SPOILERS: What is Chuck’s Final Nemesis Up To?

More Chuck finale teasers from Yvonne Strahovski in tonight’s TV Guide Mega Buzz.

What can you tell us about Braveheart’s Angus Macfadyen, the final villain on Chuck? — Harry
NATALIE: We turned to series star Yvonne Strahovski to get the scoop on his character, Nicholas Quinn, a former CIA agent-turned-mercenary. “He takes something away from Chuck and Sarah, and it may not necessarily be something physical.” For a guy who used to have a supercomputer in his brain, this could be really bad news

Does that ease any fears, Chucksters?

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  1. “Not necessarily something physical”
    So it could be…..their ability to quit the spy game?

  2. Ease fears? Well, not really since fans can come up with many horrible scenarios.

    Their loss could be
    – marriage, ability to be together
    – ability to live normal life
    – memories of each other and/or spylife


    • Nah, you know they’ll be together in the end, so it’s none of those. And I’d say it rules out a miscarriage.

      • I think it does rule out a miscarriage, yes.

        I just hope we don’t end up thinking it would have been the lesser evil. :p

  3. For one thing this is the same person who wrote that Sarah’s secret in Baby would fundamentally change the dynamic of C/S’s relationship forever.

    So I think we can safely say that she is not one to shy away from hyperbole.

    I still say that the thing that gets taken away is Casey. Not that he’s killed. I don’t think that. More than he’s lured away. But Ellie would fit that as well. Maybe their great opportunity takes them away.

    • Well, the quote is direct from Yvonne though, so she isn’t the one that said that in vs. Baby it would change they dynamic, right?

      Anyway, I am going to say maybe he takes Chuck’s memories somehow because it is a way for him to take the intersect? And Sarah has to restore them? Maybe revisit all their past memories (could explain the re-appearance of Weinerlicious, although why Chuck would be in the guy outfit, I don’t know – some type of dream/memory not being exactly as it was)

      That might be just a bit too close to a re-hash of Mr. Belgium or whatever his name was trying to take it from Chuck in kind of the same way in Phase 3

      Won’t be long until we find out!

    • Plus Casey is physical is he not? So I don’t see that.

      And thanks to JMC above for mentioning the memories, I like that.

  4. There’s a lot of nasty things you could do to a guy who used to (and sorta still does) have a computer in his brain.

    One guess, he could be trying to harvest the secrets still in his head. Sort of reverse engineering it.

  5. They can only take them away something physical or something material. If is not physical if have to be something material like the Buy More, Carmichael Industries, etc.

  6. There are only 2 possibilities: Physical o Material.

    If not Physical then must be material.

    • Don’t you mean immaterial?

      • I mean:

        If Chuck has not more the Intersect in his brain and loses the castle (propiety of Chuck and Sarah) with all the technological facilities they would have a big trouble or not???
        And this would be a material loss (no physical).

  7. You may also enjoy… “Carmichael Reborn.”

  8. Ok if it may not be something phyiscal than how about the ability to have children? I know that might be a bit dark and too dramatical for Chuck but possible?

    Otherwise I am sticking to my previous guess – which is the death of Mama B – (breaks up the family which is what the show has always been about and the theme in Season 5.

  9. All is possible I guess…

    But what if it’s just the Buy More?

    Chuck and Sarah would be in deep; no base, no cover, and no way to make money and buy that little house with the red door…

    It’s not physical, and it robs them of their future…

  10. This angst over the ending is kind of odd. If you examine any episode written by Fedak, you’ll note there is always one major context: To stay or to run. You see it in the premieres, in the finales and even in mid-season episodes like Graviton.

    So the show’s ending is predetermined: Chuck and Sarah run to keep themselves and their family safe. And no one will know where they go. There’s no little white house with a red door, the putative prize for this season. It’s satisfying but a little tragic, as Strahovski said.

    Running also solves Fedak’s worst episode (Pink Slip) by validating what Sarah wanted to do. It also reaffirms one of Fedak’s best lines, from the pilot, when he has Sarah saying: Tell them nothing to keep them safe.

    My two cents, anyway…

    • It makes sense in a way, but at the same time, I don’t think Chuck and Sarah are supposed to lose “everything”; and if it happens that way, it would mean that Chuck, Sarah, and the Bartowski clan have failed to beat Quinn and save their future.

      But I agree that they will have a choice; to run or to fight. And I think they will fight; just read the 5.13 synopsis.

  11. MaryFrann; your theory makes sense. All the teases we’ve encountered so far hint at a less than perfect ending. Fedak does like to keep the door open, leading to the next phase. We’ve seen that in every season finale. It makes total sense that he would send them on the run. It sets up ‘Chuck Versus The Movie’ if that should ever happen. It will certainly make all the fan fic writers ecstatic!

    • Or possibly even ‘Chuck Versus the Hello Again’ if the show was ever resurrected by another network….(we can dream can’t we…???)!

  12. It would be great if they made a CHUCK Movie .

  13. East Coast Captain

    I don´t think it has to do with their potential baby or else we would have known beforehand, the doctors obviously checked her after she recovered from the Norseman.

  14. I also completely agree with MaryFrann’s comments. I see a harkening back to the “I want a real life” theme of seasons 1 & 2. For season 5 so far, the spy life vs. normal life has been a choice, but what if that choice is taken away.

    For example. what if the cia has finally figured out that Chuck is actually “special” and is the only one who has been able to handle the intersect in his brain so they want him in just as he and Sarah want out. ( I recently re-watched chuck vs. the alma mater in which chuck’s professor tell’s bryce that “the cia is never going to let go of a candidate this promising” and makes a comment about “the amount of information he can retain” (perhaps from being accidentally tested on by his father as a child?) So what if they decide they need him and want to force him to put the intersect back in his head. It would be an interesting way to bring the intersect back around. Plus the having it all – Sarah plus the spy the life (and now the choice of spy life or normal life) may be what he has been working for for 5 years.

    So then they are faced w/ the choice as MaryFrann said- fight or run. Does the Bartowski curse catch up w/ them or will they tell Quinn that he can’t take away their freedom? (and hopefully not their lives either).

    I could see the choices that Casey and Awesome and Ellie make being stay or go type choices, but what I can’t figure out is what choice Sarah has to make and what is the new big secret?

  15. Using an intersect like device to erase the last 4 years of Chuck’s life would be NASTY. I certainly hope its not that, But it would expalin some of the spoilers.

  16. Ok, let me preface this by saying that this is the first time I’ve ever posted a comment on this (or any) forum message board, but i thought it was a good a time as any to start. I’m thinking that this Quinn character has to have some kind of prior connection to Chuck/the intersect/Orion/Frost/some prior plotline on the show. I don’t think they would insert a random stand alone bad guy for the final push, so here’s what I’m thinking…

    Nicholas Quinn was a spy involved with the early intersect team before leaving to start his own organization. He’s been watching Chuck for the last five years and getting information from sources within the CIA. He has also been able to design his own intersect 3.0, but it’s a sort of “dark intersect,” kind of like the one that turned Hartley into Volkoff. His plan is to upload it into Chuck, turning him into an uber spy/super weapon, but an evil one who will work for Quinn’s group.

    The theme of spy vs. regular life has been present throughout the life of the series, and Chuck has been able to more or less have it all–growing as a hero while still being the good guy he always was. This “dark intersect” would have the potential to destroy Chuck as we know him, thus takinging any chance of a normal life away from him (and Sarah). This would also be a way to make the intersect an important plot element once again. Chuck doesn’t need it anymore, but it was such an important part of the show for seasons 1-4, that it would make sense for them to bring it back in some form at the end. Chuck and company will, of course, be fighting to keep this from happening.

    I dunno, I could be off on the details, but I think the basic idea makes sense and would bring things full circle for the final push. Also, I’m going to guess we find out that when Quinn was at the CIA, he was the one who gave the order to kill Shaw’s wife (as part of a plan to turn Shaw against the CIA). I’m not sure if/how that relates to my other theory, but would make for a great twist.

    Sorry for the long post…

    • I have to say, that’s an excellent first post! Your spec does make a lot of sense. I could easily see this playing out over the final 4 episodes.

  17. My main question is if Quinn is a mercenary, who is he actually working for? what do they want? or are they just throwing the term out there and not actually making him a mercenary. That would be a shame. because it would be awesome to see him working for someone bigger and unexpected. but sadly the only person he could be working for would have to be Shaw…Sadly. Shaw is a great villain, but a fourth round would be disappointing.

    • @Calvin

      I think he’s a mercenary, but that doesn’t really mean he’s actually working for someone. He’s just a gun-for-hire, so to speak.. that works on his own.

      I’m hoping CA110 is right about his origin, though and it’s not just a final villain tacked on. I’m hoping we get some backstory on him other than “Wah, I didn’t get the intersect when Chuck did because of Bryce, wah”

  18. Maybe he buys the little house with the red door. Though, I guess that’s physical.