We’ve updated the Chuck season 5 music page with songs from the final two episodes along with download links.

We’ve updated the Chuck season 5 music page with songs from the final two episodes along with download links.
Tags Chuck vs The Goodbye finale music
A couple of weeks ago, I posted about the possibility of Nerd HQ’s return. Well, …
Thanks. The orchestra was playing the final movement from Dvorak’s “From the New World” Symphony.
I was so happy to hear Gold on the Ceiling by The Black Keys on the last episode! A song from my second favorite album from 2011 🙂
What is the song playing in the final episode when sarah and chuck are at the beach – before the flash backs start.
The sad piano piece?
That was written by Chuck composer Tim Jones.
Beach song is Rivers and Roads by The Head and The Heart.
I just cant’t believe they took Rivers & Roads for the ending. It’s such a great band that has toured a lot to get their music around. Brilliant choice there.
What is the song in the last scene of Chuck vs. Sarah when she says she doesn’t “feel it”?
That’s part of the show’s score, written by Chuck composer Tim Jones.
Mel i posted it before but it was overtaken by other comments because i posted it in the chuck support group so i’ll ask again 🙂
I remember there was a post some time ago where you mentioned how to pre-order chuck season 5 on DVD but i cant find it. Do you still have a link for that? And can I pre-order it in Australia?
Last question is i’ve always wondered how you got the music to each episode, does Chris Fedak or somebody send a list of songs to you after the episode has aired or do you find them yourself?
You can pre-order season 5 here: https://chucktv.net/chuckseason5dvd
We don’t have a release date yet, but I think that will be announced soon. Give it a try in Australia and see if it works.
The song lists are provided by someone from the show, which is fortunate because I’m terrible at recognizing songs!
Thank you so much Mel 🙂
That last song “Rivers & Roads” is absolutely fantastic.
What was the song that Lester was singing to keep the bomb from exploding??
Click the link above and you’ll see the full list of songs and when they occurred.
I read somewhere that Fedak and Schwartz were going to try and convince Warner Brothers to do a DVD box set of the five seasons. Not sure how that would go over as a lot of us already have most, if not all, of the seasons on DVD. So, as far as I’m concerned, they would need to include something special to get me to fork over more of my dough. Something special like a Tim Jones Soundtrack CD. If the box set had that, I think it would be a win for the fans and Warner Brothers.
Thanks Chuck for making me discover “Gold on the ceiling”. Goes perfectly with the scene. I have been listening to it since the end of the finale.
I think this internet site holds some really fantastic information for everyone : D.