NBC released two new sneak peeks of this week’s episode of Chuck, “Chuck vs. Bo”, giving us an idea of what’s happening other than Bo Freaking Derek planting one on Morgan at a ski lodge. Sarah tells Chuck that she’s ready to start thinking about babies, and the team starts evaluating the future of Carmichael Industries as a possibly less shot-at company.

Didn’t they already decide to quit the spy life, like, 2 episodes ago?
No, they decided not to rejoin the CIA.
What if the paperboy doesn’t deliver your Sunday paper on time. Can you shoot him then 🙂
Yeah, they decided not to go back to the CIA, but their company of sorts still dealt with taking missions, and now I guess they’re talking about backing out of that. Loved these two clips. Top one was just so sweet, and bottom one was funny too. Their reactions about ‘kicking the creepy cousin’ were great!
please, can anyone put them on youtube? would be amazing…
The last few episodes (and the next one, I guess) have showed that Chuck and Sarah want away from the spygame, to live normal life.
I can’t help but think that that’s exactly what will be taken away from them, somehow. Maybe that’s why Yvonne said the ending wasn’t what she expected, since up to this point things have been building towards a happy ending where they retire and start thinking about having children.
Personally I would be highly disappointed if the finale didn’t give an unambiguously happy ending for the two. Chuck is a comedy with some drama here and there, and if the showrunners want an ambitious, shocking ending it doesn’t really fit the tone of the series, imo.
Does anyone mind giving me a link to the second clip? Can’t watch It. 🙁
Wait a bit; I’m sure someone will upload them to YouTube before too much longer.
How come I could watch the first clip but the second is blocked for my country. Youtube searching time it is then.
Looking forward to see this episode. I liked the synchronized coffee drinking.
I tend to agree with the idea that any semblence of a normal life will be taken away from them.
My idea is that Chuck gets the intersect back, and how do you not take action when you’re shopping at your local supermarket and flash on an international terrorist that is planning to blow up the city.
Just want to get everyone’s opinion, cuz I am on the fence myself with this.
If the series was not ending and based on everything we know about Sarah to this point, would it be out of character, that she would want to quit the spylife all together and on top of that is ready to have kids?
I had assumed they would go this route this season and I wanted it to be because it is a natural progression of story and character and not just because the series is ending.
What does everybody think. Natural? or Forced?
It’s an invalid question. The writers knew this was the end of the series, so they set about finishing Sarah’s character arc that was set in motion in the beginning: the desire for a normal life. Is it too soon? No, because they knew they were writing for the end. If we were getting a sixth season? Maybe, but then all of this season would have been written differently so she may not have been in the same place emotionally & mentally.
I understand what you are saying
So maybe the better question is: have TPTB done enough this season to convince you that Sarah Walker is ready for/wants kids and a completely “normal” life?
Yep. It’s the culmination of the character arc that started all the way back in the pilot.
I think it’ll be so boring if they decide to get away from the spy life. Or well, I guess I can understand Sarah, but I really hope Chuck stays involved in some capacity. Like that he just runs the company even, doesnt go on actual missions. But I feel like the series is leading up to Casey leaving with Verbanski and Chuck and Sarah finally getting that normal boring suburban life. It will just bug me because Chuck worked so hard to become a spy that it will be disappointing for me to see him give that up
It bugs me a lot to hear those words coming out of Sarah´s mouth… I mean, who´d have thought this character would have evolved in such a way from the moment she met Chuck to what she´s now. Not saying it is a bad saying, actually it´s a necessary step, but I can´t help but feeling how much I loved the old wiennerlicious Sarah Walker and the way she saw the world is still fresh to me.
Anyway, I´m happy for them 🙂
And now I want coffee.
You always want coffee. 😛
I don’t think it’s out of character for Sarah to want a normal life. She’s mentioned it on several occasions during the shows run. Chuck main motive for becoming a spy was so that he could be with Sarah. His desire for a normal was an underling theme as well. I think IF they leave the spy life it will be the fulfillment of what Chuck said to Sarah at the end of vs the Lethal weapon; “I am going to get this thing out of my head one day, I will. And when I do I’m going to live the life that I want with the girl that I love.”
Okay, after having seen the two clips, here’s my two cents:
Chuck Vs. Sarah is: Sarah wants to quit the spy life, Chuck is not so sure, and he’s not keen on having babies just yet.
The great loss they will have is the loss of Carmichael Industries; they want to ditch the Buy More already, and if it’s taken from them, it won’t change a thing, except if the Buy More is destroyed before they have moved their office elsewhere.
By the way, it was nice to see Sarah tell Chuck what she feels, and how much she is ready to have kids with her Chuck! No time to waste for Ms. Bartowski, right?
We’re missing some context here. From what Sarah said about Casey doing a lot of the same stuff as now, I’m guessing they’d be moving away from dealing with hostage rescue, dangerous criminals and terrorists to more counteracting corporate espionage.
If I’m right, they wouldn’t be completely leaving the spy life, just the bullets and explosions part of it.
Apropos to the last comment regarding the BUY MORE; anyone remember what the BUY MORE looked like in the key art released by NBC before season 5 aired?
Hi All,
I watched the 2 clips & it looks like a good episode. Regards Sarah wanting children – I have no issue with it interms of her character development. People keep refering to the Pilot & where Sarah has come from, well I look @ it thus:
When we meet Sarah for the first time she is warm & plesent to Chuck. But we learn that she is a hard ass. Now look @ the Pilot in the context of vs The Baby I think Sarah had made her mind up that she wanted a normal life in Graham’s office. When she saw Chuck for the 1st time she thought he would be a handy assignment (i.e. quick) & she could quit the CIA & get on with her life. Then she met Chuck, falling for her ‘Soul Mate’ right away hence the constant internal conflict. So Sarah wanting Children is believable for me.
Thats my two cents! What do people think?
I don´t think she originally dreamed normal life. But it comes her dream when she has spending time with Chuck. It´s like she said on babys end: You have changed me. So it´s because of Chuck.
Actually I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Personally, I think after vs. The Baby, she was gunna move on to the next mission without a moments hesitation. Sarah’s personaliy back then would have made it much easier to do so without any type of emotional attachment to her mother and the notion of
normalcy her mother remined her of. However, whether she knew it or not she was affected by those events with her mom, and when she met Chuck, it was the beginning of the end of spy life as she knew it.
Glad I don’t have any money on this.
Wow…Sarah just coming out and saying “I want to quit the spy life”…BAM! I felt just like how Chuck reacted!
Yes, I know we’ve been building toward this and the other plot points mentioned, but that was definitely unforeseen, at least for me.
Hey, just another reason why I love this show!
Hi All
I agree with what Sean & Ice Tear1 said that its all to do with the time Sarah spend with Chuck in the earlyer episodes has made her like she is now a much more careing person who would give her life for the man she loves with all her heart. Episode 10 looks like its going to be a great one cant wait just 1 more day left .
Alison ( Ali )
Correct if I am wrong but is that the same nightgown in the first video that Sara wore in Chuck VS The Truth
Wanting to leave the spy business and being able too are two different things I just think everytime a friend like Carina will asked for their help it will be hard to refuse or there could be an agent that will manipulate them by sending them top secret info just like Bryce did with Chuck. Lets not forget Shaw is still alive yes he maybe in isolation for the rest of his life but as long as he lives he is a threat to Chuck and Sara. I think Chuck and Sara will find leaving the spy business is like trying to leave the mob only way is in a bodybag. Remenber that great line by Al Pachino in the Godfather everytime I think I am out they keep pulling me back in
I feel like Chuck isn’t all that excited about starting a family, when Sarah brings it up, he just kind of looks at her and says “ok”…
I’m probably the only one who thinks this….
Also: In the second clip, it’s like they have a “Good ideas drinking game”. Hilarious.
the two clips were good and it is good to see comedic timming still going strong. what’s so good about it is that the actors all make it look so normal. i trust that the writers will end the show with a super ending and just maybe, in a year or two….a t.v. movie to catch up on our family of chuckster’s………now, that would be a treat…….
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Hi Mel
Good afternoon in the first clip the back ground music is it a Tim Jones and what is that lovely tune called it always playing when it chuck & sarah.
Alison ( Ali )
I believe it’s “Chuck and Sarah’s Theme”, which Tim uses for special moments between the two of them.
Thank u Mel sorry iam late getting back Ive just got in from my nephews 30th birthday party so thank u again Mel its such a lovely tune its 12.40am here in the UK .
Alison ( Ali )