Chuck hacks into the CIA mainframe and is unable to find out who Decker’s boss was. They do find out that they’ve been discovered, however, and that Robin’s team is on their way. They quickly realize that Robin’s team is actually after Ellie and Awesome in a case of mistaken identity.

Meanwhile, Ellie and Devon finally get a night out on the town sans Clara and they are out to make the most of it. Ellie borrows a dress from Sarah (complete with the classic Sarah-getting-dressed montage) and they both plan special surprises for each other. At the restaurant, they talk about how exciting Chuck and Sarah’s lives are and decide to pretend that they are spies and develop a set of gestures to communicate about their “mission”. Little do they know that they are soon to be involved in a mission indeed, a la [easyazon-link asin=”B002ZG97B0″]Date Night[/easyazon-link]. Ellie uses Chuck’s dining club account (he loves the points!) to book the restaurant and thus Robin’s team mistakes them for Chuck and Sarah.

Ellie and Awesome end up getting into a limo, both thinking that it was the surprise that the other had planned. They soon realize that they are being abducted. They jump out of the moving limo (“tuck and roll”). Turns out that Beckman sent the limo to get them to safety and they are soon picked up by Robin’s team who pretend to be working with Chuck to protect them. Robin keeps up the act, holding them in a room with massage chairs and wine. Ellie isn’t buying it, though and realizes that Robin is going to ransom them for the Omen computer virus.

Beckman wants to give her a fake virus and Casey agrees. Chuck thinks that they need to turn over the real virus to keep Ellie and Devon safe. Sarah agrees with him and tells him that she will convince GB and Casey. So Chuck being Chuck,  he of course runs off with the virus and goes to Robin before Sarah can talk to GB and Casey. Meanwhile, Ellie and Devon have escaped from their holding room and are working on a plan. Robin ties Chuck to a beam and is going to torture the location of the virus out of him using her electric “toy”.

Ellie and Awesome manage to take out the electricity (which thankfully and gratuitously involved Devon taking off his shirt!) but both are soon captured. Robin threatens to hurt Devon and Chuck tells her where he hid the virus. Sarah and Casey get there just in time to save everyone, but not before Robin uploads the virus. Sarah is so mad at Chuck that she leaves him tied to the beam.

Back in Castle, Beckman informs them that all charges against them all have been dropped. Chuck and Sarah talk about the Bartowski curse and Chuck agrees that he will never leave her out of his plans again (when have we heard this before?). Everything seemed to be wrapped up nice and neatly. Too neatly. Forgive me, but my first thought when everything seemed so hunky dory was “this is a bad OMEN”! Sure enough, seconds later the Omen virus rears its ugly head and launches itself in every computer in the world, then powers down…waiting…. Computer screens all over the world are scrambled and at a certain maximum security prison, the electronic door locks are on the fritz. DUN DUN DUN….<cue blackscreen>.

My goodness! Even after a second viewing I’m at a loss to add much commentary to this recap other than repeatedly saying “WOW!”, but I’ll spare you that. We got a brief peek of what’s to come after last week’s ep, but the longer Chuck vs the Santa Suit preview really upped the intensity. It’s looking like a dark Christmas indeed for our favorite spies!

Memorable quotes and other thoughts:

Good job of breaking me out, moron, I was actually a little proud of you – Casey
Did you just compliment me AND insult me? – Morgan

You live with your girlfriend’s father? – Robin

Martini = Pineapple

This is where we come in our darkest hours – Iran Contra, Nicaragua, the Clinton years… – Casey to Beckman at a deserted honky tonk bar

The panties were optional, and I didn’t opt to wear them – Ellie (so not ideal when you are wrapped up in a spy mission!)

…some people call it torture, I like to think of it as more of an art form. – Robin

Do you ever cry, Chuck? – Robin
Sometimes, particularly during sports movies. [easyazon-link asin=”078322611X”]Field of Dreams [/easyazon-link] – it’s just gut-wrenching but also uplifting” – Chuck

There’s usually a back-up generator, FYI – Chuck to Devon after the lights come back on and he is caught

If you ever go out alone again, just remember, I’m a trained assassin – Sarah to Chuck
You wouldn’t shoot me, would you? – Chuck

I just gotta ask – what’s in Chuck’s PANTS? – Alex

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  1. Great episode, but the line of the night may have been in preview for next week. No Intersect to help you this time. I wouldn’t be so sure. – is it possible Chuck gets the Intersect back to save Sarah?

  2. Nice recap, Cay. Thanks! 😉

    Did anybody else get a Kick-Ass vibe (Hit Girl’s rescue of Kick-Ass and Big Daddy) from the Sarah and Casey’s rescue of Chuck and Awesome? Just me? Okay.

    • I didn’t recognize it as Kick Ass, but it was definitely stylized violence, especially with the glasses they were wearing. I got a whiff of Tarantino, but you could also be correct.

  3. We better find out what is in chucks P.A.N.T.S. before Chuck is over. 🙂

  4. Nice review Yea the weak link in this episode was the Chuck/Sarah trust issues. But they had to come up with a way to inject the virus into society I just wish they invented something different. But they did redeem themselves somewhat with Sarah upset with Chuck. I wouldn’t be to upset if they carried that over to next episode, but since S3 the show been gun shy of having these two in conflict for more than episode. I rather having them smiling more than frowning I guess

    I liked the Ellie/Devon story IMO the was the intended focus of the episode Bit more than Chuck/Sarah and buy more stories. They gave the over all conspiracy a nudge with Robin reveling that Chuck has for some reason pissed off some powerful people ( more than, Fulcrum, Ring, Buy more Corporate ?)

    Was this episode writer first episode done for Chuck?

    • I agree with Chuckster on the Chuck-Sarah trust issues. His actions were too out of character after everything he has been through. I felt like we reverted to seasons 1 & 2 and that Chuck was not acting like the man with the plan that we have seen both this season and last. I wish Sarah had simply told him that she is now a Bartowski and is as much a part of Chuck’s family as Ellie and Awesome are.

  5. Great recap and great episode.

    The one concern is that how quickly Beckman was able to get all the charges dropped against the team. Is that really supposed to be the end of the conspiracy plot against Chuck? Or am I misreading things?

    • Definitely too easy… the people who are after Chuck have not been neutralized, it just seems they are going to operating a little more subtly from now on. It’s interesting that in a way it actually is Chuck’s fault that the virus got released this time. Decker’s goals were definitely accomplished in that matter.

  6. I think another indication of how mad Sarah was at Chuck, was the way she decked Robin after capturing her. …a way of taking out her frustrations perhaps? I thought it was funny that she left Chuck tied up.
    Ellie and Devon were……AWESOME. Sorry but that word just fit them to a “T” in this episode. I love them together. They always seem so real in their feelings for each other.
    Once again Morgan is proving to be quite the asset to the team. He has really evolved over the seasons from a dweeb to a genuine friend and co-worker that would do ANYTHING for his friends, aka team.
    I am so glad to see Beckman being used so much more in these past episodes. It wouldn’t be the same feel to the team without her.
    Thanks once again Cay, for the detailed re-cap of the episode. I love reading them.

  7. Does anyone know where to buy that coat chuck is wearing???

  8. I was so happy to read this review and the positive remarks that have followed it.

    I watched this episode with a big grin on my face, saying “the fans will LOVE this one!”, and then last night I read three reviews online and each one rated the episode as decent, but not great. One gave it a letter grade of B.

    To me, it was a terrific episode. It DID have a little more than the usual number of “suspending disbelief” moments and a few weak spots, but the positives were so delightful, they far outweighed the negatives.

    Ellie & Awesome WERE awesome, & the fans have always wanted a plot like this one for them. VERY well done, & I loved their turned-on moments in the field during the danger and afterward when they got home. The only real weak spot in that plotline was Ellie worrying about not wearing panties. REALLY?!? While you’re contemplating escaping from the enemy?!? And why exactly was she shy around her husband, whom she told not to look? I assume he’s seen her naked before.

    I also enjoyed Morgan & Alex, as I was one of the people saying I’d be disappointed if they didn’t get back together. I couldn’t care less about Casey & Verbanski, & I’m assuming there was only so much in the budget for Carrie Anne Moss guest appearances.

    I always love Beckman, and love how she always has loyalty (and affection) for the team. LOV-V-V-V-V-VED it when she first showed up in person swigging booze from the bottle. My only quibble with her part of the story is that she & Casey (no matter how loyal they are to their friends) would NEVER have agreed to give the real virus to the enemy. NOBODY (not even Ellie & Awesome) would be worth it to them.

    Lastly, though I enjoy the more mature & serious part of Chuck’s story (& growth), I wasn’t 100% satisfied with his actions. It’s not surprising that he runs off to save Ellie, but he seemed to forget that “family” & “loved ones” now includes Sarah. She forgave him too quickly (& the CIA hunting them & charging Casey was also wrapped up too quickly), but I’ll forgive that because I figure it was due to the need to jam in as much storyline as possible into the final (WAAAH!) 13 episodes. I did like the part when Sarah was trying to convince Casey & Beckman to hand over the real virus and she said something to the effect that “they (Ellie & Awesome) are my family now, too.” It seems she understands their family dynamic a bit better than her hubby.

    OH… and by the way… I know the answer to this had to do with the budget, but isn’t it kind of odd that Chuck is trying to build Carmichael Industries into a spy force to be reckoned with, and is now dealing with all sorts of nefarious plots, but he hasn’t even once used the other world-class superspy in his life— dear ol’ mom? Even when Casey was in prison, & they were down a man? I think they could have thrown in a few lines of dialogue in one of the episodes about how Chuck wants to leave her out of things because she lost 20 years of her life because of being a spy.

  9. One of the funniest scene in the episode is the face and the action with his hands of captain awesome in project eagle…….. hilarious! I love it.

  10. I don’t know how convincing the writers were at this but Chuck and Sarah’s issues weren’t based on trust per say. It was more that Chuck thought he was protecting Sarah by going in it alone, and that protecting his sister was his burden to bare. Now was this a smart decision…absolutely not. And that is why Sarah was so upset, and when Chuck apologized he admitted his decision was stupid.

  11. 2 other thoughts:

    I know Chuck was trying to fake out Sarah, Casey & Beckman, but when he said “Okay, you guys are the professionals”, it didn’t feel right. Chuck has been the leader of their team for awhile now, & has foiled Shaw, Volkoff, & others. He became a professional long ago.

    I know they have a lot of tying things up to do over the last 7 episodes, but one point they’d better address is who ordered Sarah’s red test, and why. That’s a pretty big plot point to leave hanging if they don’t address it.

  12. Just got a question… who can be the prisoner in that cell?… maybe Ted Roark? I’d love to see him back, loved Fulcrum storyline. Maybe he’s the one who the virus is waiting for.

    • I’m assuming it’s Shaw… it’s gotta be because he’s got to escape somehow to be in next week’s episode.

      • Damn! Why I had to watch next episode’s promo 🙁 I’m from Spain and usually don’t watch otherwise than weekly episodes and I’m not aware of what’s gonna be in upcoming weeks… that leaves me with intrigue and questioning about what’s gonna happen in the next episode. I realise now that I have just seen the promo that it’s obvious that’s gonna be Shaw. Curse you! You spoiled me all! 🙁

      • Sorry to spoil you! They have showed the preview here twice in two weeks, so it’s old (but exciting) news. In many ways, I wish that they hadn’t spoiled any of us and would have just let him pop up unexpectedly, as he did in vs Subway, which was one of my favorite dramatic scenes of CHUCK ever!