Access Hollywood has a terrific interview with Adam Baldwin and Nathan Fillion on the set of Castle in advance of Adam’s guest appearance in Monday’s episode. Watch grown men giggle! Learn what the past tense of Facebook is! Watch them just be generally awesome!

Aww, this makes me so happy! 🙂
CHUCK WILL RETURN! Okay, I had to get that out of my system 😀
This was cool! I still need to finish seeing Firefly.
chuck will return ?? What ?!!
He’s thinking positive. 🙂
oooh ok :/ 🙂
I smiled so much over this that my face hurts 🙂
Just in case anybody else missed it (come on, you know who you are) this is a three-part interview and the windows for parts 2 and 3 pop up at the end of the section that’s embedded here. Or was it just me who missed it?
Shiny and Awesome! 😉
Yeah, this is quite unrelated (apologies in advance), but: are you guys ever going to do a Friday Five again, or did that tradition end along with Chuck the show?
We weren’t planning to, but we’ve had a few queries recently so we may reboot that feature. If you have ideas for topics, feel free to email me! (mel @ chucktv dot net)
There’s no bigger fan of Firefly and Chuck than I, but seeing that interview got me thinking that a buddy movie with Nathan and Adam would be awesome all by itself. These guys are funny and they have great chemistry. Do you hear me Hollywood?
As an fan of Firefly, Chuck and Castle, this video brightened my day. Thanks