Chuck vs. the Podcast 97: The Other Bartowski

Is it really a curse to be a Bartowski? Not if you’ve met Ellie! In Chuck vs. the Curse, Ellie stole the show, as she & Devon were unwittingly whisked into the spy world. Rebecca Romijn shone as the evil lady torturer, Alex had some tricks up her sleeve, and Sarah got to kick some butt rescuing her husband… Ladies night on Chuck got thumbs up from all of us!

Click image to play video… more details below.

Next week features Stan Lee, the return of a serious villain, lots of surprises, and… another holiday podcast extravaganza! Remember to watch Chuck every Friday night at 8/7c, including during the holidays, as we prepare for the 2-part finale January 27th. Watch for the holiday podcast by Christmas eve.

Visit Chuckazon to pre-order Chuck season 5, and while you’re there, there are lots of great gift ideas for Chuck fans (including yourself).

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  1. Solid podcast guys. Couple questions, is there going to be a podcast for next weeks episode? (something tells me its gunna need one), or is there just gunna be the holiday podcast?

  2. Hi 134sc,

    thanks for your kind comments!

    As you surmise, there won’t be any episode discussing in the holiday podcast, because it will be already fully edited before the next episode of Chuck airs.

    We’ll be discussing both of the next 2 episodes in the following podcast, released around New Year’s Day.


  3. These past season’s podcast have helped me deal with Chuck ending. I always feel better after I’ve listened to all your voices of reason. I appreciate and thank you all for these, and as always, look forward to more of them.

    A happy and blessed holiday to you and your families.


  4. Hi Lianne,

    thanks for the kind comments!

    A very happy holiday to you and yours as well.


  5. Too bad i need to watch Chuck online, cuz in the Netherlands Chuck is still on season 3 every sunday D:.
    Atleast I’m happy that this sunday is Chuck Versus the Fake Name and that’s my favorite in Season 3

  6. First I would like to Wish Gray,Liz and Mel A Happy holidays to you anf your families.

    I have hunches about this friday chuck vs the sanat Suit :

    After chuck finds out Shaw has Sarah He goes to Beckman for help and Chuck for Morgan Intersect from Beckman. other hunchies is

    ■One character will get shot : Casey
    ■One character will be in serious mortal peril : Casey or Sarah or Both
    ■There will be some disturbing kissing. Beckman and Chuck (haha has seen promo pictures.)

  7. Okay, guys, here’s my prediction. I wanted to get this on the internet before Friday just in case I’m right haha, so here goes:

    It’s Bryce.

    It would be nonsense to think that Stephen is trying to ruin his son’s life, especially considering Chuck and Ellie buried him. He is absolutely dead. Bryce, however, is a different story. He’s faked his death multiple times now and in Ep. 2.24 (Chuck vs. the Ring), he is not seen getting shot, and even if he did get shot it would have been in his back, not his abdomen. Also, why would the Ring be so concerned with removing his body immediately before they kill Chuck, Sarah, and Casey? Even if it’s just careless writing and editing, it’s something they can use.

    Also, Bryce’s manipulation has been seen throughout the series. Bryce got him out of Stanford (even if to protect him), sent him the Intersect (which Orion did NOT want him to have), gave him an update he didn’t want (in a pair of SUNGLASSES, which is the first time we see the Intersect in that form), and to top it all off, Bryce loved Sarah who chose Chuck over him. Ouch.

    Oh, and don’t forget about Jill and Fulcrum.

    Whose minds did I just blow wide open?