WARNING: Spoilers ahead!
And then there were two. Next week the final two episodes of Chuck air, closing the book on our beloved characters. After “Chuck vs. the Bullet Train”, we have Sarah with suppressed memories believing that she works with Quinn; Team Bartowski racing against time to save her and prevent Quinn from getting the “pristine” Intersect; and Jeff and Lester in Castle. How will end?
[polldaddy poll=5862158](I put that last option in there just for our pessimists. 😉 )
See I have a question. With Chuck ending next week is it possible that NBC would ever want to reboot the series in like 10-15 years? ALSO is it possible Chuck could be made into a movie in the next couple years like how few , but some, shows are?
think the chances of either of those are .0001%. reboots are done of popular shows and lets face it chuck isnt popular. they could maybe choose a new show about spies but it wont be like chuck. and the same thing goes for a movie. as you said yourself very few shows get made into movies and i dont think chuck is one of them it is being allowed to resolve on its own terms, a thing many shows dont get (hence why many different fans demand movies even if they dont get them). Unless Chuck sells extremely well on DVD (ala Firefly) which it has shown no indication of doing, I dont see how there will be any demand for a Chuck movie from the perspective of the network. Its ratings are atrocious now. Why would anyone watch a Chuck movie besides die hard fans a few years from now. Sorry.
I agree with u on the Re-boot thing, will not happen. The Mvie idea though? I guess you have never heard of Firefly? One word for ya = SERENTIY
Idk if this has already been said somewhere in these comments, but I think in a recent interview Zac said a movie would not be out of the realm of possibility. I’ve also heard that Yvonne would be on board for a movie too. They don’t mean a huge blockbuster-type movie, but I think Zac said something about being willing to make an hour-and-a-half Chuck movie available for fans to download online. So we may get our Chuck movie after all, you never know!
I remember reading an interview with Chris Fedak some time around a will it/won’t it get renewed bubble period (can’t remember which season since it happened every time) where he talked about endings he liked. He said that his favorite kind of ending was open-ended. He likes when the story can continue, and cited the ending of Casablanca (“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”). I trust that the ending will leave fans satisfied, but will also leave us to our imaginations as we continue the story in our heads.
=) i like the way you end the story of our favorite spies.. at least now it is easier to let go although i really feel sad knowing that this would be the real finale of chuck..
In bubble seasons they always left it open. I think with scripting a true finale for a series where they “know” it’s the end, the writers have to go into wrap up mode in my opinion. There isn’t an 11th hour of renewal, this is it. So pull out all the stops for a BIG finish. I feel like that is the direction we are being led.
I wasn’t sure, but I’m thinking he made the comment on the ‘open ending’ with the fact that “Chuck” was in the bubble-state and never knew if it’d get renewed or not. Granted I’m not against open-ended sort of endings, but I do hope we get a resolution to.. a couple plot threads that were created tonight. Having it end on Sarah just beginning to get her memories back would make me a sad panda.
I agree, I voted for the “Sarah’s memories are restored and they get the house with the picket fence” option. I think they’ll definitely tie up the loose ends but will still leave a new story to last beyond the show.
Do I hear spin-off show anyone?
Katie- I agree with your agreement, and cast the same vote.
I too am sad that Chuck is ending. The only possible bright light is that NBC is letting the show end properly not like what happened to Vegas when the last show was a to be continued and it didn’t
Yes , a spin off or jeff ans lester taking over the spy job
hey,ino ,this doesnt have anytin to do with how chuck ends,but uno the way,zachary levi said it wud be really hom-agy to the first season,well on the 19th second of the promo,it looks as if casey and chuck are tied together and a being pushed off a balcony like in that episode 12 of season 1
The series finale promo had shots from the last 89 episodes, so, yes, you did see Casey and Chuck being pushed off the balcony. It was from ep 1.12.
You saw all that? I know I have bad hearing but I thought I could see okay.
BTW: There’s no option for anyone keeping the Intersect in your choices for how Chuck will end. I think it’s a possibility.
I don’t think there was a shot from every single episode, but the promo had moments from a bunch of previous episodes plus a few from next week. I’ll work on getting screencaps for everyone to analyze.
chuck will download 3.0 from Gen Bec and will save the day
I think based on the promo that my original theory is still in play.
Chuck will make her fall for him all over again.
I think you’re right. But the big question is, will Sarah fall in love with Chuck in the last 2 minutes of the finale? I’m really concerned about how satisfying the finale can be with this storyline. And I guess Sarah’s “secret” is that she has no idea who Chuck is and that she has to kill him. Really, I’d have liked this episode to start the season not end it 🙁 I’m sad all over again 🙁
Don’t be sad, lol. Naturally, I have no idea. But here is what I’m thinking.
By the end of the first hour, Sarah will know that Chuck is a good guy, he loves her, probably that they’re married, and Quinn is bad.
I’m thinking the 2nd hour is Chuck and Sarah together hunting down Quinn. I’m not sure how much memory Sarah regains. Probably some.
The big question I have is Mary. Is she bad? Working with (or more) Quinn? Is that why she left Steven?
In the promo, she pulls a gun on Sarah in Castle. I can’t think of any other reason why she would do that.
That’s one of the reasons I don’t think Sarah will regain her memory quickly. Mama B is back for the finale, so Sarah’s memory is still not there. Mama B would pull a gun on Sarah if she thought Sarah was dangerous, so she still must be a threat, no? Remember when we thought Chuck vs Sarah was going to be about Chuck and Sarah fighting because Sarah was pregnant and Chuck was being very protective? At least I thought that.
Okay, so this is all pure conjecture with almost no basis to support it.
But unless Mary is bad, right? She is working with Quinn. Maybe she left 20 years ago to run away with him. She wasn’t keeping tabs on Volkoff for Steven. He didn’t even know where she was. She was keeping tabs on him for Quinn.
I can’t for the life of me figure out why Mary would pull a gun on Sarah in Castle. From the promo, you would conclude that Sarah stops being a threat to Chuck when she decides that he does love her, right?
If Mary captures Sarah before that, it wouldn’t have happened, right? They would have put Sarah in a controlled environment and let Ellie have a crack at fixing her.
If it’s after that, what’s the point? Sarah is no longer a threat,
Isn’t their a promo of Sarah tying up or doing something to both Chuck & Morgan in Castle? They’re in gear, and I think Chuck is on his knees. Maybe Mama B comes in and points the gun at her then?
I don’t think that is Castle. It looks like an intersect room. It’s pure white. I’m not sure that it’s Chuck on his knees. I thought it might be Devon.
Maybe Mama B is standing guard, making sure Sarah doesn’t do anything more than what she’s been doing.. Maybe it isn’t so much that she doesn’t trust Sarah, it’s more that she is protecting her from doing more potential harm?
Did you ever think we’d be having a convo like this so late in the season?
hey guys, do any of u guys have a youtube link or something else where i can rewatch the season finale promo?
well , found it by myself 😀
have fun ^^
your right that is a much better version thanks
I think Sarah will not be able to recover her memory entirely. I also think that because of what she will have been through and because she will have been de-intersected she will not be able to function at the level she formerly did as a spy and will truly have to be “just a normal person” with Chuck. She won’t be a target to the spy world anymore because she will have no institutional memory of all those people and places and missions. It will be tragic but it will also be the ticket out for her–and with Chuck she will move forward to build a lifetime of memories with family and friends.
I agree with albrink on how Sarah will not perform as well as she used to, forcing her to be a normal person, but I think on top of that, chuck will have to download the pristine intersect from the government (possibly the intersect 3.0?) to save the day, and then the CIA will want to keep tabs on Sarah, so they assign chuck to be her handler, making Sarah the normal person and chuck the super spy, kind of like a complete role reversal, and of course, we will get confirmation that their relationship is back on track
No matter how many spoilers I read, this show never fails to shock me, just about flew out of chair at the end there. I know they will end it right, but I can see what Yvonne was talking about in her interview now. Just OMG, how are they going to fix it!?!
I think I need to rewatch, did Quinn surpress the memories or erase them??
He said he was suppressing them.
Oh ok, I can see the “easy” fix then. Of course this show never goes where I think its going to, haha. It swerves right when I think its going left and I’m left with my jaw on the floor.
I really don’t know. They said Sarah have the same intersect as Morgan and he did loose some memories ( bunch of unimportant movie stuff 😀 ) but because of that I think it would be only logical of Sarah is loosing some memories too ( but still do t want to see that ) when Quinn showed her these cards , he made her flash and her memories about the wedding and the Paris episode popped up and the only logic thing here would be if she Is loosing some too because Morgan did.
Sry for my bad writing , but I’m at the iPhone at the moment :/
I just HOPE that the writers end the show well & end the show the right way & make the fans happy.
As Bill said in an earlier thread & I agree with him… Chris Fedak written episodes in my opinion, are not always the best written Eps. or the most well done.
Fedak episodes & more importantly, the previous season finales for this show, have not been on my favorites list for Chuck.
Your’e up at bat one last time Chris.
Please end this wonderful show well & please end it right.
Make the fans Happy & Proud.
Just my opinion.
When Yvonne said (in earlier posts) that “something would be taken from Chuck and Sarah”, do you believe it is the Intersect that is taken from both of them?
My money is on the following:
Sarah’s memories are all but lost. There is a memory of that picket fence, her, Chuck and baby in front of a house on that piece of paper her and Chuck worked on deep inside her. That’s about the only thing that I can think of that the foreshadowing of this last episode gave us. I think she’s pregnant too. These things will help her to “remember” Chuck enough but he is going to have to win her over again. It’s heartbreaking and sad and if it ends on this note then maybe Ronald D. Moore will make a cameo with some rebooted cylons at the final scene giving us the ending we weren’t expecting or wanted.
Ellie, Awesome, Lester, Jeff and Morgan might head up Carmichael Industries. Wouldn’t rule it out. Morgan gets married, sure. Casey runs off with Verbanski. Mama B’s involvement I haven’t figured out. The CLEAN intersect may find a new host and it isn’t Quinn. Wondering what the CIA can do to help with this rogue agent and help Team Chuck. There’s a dangling carrot of danger on the stick. How far will we chase it into the finale? Bring on the 27th!
Her memories are suppressed, not erased.
Really ? Can’t remember the scene when anybody said that I thought she will loose some. Can u point out the scene were it was said Mel ?
Technically, isn’t Chuck’s intersect just suppressed too? Seems like they’re using that word in confusing ways.
I’ve had the night to ponder this some more Mel.
Morgan did “lose” memories like having watched Star Wars when this same version of the intersect damaged his memories. Remember Casey tricking him into watching Phantom Menace first because he had no memories of ever having watched them at all. The intersect he got frizzled out those memories. So memories will be “lost”.
However we then have Morgan able to get through the cloud and haze of the intersect to remember 8th grade and getting back at the girl who pants him when Chuck help him remember on that heli-pad rooftop. Perhaps the strongest memories are able to get back to the surface and are simply suppressed like you say Mel.
I think we’re both a bit right. She’s going to lose some stuff, the important stuff is suppressed though. However, I really do hope Chuck & Sarah end up together and take down baddie Quinn..
Yeah, I think there is a good chance that she will slowly regain some memory. the last scene in the promo was telling. Sarah said “You really love me,” like she was just realizing it was true. It was half question, half statement.
JEFFSTER on Tour All The Way!!!
I’m surprised that no one has commented on what I think is the key scene from the promo.
Chuck is standing there with Sarah holding what I assume is the real intersect, ready to upload it. I bet a lot of money that he doesn’t.
I hate to say it, but I think this last episode ending is completely predictable. Predictable in the sense of Chuck and Sarah’s relationship and how it is repaired. Honestly, I think the memories will be restored after seeing the picture. Thus the foreshadowed line “I’ll never forget this”
If the writers have foreshadowed the trigger for Sarah’s suppressed memories to returen, then why do you “hate to say” that you picked up on the cues that they embedded in the narrative structure? Rejoice in your intelligence, Ben!
Agreed. We know that picture has a purpose! It’s what is keeping me sane enough to watch the finale next week. Its a “picture with a purpose” like a stork on a cork.
I would love if it ends with the whole family together with lots of flashbacks about how lucky they are that they ended up together. Last flashback would be the scene where Chuck and Sarah were at the beach and it would end up for the words ”I need you to do one more thing for me. Trust me, Chuck.”
Sarah fully regaining her memories is the only acceptable answer. The other option would destroy the whole show for me.
Then I guess you’ll be happy with the ending. 🙂
lol i like how you think, mel! i’d hate for the show to end any other way!
Thank you Mel for your words. You’re the reason that I’m not freaking out yet, lol. I’ll miss so much Chuck, 🙁
Very nice, Mel.
I’ve got my own way of how I hope it’ll end, but I’ll keep it to myself. Either way.. I’m so pumped for the episodes. I imagine it’ll be heartbreaking to see Sarah go all Mr. and Mrs. Smith on Chuck.. but hopefully he’ll be able to trigger something to stop her from her onslaught. Maybe his rule of not hitting a woman will make Sarah go.. “Wait, how could you cause troubles on my last mission, then?”
That’d add for some comedy!
my opinion:
Just like in “The O.C.”, in the series finale, Ryan sees a kid just like him from when he was younger and then the series ends implying that the show “The O.C.” repeats itself with this new kid. I think “Chuck” might end in a similar way like they’ll go 20 years in the future and Chuck will be some genius who goes off with some crazy experiment (like his mom and father did) and then Sarah will be stuck with the kids (like Chuck’s dad) but then the story of “Chuck” repeats with one of Chuck and Sarah’s kids like “Chuck” is happening all over again.
I think that would be an AMAZING ending. I definitely want to see a flash-forward since they know this will be the last episode and Chuck and Sarah will be married and have kids. It would be so cool! What do you guys think?
That is why it is called Chuck VS Sarah, Sarah might fight Chuck and maybe Casy or Morgan in the start of Chuck VS Sarah then they finally get that memories thing back and save Sarah. Then Chuck VS the goodbye ):
Im with the majority of everyone else on here. I think that at the end of Chuck Vs. Sarah, Sarah will get her memory back and than Chuck vs. The goodbye will be the team finishing off Quinn. Than how i hope they end it is some sort of flash foward with Chuck and Sarah having a child together and the child is like 4 or 5 and you see them “flash” like somehow there kid has the intersect and can do kung foo.
One other thing i dont get though is that at the end of Season 4 Decker told Chuck that everything that had happened to Chuck was part of a CIA plan for him even his Chuck’s father being killed im hoping they actually explain that part in the finale.
Im just dying right now. Can’t believe that happened! & I loved reading everybody trainees. It just made me so excited to watch next Weeks episode. It’s gonna be a long week.
I hope there’s a flash forward too of chuck Sarah and the kids. And I hope Sarah gains her memories back because she and chuck are the most adorable couple.
Morgan becomes Jeff and Lesters handlers.
Jeff accidentally downloads the Intersect.
In the episode, when Chuck asks Sarah if she remembered the picture he drew of their future. Sarah responded, “Yeah, I wouldn’t forget that.”
I think that this was foreshadowing of what will come. I think that Chuck will be the last think that Sarah forgot, just like Sarah was the last person to leave Chuck in Chuck versus Phase Three. Because she knows her name as Sarah, we can assume that Chuck will still be in her memories, vaguely. Sarah, who was always a suspicious person, will do some searching of her own before believing Quinn. She will discover who Chuck really is, and will use her new position with Quinn to help to ultimately defeat him, and live the quiet life with Chuck.
…OR Sarah tries to kill Chuck and some crazy sh•t’s gonna happen!!!! LITERALLY CAN’T WAIT FOR NEXT FRIDAY!!!!!
“After a harrowing mission Sarah returns to Chuck with a huge secret that could affect their lives forever”- that other website describing the last two episodes to come. Also, Sarah says to someone (I believe Quinn)- “you stole my memories”.
To me the key words are “returns” and “forever”. So she goes on the mission for Quinn, gets through it and somehow returns (not rescued) to Chuck, and the life affecting secret is that her memories have been stolen forever. Not pregnant as I previously thought. The memories are what have been taken from them. My latest, and hopefully last, guess. I believe I am not the first one with this thought.
I think the whole point of the ” Train Quickie ” was that Chuck and Sarah
conceived a child.
YS: “I would say it’s a pretty logical step, yeah. I’m sure if we had Season 6 we would go into baby land.”
That’s what Yvonne said in a recent interview. Reading between the lines, that seems to hint that there will be no babies this season. Unless she’s just being secretive.
I’m hoping it’s the final scene in the finale. Looking for anything to have a baby Bartowski. But it’s looking more and more unlikely, isn’t it?
Why more and more unlikely? I mean, obviously Sarah’s not going to have a baby in the 3 or 4 days most of the next two episodes cover, but they can flashforward as far as they want at the end.
That’s predicated on the premise that there will be flash forward. Could happen I suppose, but there’s lots to cover in 2 episodes, and based on promos, it looks like Sarah still will be without her memories in the final episode, as Mama b has a gun pointed to Sarah in the finale. It’s possible, but lots of story to cover that’s all. You’re an eternal optimist Mel, and I’ve always appreciated that, and I’ve found it helpful most times. Don’t know if have faith that this finale will be satisfying. So intense and tragic. I can admit, I wanted Chuck and Sarah to have their house, baby and normal life. Just not in a flash forward.
I think Awesome will die thinking hes not in chuck versus the goodbye and it seemed on the promo chuck said to ellie what are u doing while ellie were in a car that might have been crashed maybe because ellie is so depressed about awesomes maybe death she tried to commit suicide
Yeah, I don’t think we’ll be seeing any suicide attempts from Ellie.
OK so this is what i really hope happens: Chuck and Sarah get their picket fenced house n Sarah remembers etc etc but she is also pregnant how awesome would that be??!!!
Hi All,
Im still Angry @ the predictablity of this episode & the ease & speed at which Sarah could loose herself – I know its Quinn’s fault. So now we have Sarah as she was before Chuck “changed” her on the hunt for him just like that? We have Chuck trying to take down Quinn & guide Sarah back to her former self in the series finale?
Hope they writers can reach that destination in two episodes without glossing over to many issues – Doubtfull!
Sean- It seems everybody (myself included) is woried about there being too much to cover to cram in the last episodes. I think that it is natural for all of us to feel that way because our show is coming to an end and we do not want it to end. That helps create this natural apprehension we have. Just a guess. Being OVER sucks.
I know everyone is entitled to their opinions but come on Chucksters, it is all about to end and we should just enjoy the final 2 hours of what has been an amazing TV series.
Yes there are plot holes and yes we have an amnesia plot but this is Chuck and for 5 years we have stuck with it so why not just enjoy these last 2 hours are pure TV entertainment!!
As for the amnesia plot, I think it is a good way for the writers to have these final episode to pay homage to the earlier season and it started with Sarah’s apartment at the end of this episode.
SO to all you true Chucksters out there who agree with me…. bring on next Friday!!!
Agreed mr2boynz! Time to sit back and enjoy the last part of an amazing ride.
The latter is more important I think!
Regarding the effect the Intersect is having on Sarah – I think Quinn was trying to erase Sarah’s memories with the cards to make her more complant! I reckon when she & Chuck escaped – the image Chuck showed her made Sarah repress her memories. Chuck was thinking save you later Sarah.
IF I had it my way The last show would be everybody is looking back at everything that has happen over the years. like when Chuck and sarah first met and so on. well dose this sound good to all of you? or what?!!!.
I just went through the promote frame by frame and wow…. you see a lot of spoilers!
haha i did this myself , i had the same idea and yeah indeed u see some important stuff but some scenes from the promo u still cant explain..
im totally freaking out tbh… cant wait one week and im soo sad seeing that chuck ends.. no more new episodes.. omg :(((
Like what? Sheh some light please??
Here is what I think will happen.
Recall: In Chuck vs. Phase Three, when the Belgian was erasing all of Chuck’s memories, his friends was the first to go, then Ellie and Awesome, and Sarah was last. The writers of Chuck seem to think that love is the last thing that people forget.
This is what I think Sarah was thinking in the last scene. She woke up, not knowing where she was. When Quinn entered, she was very suspicious, but tentatively believed him. But when she saw the picture of Chuck, she vaguely remembered him as being a good person, and decides to do some digging into what really happened to her before she follows orders. Sarah has always been a suspicious person, and would not likely kill someone just because the handler that she doesn’t remember tells her to. (And if Sarah only lost 5 years of memories, she would still remember her previous handler, only making her more suspicious.) She will find out the truth from surveying Chuck’s life, and searching his/their apartment, and her memories will begin to return. Meanwhile, she will use her position as Quinn’s hit man to take him down. (This is why Mother B will be pointing the gun at Sarah, Sarah will have to do some work for him.) Maybe for all this to happen, Chuck will have to fake his death to assure Quinn that Sarah believes him.
In the end, Quinn will lead Sarah to where the glasses are, with Carmichael Industries on their tail thanks to Sarah. Chuck and Sarah will get the glasses, and Chuck will be torn to whether he should use them. Sarah will see how much he wants the Intersect, but ultimately he will not download it. She knows that Chuck loves her, but is hazy on the details. He will almost download it, and then have a Chuck’s Feelings Speech on why he should not, referencing to their future, and their kids. This is why she says “You really love me.”
The series will hopefully end with some flashbacks to their love as Sarah remembers them, their wedding, Paris, the almost proposal, and hopefully a flash forward?????
Should be a great end to a great series, T. MINUS 6 days…
Remember the episode of chuck called phase 3? Chuck had is memory suppressed as well but I believe his memories were triggered by Sarah. Seeing sarah made him remember all the imporatnt stuff. My guess is that the picture they drew on the train will trigger her memory, like a “flash” sorta kinda.
New theory that just popped into my head. Sarah kills Casey before her memories come back. When they do, she and Chuck decide that Intersect technology is too dangerous for anyone to have. They and their extended family destroy the government Intersect, then have to go on the run.
Hi All,
Here’s my pitch for the Series Finale:
Sarah enters Buy More (et al vs The Intersect) to set up a date with her “Target” (Chuck) with the intention of going all “Black Widow” on Chuck but Sarah is thrown when Chuck recogonises her & knows more about her than she does. Sarah begins to questions things when Chuck brings her home – seeing photos of their life together stops her! At the end of vs Sarah Ellie deintersects her. In vs Goodbye Beckman informs Chuck that the CIA have a “Kill Order” out on Sarah (et al Morgan – Bearded Bandit)! In order to protect Sarah & keep it out of Quinn’s hands Beckman authorises Chuck to Reintersect himself! As a result we have role reversal! Season 1’s Tag line was: “He’s the Secret She’s The Agent” Now Sarah is the secret!
What do people think?
The whole season has been about going towards normal life, they’re not going to turn around 180 degrees.
You see themes develop over seasons. This one has been Sarah wanting a normal life for her and Chuck. In the empty house and other discussions between them in season 5. Things are moving to them leaving the spy game. As tough as that may seem to do right now.
One last mission….
I totally agree with this ending, I think that with her memories erased, a side effect is that she won’t be able to perform at the level she used to as a spy, so she is forced to be a spy, and then since there is a kill order out on her, chuck is forced to download the pristine intersect from the government (possibly the intersect 3.0?) to protect her, but I think in addition, we will see her remember key memory’s of her and chucks relationship (first meeting in buy more, Paris, wedding etc.) and then after she gets those back, the last scene will be of her and chuck on the same beach from the pilot episode, and chuck looks at her and says “I need you to do one more thing for me, trust me Sarah”
in the preview, It looks like Casey is in a plane or something with the controls going out saying “get us down”.
wasn’t there something about them getting an orange plane and some jumpers
form some sky diving place.
Yes there was! Nice connection! putting the puzzle pieces together
I just flashed on it
Do you think Carmichael Industries will team up with Verbanski and be like the tech side for her. Then Jeff and Lester can join the team. All the work will been done safe under the buy more.
I have another isuue, and oldie but a goodie I think):
In the season 3 finale, while fighting Shaw, Chuck has a flashback. In it, Stephen Bartowski a.k.a. Orion a.k.a. Chuck’s dad walks in on Chuck downloading a prototype intersect – and is amazed by the fact that he is not harmed at all. During season 2, Fulcrum is totally preoccupied with finding candidates who can survive the transition into becoming the Intersect. With everybody else who downloads the Itersect suffering more and more brain damage, maybe Chuck will somehow really be revealed as the “True Intersect” and remember the Intersect that was supressed in season 4….
thoughts, anyone?
P.S. – sorry for the long post, just wanted to make sure everyone remenbers where I’m coming from…
I’ve thought about it over night and i think this is how the finale will be. They’ll do an epilogue and Chuck and Sarah have there baby and white picket fence. Alex, Morgan Casey and Ellie and Awesome all come over for a family dinner and they smile and it seems like they got what they wanted..but beckman shows up on there Tv screen and and tells them about some mission and that they need the best spies which is them…they all smile at each other and decide to go on the mission and you see them kinda pack there bags and leave the room then it ends kinda like showing how in the end they all got what they wanted but deep down they’re spies at heart.
Well, I think that Sarah is pregnant… I’m quite sure. Because there’s no way she wasn’t pregnant when they saw the pregnancy test result… And then she told Chuck that she didn’t want to “spy” anymore, I think she did it because she’s pregnant, but their last mission went waaaaaaay too wrong!
There’s no way she would have lied to Chuck about that, and then endanger herself and the baby by going to missions.
There’s still a slight chance that she’ll be pregnant in the finale (the train scene could have foreshadowed that a bit), but based on Yvonne’s comments about babies being season 6 material I don’t think so.
I wanted and had hoped for this all season. But it’s looking less likely, isn’t it 🙁 Now I have to hope we just get a satisfying finale.
Hi All,
Just watched the promo for the series finale! I reckon Chuck reintersected himself to take Quinn down. Watch Chuck looking @ the Intersect glasses – look @ the tips of the ear peices they are big & rounded – I think they are Ellie’s suppression device! Sarah is pregent as a result of Chuck & Sarah’s playtime on the train. Thats the secret!
I think they’re alluding to that, but it’s not enough time for her to know by ep 12, since I think days have only passed since their playtime on the train. I think it’s implied that they got pregnant and since there’s no time to tell that part of the story, it leaves with the idea that they are. I think her secret is that she doesn’t know who Chuck is and is supposed to kill him. And yes, I am obsessed with Chuck and Sarah having a baby. Wanted it since they said “I do,” in S4 finale.
Omg. I am so in shock.
Has anyone else noticed that the room that sarah woke up was her hotel room in the begining of the show? the days before she moved in with chuck.
I really hope for a Happy Ending. we deserve it !
I would like to see Chuck and Sarah with babys ofcourse 😀 .
I hope the last sentence of the show will be : DONT FREAK OUT !
ahahaha . 😀
well 26.1.12 ….
Really hope that there is also explained how Chuck is special. I remember seeing on youtube how someone ask that at comic con but they couldn´t answer then how his brains are different. But I´m happy that Sarah was made to forget and not break up with Chuck like Morgan with Alex.
I pick “Everyone dies. This is the worst series finale ever.” and we find out Nicholas Quinn is just a Alias and he is really Robert Greenblatt president of nbc
I went through the promo and paused at every clip, and wrote it down for those of you who haven’t gotten a chance to do that yet. Clips from previous episodes run with the text, and the new clips start about 12 seconds in, after the word “this.” Based on some of the clips, I think Sarah will be back to normal by the second episode.
– Chuck and Sarah are standing there while Chuck is holding a pair of Intersect glasses that says “activating.”
– There is some kind of screen that has the word “locked” on it.
– General Beckman is back!
– Chuck and Sarah are running down the stairwell of a building.
– Sarah is fighting someone in the Weinerlicious. I can’t tell who it is, but it looks like either Casey or Quinn.
– Two silver cars crash.
– Chuck gets out of the Herder and runs to Ellie. He screams at her, “What were you thinking?” Ellie’s car might be silver.
– Chuck and Sarah are dancing.
– Chuck’s mom is holding a gun to Sarah inside Castle, and Sarah says to her, “You stole my memories.”
– Sarah kicks Chuck, and he falls back. His head crashes into a mirror and breaks it. They might be inside the house, but I’m not sure.
– Casey hugs Chuck inside Castle. Chuck looks surprised, and Sarah is standing behind him also looking surprised.
– Sarah is holding Morgan at gunpoint inside a white room. Someone is kneeling down behind them. You can only see this person from behind, but it looks like it may be Chuck.
– Chuck is holding a gun while wearing the Weinerlicious vest and bowtie.
– Morgan is standing somewhere with a purple wall, and an orchestra is behind him.
– Casey is in a helicopter and wearing protective eye gear. He yells, “Get us down!”
– Chuck is sitting in a crowd that is cheering and clapping. It appears that the shoulder of the person sitting next to him belongs to Casey.
– Sarah either asks or tells Chuck, “You really love me.”
Hope this helps some people. I can’t wait to watch this!
white room . . . CIA Intersect room?
It looks like the Intersect-room!! 🙂
Lindsay: thanks for posting all that work (fun). It saves my eyes.
If they are in ‘their’ house, Sarah will see the marking in the railing that says SARAH + CHUCK and will believe what Chuck says!!!!
Chuck is holding a pair of suppression glasses. Ellie and Devon have a silver Sienna. Beckman looks like she’s held hostage crying because of a bomb?. Chuck is kneeling down in the intersect room while Sarah’s holding a gun to Morgans head. Chuck is standing in the crowd with possible Casey. All other bullet points are correct. i can’t wait for friday either.
Lindsay. Chuck is holding suppression glasses. Ellie and Devon own a Silver Sienna. General Beckman looks like she is held hostage crying because of a bomb ?. Sarah is holding a gun to Morgans head while Chuck is kneeling in the intersect room. Chuck is standing in a crowd next to Casey ? All your other bullet points are correct. I can’t wait for Friday either.
– Chuck’s mom is holding a gun to Sarah inside Castle, and Sarah says to her, “You stole my memories.”
is that one clip or 2 clips. click one Chuck’s mom is holding a gun to Sarah inside Castle. clip 2 arah says , “You stole my memories”. To Quinn maybe?
I agree. It’s two separated scenes.
Definitely two different scenes. MamaB is in Castle. The “you stole my memories” is someplace else and Sarah is holding a gun. Still doesn’t mean it’s not MamaB she’s talking too.
That would be a huge twist and answer a lot of questions.
My bad 🙂 . I realize now that those are from 2 different scenes and that Sarah has a gun in the second one.
BILL AT WORK- I think the scene you are talking about where Sarah says “you really love me?” to Chuck is the key line about what really is going down. I think you are right. Sarah doesn’t remember that Chuck really loves her, and the look on Chucks face tells it all. He realiizes Sarah isn’t really clear about who he is. His look is so painful. Like “Oh no , Sarah doesn’t know I love her or who I am in her life. She is really suffering”. But, we know Chuck will bring her back to him and maybe even all others important in her pre Intersect life.
I don’t think that they would take Sarah’s memory away forever. These five seasons have really focused a lot on her growing as a character, and they wouldn’t ruin five years of that in the last episodes! Or at least that’s what I’m trying to convince myself… :S 🙂