Matt Bomer may have left the Chuck‘verse to star in his own hit show on USA, but we still love to see him turn up here and there. Tonight the former Bryce Larkin guest stars on Glee (8/7c on FOX) as the older brother of one of the high school glee club members. His character is a “Hollywood star”, and Matt gets to belt out some tunes while he’s there. Take a peek at his duet with Darren Criss who plays the younger brother:

This is not about this topic, but did anyone ever noticed that when Chuck Versus Agent X aired on 2 may, casey had a photo of Osama Bin Laden and said that he was excited about guns in Vegas because of his old target(Osama) and that on exactly 2 May.. Osama Bin Laden was killed?
Did anyone ever noticed?
Clearly, Casey did his job well.
Yes, we talked about that when the episode aired. 🙂
Yeah, I remember noticing that with Casey/Bin Laden as well!
That song sounds familiar, but I can’t place it. Matt Bomer sounds great and looks perfect for the part!
The sad moment when there are not enough Chuck cast related news that you have to post about random guest stars 🙁
Not that i don’t love Matt Bomer but Chuck ended months ago and we still haven’t heard anything new from most of the cast(besides Zac,Adam,Yvonne) did the others quit the business?
If u find out anything new about Sarah Lancaster please post it, she is a great actress so im surprised she didn’t hoped to a new project after Chuck ended
“Random guest star”? I certainly wouldn’t qualify Matt as someone so unimportant. Bryce Larkin was a pivotal player in the Chuck mythology, both Chuck and Sarah’s backstory, and in the Chuck/Sarah relationship.
If you’ve missed any of the updates on what the cast is doing now, click the link at the top of the page that says Post-Chuck Careers.
No offense but you must be in love with Matt Bomer to say he was a pivotal player in Chuck.
As for the Chuck/Sarah relationship Bryce had little to nothing to do with it, even though Shaw is a hated character around the fan base he had a lot more impact on the Chuck/Sarah relationship then Larkin ever did.
Thanks for the Post-Chuck careers information, its nice to see some of the cast members managed to get new roles, looking forward to see where the others land especially Sarah Lancaster <3 this lady.
Yay!! Love Matt Bomer, thought he did a great job!!
I do not watch “Glee” but I did last night to catch Bomer. The “singing” was interesting (autotune to the rescue!) but I enjoyed his acting. He’s been good wherever I’ve seen him, and “Glee” was no exception. His acting tips were a hoot…point and yell indeed.
I think Matt did a great job! I happened to catch the show just as he came on and right away exclaimed “Bryce Larkin!” I pointed too, which would make Cooper Anderson happy. Thanks so much for sharing the clip. It was fun to watch it again this afternoon.
Rewatching the Bryce episodes…. Trying to figure out if Cooper’s tips were actually Matt’s tips.
It was so weird watching Matt in such a diffrent role, I mean after seeing him in Chuck, Traveler and WC this was definitely something new. He was pretty good though
As much as I loved seeing Matt bomer on glee, I’m with the argument that cooper is a poor choice to be given. He doesn’t even look like a cooper … ! He looks more Like a Scott, Charlie, and Greg. As I was watching, however, I was even thinking Bryce Anderson sounds good! But Cooper Anderson?