SPOILERS: Official Synopsis for “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit”

NBC finally updated their press site with the official synopsis for Chuck episode 5.07, “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit.” (For some reason they hadn’t updated for anything airing this week until sometime over the weekend.)

GHOSTS OF CHRISTMAS PAST RETURN TO HAUNT CHUCK AND SARAH WHEN OLD SECRETS AND THREATS RESURFACE — COMIC BOOK LEGEND STAN LEE GUEST-STARS — Chuck (Zachary Levi) and Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) discover who’s behind the plot to destroy Carmichael Industries. Meanwhile, Ellie’s (Sarah Lancaster) plans for a perfect Christmas begin to come apart. At the Buy More, Morgan (Joshua Gomez) and the gang must fend off angry customers as a computer virus threatens to ruin Christmas. Adam Baldwin, Ryan McPartlin, Vik Sahay, Scott Krinsky, Mark Christopher Lawrence and Bonita Friedericy also star.

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  1. No mention of the other guest star in this episode….

  2. Can I just say that I have never looked forward to seeing ‘him’ but I am now! Can’t wait for this episode!

    • I’ve been re-re-watching season 3, and it’s funny how he was a good guy at first. Chuck even saved his life at least once (Chuck vs The Mask).

  3. can not wait to see Shaw back, but i wonder, was he Prisoner 1647 in cell 5 at the end of ” CHUCK vs. The Curse ” or was that someone else, like Orion ?????

    • Definitely Shaw, can’t really be anyone else when we know that he will come back in the next episode. Orion is dead, which doesn’t really make it any easy for him to return.

      • i dont think orion’s dead. i think he’s gonna come back as the ultimate bad guy, the one behind “the plan” we keep hearing about

      • Henry is correct Richard D. Orion is dead. While it would be really great to see him in a flashback or taped message for Chuck, it would ruin the sacrifice/death of Papa B. Shaw being back, brings up this connection though.

    • If you go back and watch the episode in season 2 where CHUCK finds out his dad is Orion, CHUCK said he saw him die, to which Steven Bartawski said ” as Orion i’ve had to fake my death many times ” .

      • i never said the prisoner in the cell was a bad guy, it could be someone being held against the will, but the computer virus that affected the lock could be used by someone smart enough to escape, someone like his father.

  4. i dont know why, but i have a feeling this ep is gonna be the best one of the season, or at least the best one so far

  5. Ever since we found out that Shaw is part of the conspiracy, I have been thinking that he was assigned to team Bartowski by the mastermind of the conspiracy in order to take Sarah out of the way. Her feelings for Chuck were clearly an obstacle for whoever wanted to manipulate him, because she would do anything to protect him. By bringing Shaw and Sarah together and making sure he found out that she had killed his wife, Sarah would be out of the equation and the bad guy wouldn’t be, overtly at least, involved. If that is the case, the person who arranged her red test is clearly involved as well. Maybe it’s her first handler, the one who appears at episode 5.08.

  6. We find out who’s behind the plot to destroy Carmichael Industries.

  7. wasn’t Mark Hamill gonna interpretate the ultimate villain this season? Nevertheless i don’t believe orion is even an enemy for chuck… can’t wait till friday

  8. it is called chuck vs the grinch not chuck vs the santa suit if you go to nbc you will see that i am right

    • NBC.com is wrong. Per Chris Fedak, and all of the press materials, the episode is titled “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit.”

  9. I going to check out the “chronology of Christmas episodes” by watching “Chuck vs. the Crown Vic,” today, “Chuck vs. Santa Claus,” tomorrow, and then of course, “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit” on Friday!

    It’ll be interesting to see how these all play out together!