Jon Stewart: “Satan decided this would be the last season of Chuck”

You have to love Jon Stewart’s willingness to let his geek flag fly. We already knew he was a Chuck fan, and on last night’s episode of The Daily Show, Jon got in a well-aimed, if a few weeks late, barb at the decision to cancel Chuck. Clearly, Satan was behind it.

Thanks to Tom for the head’s up!

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  1. Even if I wasn’t already a fan of the Daily Show, this would definitely make me one. Kudos, Mr. Stewart! 😀

  2. So if Satan cancelled Chuck, does that imply that Satan was also the one who kept the show running? If so then exactly who’s souls did Schwartz and Fedak sell? Anyone spotted any fine prints in the show opening that would state that “by watching this show you commit your soul to Satan” or similar.

    • It could be argued S&F sold their souls to squeeze out a 4th and 5th season of Chuck. However that was in their contracts with WB and did not involve viewership who instead gave their cash to Subway to support it and not our souls. Just saying.

  3. Canadian Chucksters can watch the video on The Comedy Channel website. The section mentioning Chuck starts around at 8:36.

  4. Hi, any chance of a link which works in the U.K.?

  5. Satan canceled Chuck… Hmmm… could be, I’m not 100% on board with that theory yet but it has some merit.

    I’m still holding with the theory though that the Mayans predicted the end of Chuck in 2012. Yes people, it wasn’t the world ending, it was the end of Chuck. What other cataclysmic event could they Mayans have been referring to? It HAD to be Chuck. They knew it would end. Also in the seven Mayan prophecies they predicted the mess of the Season 3 Shaw/Sarah storyline under the guise of a Mayan prediction “that the behavior of all the humanity would change quickly.” This explains why Sarah was so eager to get with Shaw on the rebound and out of character. Chuck and others acting strangely as well. Unfortunately the year predicted was wrong though.

  6. lol that was great!

  7. Awe, the video won’t work for me. I saw the old one, and that’s pretty swank that he’s an outted Chuck fan.

  8. Yes, it was definitely satan. I mean, who else would cancel CHUCK?

  9. I can’t get the video to play it’s stuck on loading.

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  11. Is there a different link to watch this? Content is blocked…

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