This week’s episodes of TVLine’s Spoiler Alert! video includes Zachary Levi joining Michael Ausiello, Matt Mitovich, and Parenthood‘s Sam Jaeger to talk about his new pilot, Let It Go. He also addresses the fan reaction to the Chuck series finale and gives his interpretation of that final scene.

One thing you got to admit weather you liked the finale or not is that the fanfiction writers have come up with some great stories of what they think happend after the final almost all are postive stories. Also let’s face it if they do make a movie they will have lots of story to tell no just about Sara’s memory but with Chuck having the intersect again his desire for a normal life will be more difficult. I can’t see Chuck flashing on a bad guy that’s intent on harming innocent people and Chuck not doing anything about it. Much like Peter Parker or Clark Kent can’t ignore threats either
To BillAtWork and Lianne- I wrote a comment to Mel back on the 25th (which got lost in the system for a couple of days). It pertains to your conversations about the ending and Bill being a writer. I am a strong anti-ending person so I would like you two to hear what I said to Mel.
Addressed to Mel: at one point you were saying to BillAtWork something about meeting Chris Fedak might help Bill understand Chris’ integrity. I would absolutely love to hear a discussion between Chris and Bill, because I feel Bill is someone who could do a great job for those of us that are anti-ending fans. It would be great for your Podcast. Let Bill make a couple of statements and get to have a couple of replys to Chris’ replys (statements). Perhaps it sounds haibrained, but I believe it would be great for the show and its fans. Thanks Mel.
At no time did we see Sarah remember her feelings for Chuck. End of 5.12 she tells him she “doesn’t feel it” that’s huge. She didn’t lie..why on earth would she lie to her husband? This isn’t s2/s3 relationship where she’s worried about getting close to someone and what it would do to her being a spy. This is her husband and if she remembered feelings she wouldn’t have lied.
5.13 we continue to see her having no feelings for Chuck. First giving him a gun and telling him to shoot Quin. S3 we know she came back to Chuck because he wasn’t a killer so this clearly shows she doesn’t remember him at all. We see her trying to escape castle without Chuck; again this show she has no feelings for him. How am I expected to take the leap that her asking Chuck to “tell me our story” is more than just wanted to remember and nothing to do with her having feelings for him. The kiss that many are pointing to showing they she cares/loves him isn’t what I saw since we saw before the kiss Chuck telling her about Morgan’s theory; so her asking Chuck to kiss her was her willing to try anything to get her memories back.
This is TV, we WATCH the writers story; so it shouldn’t be a surprise that many expected the writers to finish showing us the story..not have us guess/imagine. I wasn’t expecting everything to be wrapped up in a nice “bow tie” but to leave the core of the show; Chuck and Sarah’s love story unresolved is wrong.
Exactly. They didn’t earn us feeling good about the last scene.
Contrast Push Mix. I knew that Sarah wasn’t asking herself if she wanted to marry Chuck. I knew that she already had decided that. They were effectively engaged at the end of Phase Three. All I was watching was the celebration. So didn’t need to see any more than I did. I was perfectly happy to imagine them leaving that hospital and doing what it is that couples do to celebrate their engagement. Probably had a nice dinner, went home and then really celebrated. I didn’t need to see that to know that it happened.
But in Goodbye, the very first moment when we felt that Sarah was even thinking about staying was when she asked Chuck to tell her a story. Literally, the episode, the season, the series was over a minute later.
And the frustrating thing is that they could have earned it. They has plenty of chances to let us feel Sarah falling for him again. I didn’t feel it at all diring the Quinn mission or even the dance. If that’s what they were going for, I’d say it didn’t come accross well.
And this is where I’m thinking that had someone else wrote the finale, we would have felt it more. I’m think a LeJudkins finale would have had maybe the same scenes but a different feel.
Did you ask any questions for Chris Fedak? I hope so, because you really capture the disappointment and sadness some of the viewers felt so well, that I think if you asked any questions, I might actually be satisfied with the response Fedak gives you. I couldn’t get past wanting to tell him he owed me $125 for all the Subway sandwiches I bought, and I’d like to be paid back in $5 bills. So I asked nothing.
You see that she feels the same watching and telling in the log before going to see Chuck. So it´s obvious that she lies. And the reason is that she thinks herself as before S1 Sarah and isn´t capable to deal her emotions. So she knows their married but it´s too huge for her to deal with without remembering it.
So feelings are visible but she don´t know what to do about it. So that´s why she is trying to run away almost whole time.
I was disappointed with the ending as well and others have already said plenty about why so I won’t repeat it here. I do have some other points though, see if you guys agree.
There are two things that really bothered me about Sarah’s memory loss story line. I don’t mind memory loss as a plot device but, too me, there were some major problems with the way that story unfolded.
First, I thought there were so many ways, very obvious ways, for Chuck and the gang to convince Sarah that they’re history and relationship was real. Chuck could have said that he knew her real name, about her high school experience, history with Bryce and most importantly that he knew her father, her mother AND the Euro baby she saved whom she kept completely secret. He could have just had Sarah speak to either of them like, “Yo what up Sarah’s mom or dad, your daughters being silly and you gotta tell her what’s what”. I think Sarah would know that she wouldn’t reveal those things to just anyone.
Second, I felt that Sarah’s relatively easy acceptance of Quinn’s story was inconsistent with her intelligence and suspicious nature. I say relatively easy because a little brawling and throwing out of the window is pretty much standard operating procedure for these guys. Seriously, basically all Quinn said was, “You lost your memory, here’s a video of you but that’s the only one because uhhh I lost the rest and by the way everybody else who knew about this is dead” I have to believe that Sarah would have tried to find out more about the past FIVE years of her life instead of just going on some guy’s word. She would have found out pretty quickly that she wasn’t even working for the CIA anymore.
Those are two of the major points that were just to noticeable to ignore. It just made the whole story line seem forced and hard to believe which made the ending even more frustrating. I know it’s fiction and it’s best not to be nit picky but there still has to be a basic level of consistency and logic right? The memory loss thing could have been a perfectly good plot if handled correctly.
I still love the show and most of the ending was fine though. Oh and that Japanese train employee who just ran off when his passengers were in trouble should be ashamed of himself!
What do you guys think?
Hi All,
I attend to agree with Mcagnes. If the writers had included knowledge of Sarah’s Parents & Sister – then I think she could have had her very own Phase Three style dream secquane which could have ment Chuck was able to cut through some of the fog the Faulty Intersect left behind. I think that would have left fans who question the ending in a happier place. I not suggesting Sarah would have gotten all her memories back but at least Chuck would have gotten his foot in the door so to speak soomer than he did.
What do people think?
Regards a potental Chuck Movie, I read an article (dated 24th of Feb.) on a website that Zach Levi is still driving the Idea pretty hard from what I can gather! I Like the idea that Zach is “fighting” for the “Chuck Movie” project. What do the rest of ye Chucksters think out there?
Really hoping for the movie.
That is the biggest question I think in the finale that how Sarah believed Quinn so easily. Maybe it´s just that it was easier than the real truth to believe and she was still confused about everything after Quinn´s handling.
In a previous comment it was noted that it is unlikely that there will be a movie or other follow-up to the Chuck series and as much as I don’t like it, this is probably true. Given this, the last scene of the finale is probably the last time we will see Chuck and Sarah together. I can’t honestly say that Chuck seemed happy, in fact he seemed to be trying desperately to aviod the possibility that he had lost the most important person in his life. Sarah was not the Sarah we came to know and while she may have wished for what she had with Chuck to come back, she also seemed almost resigned to the the fact that as she said her life was ruined by having her memories taken. If this is the last time we see Chuck and Sarah, this is not the way I would like to have seen it, I would prefer that my memory would be of a happy couple.
I agree … I’d have liked to see a happy ending. This one was not happy. It was “hopeful”, “satisfactory”, whatever, but not happy. Actually, I didn’t find it “satisfying” either – a term many have used to imply it was a good ending. All it would have taken for me would have been, say, for Sarah during the kiss to caress or hold Chuck’s face with her hands as she did on previous occasions, e.g. in Other Guy, to show that she had feelings for him. In the final scene, Sarah was being kissed, she was not investing much herself, physically, in the kissing.
Sarah initiated the kiss – “Chuck, kiss me” – so I’d say she was invested.
Invested in trying to remember; not because of love. In the previous 80 or so minutes, did you ever see her remember her love for Chuck? Only thing we saw toward the end was her being willing to remember. That’s a big diiference than falling in love. If she asked Chuck to kiss her without hearing Morgan’s theory, maybe could make the leap she was falling back in love after his story.
Why even have a season 5 if they were going to erase the last five years we invested in Sarah and Chuck? They didn’t resolve any of season 5 story arcs. Based on the ending the last 10 episodes didn’t happen; heck the last 5 years didn’t happen.There was no point of season 5.
I’m telling you what I saw: a woman remembering her love for a man, even if all of the memories of their time together hadn’t returned. We’re talking emotional knowledge vs. concrete knowledge. You were looking for concrete knowledge; I was seeing emotional knowledge.
Excellent point, about emotional vs concrete knowledge. That’s probably what’s stopping me from liking the ending. I’m hung up on the concrete knowledge at the end of 5.12 where she tells Chuck “I don’t feel it.” and I never see the writers remove that issue before the beach scene.
Invested, yes. Hopeful, of course. But she looked emotionally detached from it.
I strongly disagree.
Well, it would be a boring world if we all agreed!
And incidentally, you and others have really helped me to get to a much better place vis a vis the final part of the finale. I haven’t taken the leap to loving it, but I’m far more comfortable with it and accepting of it than I was originally. So thank you.
Well then, our work here is done! 😀
Absolutely. A job well done 🙂
Mel, I have to disagree with you about Sarah initiating the kiss, Sarah had left Chuck (more than once), and had no reason to suspect he would show up on the beach, there was no indiction that she intended to ever see him again. Just before telling Chuck to kiss her he had made an emotional, and pathetic last ditch appeal to Sarah. How could she not ask him to kiss her given these circumstanses, plus it was also a way to keep him from going on and on as he had a way of doing. I really hope you are right but the evidence doesn’t seem to support it.. Thanks for the opportunity to be part of this discussion.
Wow, what a depressing take on that scene!
Yes, terribly depressing, Mel. But it underlines the fact that what was presented to us in the finale’s final scene was so very ambiguous that a person could picture something pointing 180 degrees away from how you picture it. To be left with such ambiguity at the end of a dark, dark finale of a light-hearted, heart-warming series such as Chuck is pretty shocking. I have no problem at all with some ambiguity in the ending but a level of ambiguity that leaves the outcome so wide open is unbelievable, or it would be if it hadn’t actually happened!
Pretty much any development on the show can be spun as depressing if one wishes (and many have over the years). It’s not in my nature to do so, however, so Mac’s take on the finale is one that never crossed my mind. I can see it from the perspective of people like Bill, Lianne, jmc, and others who have told us over and over why they didn’t like it. But to see that beautiful moment of Sarah asking Chuck to kiss her as a way for her to shut up a pathetic yammerer? That’s too much.
Sorry for the depressing narrative, believe me I have tried to put a positive outlook on this and have imagined dozens of possible scenarios and endings but I think I keep over analyzing each of them. I’m really hoping for someone to give me a solid argument that this was a happy ending, the ambiguity is making me a little crazy. In the end I guess I will have to take it on faith but I don’t think I will ever be happy with the ending the way it was left in the final scene.
Back in the day I had started a thread of speculation along the lines of “What if we are wrong? What if Sarah doesn’t really love Chuck and is just a very good handler? ” It was an attempt to look at things from a totally different angle and until it was made clear that she DID love him, it was possible to view all of Sarahs looks and actions through this filter. That was depressing.
This is my first message, though not my first time being here. First of all, I appreciate the opportunity to share my feelings; I’m didn’t truly understand just how much I’d fallen in love with these characters until they were gone. My feelings about the finale have really run the gamut in the last few weeks; my initial feeling post-finale was pain. I’m fairly certain the pain would’ve occurred regardless of the final plot…but it was certainly exacerbated by the choice of storyline. For me, personally, there could’ve been nothing more devastating than Sarah completely losing herself. Years had been invested in Chuck and Sarah slowly moving toward one another; nothing came easily. Of course, nothing worth having ever does, in real life as well as fiction. It took enormous time and effort for them to find happiness…and it was literally torn away from Sarah’s heart and mind. That was incredibly painful to watch, and I can see why so many fans were hurt. How could they not be? The personal development of these characters WAS the entire show.
Having said all that…in the end, I believe in Sarah Walker. The woman is a badass…in every way imaginable. She’ll get her life back because first and foremost, Sarah’s a fighter. She got knocked down, sure…but out? Never. It won’t be easy; I don’t doubt it’ll be painful and difficult…but sheer will and the love and patience of her family will see her through.
So that’s my two cents.
I can’t even believe I’m writing this, but while I had and still have difficulty with the finale and final scene on the beach, I don’t see either as depressing. I saw Sarah remembering small things hopeful. And the scene on the beach? Well, as hard as it was for me to watch, what kept me hopeful was that it was Sarah who went there, albeit not knowing why. Only knowing it was important. Sarah wanted to know “our story.” I took that as a woman who at least wanted to make an attempt to try and understand the life that she seemingly lost. And she asked Chuck to kiss her. That said to me that she at least was willing to trust him. It’s still sad to me, and tragic, like Yvonne said, but not depressing, because it shed hope. And the Sarah that we knew in S1 never would’ve gone to the beach. She would’ve left. This Sarah chose to go to a place that she had little to know idea what the pull was, but was willing to try and figure out. Make no mistake; I am still not happy about this finale or final scene, but this is the best I can come up with that keeps it from not being depressing. I hope that helps you in some way.
Lianne, thanks I can fully see your point, also I realize this is just a TV show but I can’t help but be disappointed because I really like happy endings. Also I actually don’t think the Chuck character is a pathetic yammerer, just his situation, you have to feel sorry for him, perhaps heartbreaking would have been a better choice of words than pathetic. I don’t believe the Sarah character was tring to shut him up, but actually just trying to get him to come to the point as she so often would do.
Mel, I really do appreciate all your work on this web site and if I seem too negative I guess I just needed to get rid of some frustration with the ending as I had hoped for a lot more that we got.
I like a happy ending too, and maybe that’s why I understood what you were trying to say. I am very disappointed and sad by the finale, and in one’s frustration, we say things based on that. And if it helps you at all, you’re not alone in your thoughts. But I don’t believe that tptb had intended the finale to be depressing. It might not have been executed well, and may have been a questionable story to do as a series finale, but I have to at least believe, they left you with a feeling of hope, no matter how open ended or ambiguous it was. But yeah, I would’ve preferred the neatly wrapped happy ending too. Fool that I am 🙁
Here we are still debating on the series finale. Isn’t a series finale supposed to have some finality to the series. Why call it a finale if the writers went left the core of the show (Chuck and Sarah) so ambiguous? Viewers shouldn’t be left guessing about that.
I really miss CHUCK 🙁
I think Mel made me realize my problem with the ending; I needed the “I don’t feel it” resolved clearly before the final scene. If Sarah never said that, I think I would have a totally different take on the ending.
I like many others eventually come back here looking for something I missed in the ending of Chuck. The why I still have that bitter taste is partially what you just stated. We never get to see the AHA moment but instead are left with words like “I don’t feel it”. Words matter. Sarah was a SPY who could even fool herself so no the writers did not fully convince me with this ending.
Has anybody moved on since the finale ? Maybe a few. But real Chuck fans still miss the show. I know I do. I keep watching the ending and say “this is it. no more Chuck mondays or fridays. I hope people buy the DVDs and help WB make their money back so we can convince them to make a movie on the big screen. IMAX, Cinerama Dome. Who’s with me ?
Since this show is built around Chuck and Sarah they need to do a reset from the beginning. The beach scene provided that. A Prequel. The movie can fill in the blanks. 1) Start off with a young Steven,Mary,Hartley and why they choose him to be the first intersect. 2) What is Sarah’s real last name and why did she choose to live with her father instead of her mother. 3) Since Chuck has the new intersect, Fulcrum can still be the main bad guy. Get Smart had KAOS and The Man From Uncle had Thrush. Is Carmichael Industries still under the Buy More ? What does Morgan do for a living now, work for Carmichael Industries ? 4) Show Morgan and Chuck growing up. What happened to Morgan’s Father ? Is he a spy too ? 5) Check on Jeffster’s career and put Big Mike as their Manager. First Chuck movie written.
I’m sorry for the giant wall of text. For those of you willing to read it I think it will help.
First off, let me say that I really enjoyed the show Chuck, the Chuck finale and now the resulting discussions. However, I feel like there are a couple of points that aren’t being stressed or are being clouded by perceived disappointment.
This finale was very good and served to tie up multiple loose ends just rather ambiguously. I believe this was done very specifically with the fans of the show in mind; not out of spite or because series producers wanted to put their own, “signature” on the series.
My reasoning: This show spawned a fan frenzy and fervor that has only grown over the last five years. This great interest was, in part, because of the significant discussions, debates and multiple interpretations of the Chuck/Sarah interactions throughout the series. These hardcore discussions are part of what built up such a large web-based following for Chuck. At no point during this series did the show’s producers or writers just hand something to their audience using concrete reasoning and actions. Everything has been left up to interpretation, especially in regard to the Chuck and Sarah relationship. For examples see seasons 1-4. Think back on every second of the Chuck and Sarah interactions, “What did Chuck mean when he broke up with Sarah”, “Why did Sarah give Chuck that forlorn look each time he tried to move on.” These intriguing and often frustrating discussions have been the basis of the show! The Will They, Won’t They predictions were based on the interpretations of the uncertain actions between Chuck and Sarah and we all ate it up week in and week out!
Everyone hated the middle of Season 3 because Shaw came in-between Chuck and Sarah. It didn’t seem to matter that EVERYONE knew Chuck and Sarah would eventually be together. People hated Shaw and hated that series arc because it was simply prolonging the inevitable. However, if taken at face value and with the understanding that eventually Chuck and Sarah would finally overcome all of the obstacles and unite, those episodes were actually really good. It was just the lack of instant gratification in regard to seeing Chuck and Sarah together that blinded certain ones from seeing the quality of those episodes. The season finale is no different.
The finale must be viewed in the appropriate light and in a positive frame of mind to be fully appreciated. if you watch the series finale a couple of times there are literally dozens of little, “Hidden Easter Egg” clues that alone are meaningless. I won’t mention them all here. However, if you combine the looks (that we all know so well) and the actions or inactions of the two main characters then we have our proof. Sarah was already starting to remember their past together. She remembered working at the Weinerlicious and disarming the bomb with Irene Demova, etc… She also watched her video diary which undoubtedly contained more personal information regarding their relationship then even we are privy too. She went to the exact spot on the beach at the end of the episode not out of accident, but because it was significant. Sarah could have run, that is what she was raised and trained to do but she didn’t. The pre-season 1 Sarah would have bolted. Instead she went somewhere familiar and safe to sort out her feelings. She then lovingly asked Chuck to tell her, “their” story. Not to fool him but to understand and hopefully regain all of what was lost. During the montage of Chuck’s retelling we saw her go through an entire gambit of emotions. We saw visible confirmation in her body language and reactions fact that she now understood they weren’t just in love but were happily in love. That same body language tells us the seeds of memories were beginning to bud. That is why she asked Chuck to kiss her. She asked because she wanted to fully become that person again.
People, with her memories restoring by the hour, endless acts of devotion on Chuck’s part, the video diary, the missions and dancing, the STORY ON THE BEACH. Chuck and Sarah reenacted an entire series worth of relationship stuff in one episode and the conclusion was that they were going to stick together. I understand the disappointment behind not just having someone hand you the answers. However, you must remember, we loved this show even though they NEVER handed us the answers. Chuck and Sarah ended up together, the proof is there if you’re willing to look for it. Starting on that spot on the beach, they received the new beginning they deserved.
Speaking for myself, It was not so much that I didn’t think Shaw was a temporary intrusion (he was a guest star after all). It was the lack of trust in TPTB getting us to a point where Chuck and Sarah would be together before the show was cancelled, at the time a significant possibility. The feeling that in the end we might not get to see Chuck and Sarah together.
I never for a second thought that Chuck and Sarah wouldn’t be together. My beef was that Sarah lost her memories and by the end of the series never got them back. I mantain that for the story they wanted to tell, the beach scene was a great culmination of the arc and the series, but I also think that the steps they took to get to that scene (regarding Sarah’s memories) were to unclear and not enough. Her memories a far to important, and to leave their return in question (no matter how small the question may be) was in my opinion a mistep in execution and not the best way to end the series.
Its funny you bring up season 3. I compare this finale to the first 7 episodes of season 3. Those episodes were entertaining and had some good moments, but the way they handled Sarah and by extenstion Sarah and Shaw, was not done very well. On the other hand I really enjoyed Chuck and his journey. This finale is very similar in that the episode was also entertaining and had some good moments (I mean that beach scene is one of, if not the best of the series), but they way in which they handled Sarah and by extension her memory loss, was in my opinion poorly executed. Whatever their intentions, I don’t think they came across on screen as clearly as TPTB would have liked.
Season 3 would have been the best season by far had the showrunners aired 2 deleted scenes from “First Class” – Sarah had found out Shaw’s secret. The Sarah/Shaw arc would have made total sense in that she started the relationship to protect Chuck and herself from Shaw using any means necessary.
The secret (though undisclosed) – she had killed Shaw’s wife?
Those episodes wouldn’t have been yet another relationship impediment rather they were Sarah being the superspy risking her relationship with Chuck to protect him – this interpretation would have been a complete 180 from that given to Sarah’s character in the aired scenes.
What a shame – just another judgement error by the creators.
Check out Season 3 Deleted Scenes Part 2 (2 minutes in total)
Initially, I hated the ending, but through the help of all of you, I have come to rather enjoy it.
Here is my take on the future of Chuck and Sarah. Sarah will not regain all her memories from the kiss, but as Ellie said, the emotions will help in the future. I personally think that the only way for Sarah’s memories to return is immersion (just like how she remembered their house and the Wienerlicious when she was there, and the Irene Demova when she was in a bomb situation). Kissing Chuck will immerse her back into there love, and she will begin to feel again. Sarah will stay with Chuck, not living with him, but they will work together. Now that the BuyMore was sold, Chuck has some money lying around to buy their house. Sarah will stay here, and this will further help her to remember.
Though Sarah is willing to stay, she won’t be willing to give up her life. Beckman hinted several times that there was a job opening for them. I think that they will take it. Again with the immersion technique, Sarah and Chuck will be back in the place where they fell in love, spying. This will further cement their love.
After a few years, Chuck and Sarah will be back where they were before the Saracept, and wanting to start a new family.
I have this idea of what their life will be like….
I imagine Chuck and Sarah visiting Ellie and Devon and Clara in Chicago. Chuck and Sarah are with their new little baby boy. Clara, now 3-4 years old, and in the “question stage” will ask, “Uncy Chuck, how did you and Aunt Sarah meet.?”
Chuck looks at Sarah, who is holding the baby, and they smile.
“Well, it all started when my old college friend, Bryce Lark-” (Sarah cuts him off.)
“Clara, your uncle and I met at work.”
This little mini-scene gives me hope of what Charah have in store…
Hi All,
I’m one of those fans who always felt Chuck should have gone bit darker – spy wise in order to help him understand where Sarah was coming from. I know that there will be those who disagree with my opinion – thats fine. I would have liked to see the writers do an homage to “Star Wars” particularly the journey of Anikin/Darth Vader/Anikin. It would have been nice to see Sarah use her emotions to reach Chuck. It would have shown how much she had grown as a character by the end of the series.
What do people think?
BTW I have joined Zach’s The Nerd Machine. I have a Chuck related Blog under the handle chuckfan0712 if any chucksters want leave a comment or Ideas for topics would be welcome. Hope to be hearing from you!
Sean 🙂
I haven’t checked in for a while because I just haven’t felt like doing it. I guess it’s been part of the depression since Chuck ended. I don’t have much time right now, but I hope many of you see this comment. If any of you want a show to distract you or help you get over Chuck, I have a great suggestion. Start watching Person of Interest on CBS. I think it’s the best new show of the year. I would describe it as Chuck crossed with 24. It’s certainly helped me in getting over the depression from Chuck ending (I’m still not over it yet), especially seeing the ratings for it. It’s been getting 2.9s-3.1s with 11-14 million viewers each week. For me, it’s been uplifting because it’s almost like seeing Chuck finally get the ratings that it always deserved but never got. It’s also getting funnier, with this Thursday’s episode looking like the funniest one yet. If you do start watching it, I suggest you watch more than just the pilot because I had to do that to really get into it. The main plots of each episode are not serialized (like CSI format), but there are subplots that are serialized (Chuck format) so you really have to watch the episodes in succession. It airs on Thursdays at 9pm on CBS before the Mentalist. I hope some Chuck fans start watching it like me because it might help distract you a little bit.
What made me check into ChuckTV today was that fact that Ryan McPartlin had a small role in the CSI: Miami episode that aired last night (No Good Deed). I knew he was going to be in an episode in the coming weeks, but I didn’t expect his episode to air so soon. Don’t get too excited, as his part is near the end and he only has a few lines. Since I wasn’t expecting it, it shocked me pretty good. It was a little weird because it was like watching Awesome behave a little differently, but honestly not that much differently. I’ll be back in a day or 2 when I have time away from college schoolwork and I’ll get into the discussion a little more then. Dang it really sucks and hurts to talk about Chuck in the past tense. Also, I haven’t watched a single show on NBC since the Chuck finale and I’m proud of it.
Hello everyone, first time posting, big Chuck fan.
Here’s my evaluation about the Goodbye beach scene. I hated it. Meaning, Sarah’s memory loss. But one thing comforting on this scene is Chuck’s dedication, devotion, promise, intense love for Sarah and the eagerness to do anything and everything for her. Which brings me the reason WHY he’s going all out to help and save her. It all happened on S4 E15, the Cat Squad. The Cat Squad? Yes, The Cat Squad. Let me explain.
By the middle of the episode, Sarah was in trouble when Gaez lured the Cats in a trap in Brazil. Sarah and the Cats were tied up and to buy some time, Sarah began to cut her bound hands with a pocket knife, meanwhile asking Gaez who’s the mole. When Sarah broke free, she placed the knife on Gaezs’ throat and demanded who was the mole. Gaez was about to say who it was when Chuck, being ever helpful, crashes in the room from the skylight above. Hanging by the safety rope and dangling 4 feet from the floor, Chuck helps Sarah by tranqing all the bad guys, meanwhile Gaez makes his escape. Only to be caught by Casey. Now, Sarah is PISSED. Big time mad because Chuck ruined her chance to know who the mole was. Chuck explained that he’s only trying to help and what did Sarah say?
“I don’t need your help!” She screamed.
Sarah then cuts the safety rope and Chuck falls on the floor. The cutting of the rope is also symbolic. She still loved Chuck, but she wanted to ‘cut’ some dependence on Chuck so that she doesn’t want to feel that she needs him at every decision. IOW, she wanted a little independence back, regardless of outcome.
Skipping towards the Engagement party. Sarah is in the bedroom admiring the ring when Chuck walks in and Sarah quickly says to Chuck in a loving. adorable way:
“no more apologies Chuck”.
She then went on to say how happy she is that the Cats were at the party and they’re being bride maids. She then said how complicated her relationship is with her parents and it’s very hard to get them to come to the wedding. That’s when Chuck, trying to make Sarah happy said:
“I’m done helping out”
It killed him to say that, but he was doing it for HER. Again, anything to make Sarah happy. Well, what was Sarah’s reaction? She felt threatened. She didn’t want this to happen in their relationship. She went right up to Chuck and said:
” Don’t stop helping me. I need your help a thousand ways everyday. You’re perfect”. (this scene get me every time)
Sarah now knows that because of Chuck’s good hearted perseverance, she has the life she always wanted and her friends back. All because of Chuck’s HELP. This in turn reassures Chuck that he’ll go beyond what needs to be done…to help and protect Sarah….even die for her. That’s why I believe Chuck said what he said on the beach on S5 E13 because his promise and dedication will always be there no matter what and it was all established on Cat Squad.
That said, I hope a quarterly movie or NBC brings it back or maybe another network buys it. Something has to happen. This is an emotional roller coaster, never felt with any other show.
On a side note, I thought Sarah was just adorable when she was in bed after the Cats took her on girl’s night out. Note her groggy, tired voice. Man, Yvonna can act.
She’s Perfect.
The writers KILLED CHUCK. After all this time we the fans who watched the show never had closure. Mel No matter how you spin it the over all theme in all the Chuck Fan sites is that this ended bad. I see no Movie or anything else that can fix it. I would like to be proven wrong but no true proof of 5 years. That kiss missed the Mark IMHO.
Hmm, did you see the results of our survey on the finale, Ross?