Yvonne Strahovski & Cheryl Ladd - "Chuck vs. the Baby"

Zachary Levi Says the Cliffhanger Isn’t “Relationship-Changing or Anything.”

In an interview with reporters, first posted here, Zachary Levi and Yvonne Strahovski weigh in on the cliffhanger that ended “Chuck vs. the Santa Suit”. The short version? “It’s not like relationship-changing or anything.”

“I don’t think it really affects their relationship all that much,” Zac told reporters. “One of the things that Chuck’s always done is kind of built something up to be really monumental, but then we sort of begin and end all in one episode, so– and not that there aren’t remnants of that that won’t come back or carry on in their relationship in some ways, but it’s kind of one of those things. It’s big, and it’s cool, and for fans to get that bit of extra more backstory that is revealed in the next episode, but it’s not like relationship-changing or anything.”

Yvonne gave her own thoughts on this week’s Sarah-centric episode:  “I always love going into a flashback episode. We meet my mother in the show. That was always a big piece of the puzzle for me that I wanted to close in this series. We knew about Sarah’s dad, but I wanted to know, and I’m sure everybody else wanted to know, what happened with Sarah’s mom. It’s beautiful. It’s a good story. I love going back in time, and there’s some flashback stuff in there, too. It really shows the journey. Overall, I’m really happy with the journey that Sarah Walker has had, from the emotionally stunted spy who didn’t know how to express herself, going into somebody who was more emotional and could express that, and then getting into more of the comedy stuff on the show, as she fell into a normal relationship– as normal as you can get with somebody when you’re a spy. It’s been a really nice evolution.”

Feel better? “Chuck vs. the Baby” airs Friday, December 30 at 8/7c.

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  1. I do! And I do believe this calls for a squee moment:)!!

  2. oh HELLS YEAH, thats nice to hear..

  3. Yay !! Much better.

  4. Not really at all :/

    • you and me both. I have a feeling I’m going to dislike this episode more than Santa Suit.

      • I would much rather a big relationship change than to have this whole “dynamic changing” storyline come in, once again, and then once again be swept under the rug when the episode is over. If I were Chuck, this whole baby thing would be a deal breaker for me. I need him to call her out on her bulls*** more than letting her slide “but this time it’s different!”

  5. ultimatechucklover

    I have something that might some people feel better a sneak peek on nbc just go to there page and viola there it is!!! Your Welcome in advance ;P

  6. but only people which are in the USA can see this so it isnt that nice :/,

    can anybody upload this to youtube pls? thx

  7. ultimatechucklover

    I know exactly how you feel but unfortunately i don’t have a youtube account but somebody else is bound too 🙂

  8. I just saw the sneak peak its up on youtube and nbc. while it was interesting and got more excited for the episode i didn’t like what sarah was doing. The writers made a huge character flaw just to make the story work. Sarah is being a total hypocrite, sarah is shutting out the whole team after b**hing non stop about chuck keeping secrets. sometimes these writers…..Hopefully there’s a good payoff for this.

    • That’s the most hypocritical comment ever. Chuck did the very same thing not two episodes ago when he took off to rescue Ellie with The Omen. He didn’t even give Sarah a heads up he was leaving, AND he did it after basically lieing to her face and telling her they would do it together. Then we see Chuck above raving about how much he trusts Sarah. Of course people let Chuck off because he is the golden-boy hero, but Sarah gets flack because she’s an assassin with a less than sparkling past that she isn’t eager to reveal to people who she cares about.

      • I know chuck did the same thing a couple episodes ago. but does that give sarah a free ride to do the same thing when she demands that chuck never keeps anything from her? its no big deal, its just inconstancy.

      • Truth was criticizing the writers, not Sarah.

        Just as they mishandled Chuck in ” The Curse”, looks like they’re about to do the same with Sarah.

  9. I love this show, and I love this fan community, but I think it’s rather unfortunate when Zac & Yvonne have to spill a spoiler (however small it might be) in order to placate those in the fan community who are getting uber-bent out of shape about it.

    • The writers have shown in the past that they’re willing to have the heroes act out-of-character to make the story work. That’s why there is some (rather deserved, imo) mistrust.

  10. thx for the youtube link 🙂

    there isnt much which is revealed through this sneak peek but im curious what sarah i gonna answer to that special offer 😀

  11. While the fan attention shows the passion and love for the show and the interaction of cast and crew to clear up fan quibbles is wonderful, where is the faith in the writers? Can’t we just have faith in the Chuck crew and wait till the next episode to see how it unfolds rather then be told “all is okay – everything will be fine!”

    We’ve had 4 seasons so far of great TV. Just a little faith for the 5th!

    Lets call a show out on when it jumps the shark when it happens and not when we see a promo that has probably been cut together to create sensation rather than consistency and subtle nuances in character.

  12. Yes. This show has an impeccable, established record of maintaining consistent, stable growth among it’s characters. No need for he gnashing. Wonder who penned the episode ?

  13. i sutch a mestake ending the series

  14. Hey, Chuck has been preempted this week in the Seattle market by a canned ‘news’ show and a rerun kids movie on regular and HD broadcasts. What gives, does anyone know??? With the show disappearing from the ‘On Demand’ option, we are SOL in the Seattle market. And will it come back?? Helllppp…..