It’s a reunion 10 years in the making when Adam Baldwin stars opposite Nathan Fillion on tonight’s episode of Castle (10/9c on ABC). Adam plays a detective named Ethan Slaughter. Slaughter is part of the NYPD gang unit, and he’s not averse to utilizing the “dirtier side” of police work to get the job done. When he lands a case that Castle wants in on, the partnership puts Castle in danger like never before.

This is going to be so good !!!
I wonder if this turns things around for Becket, in that Castle is in danger and she saves his life or is afraid of loosing him. Forcing her to intervene to save him maybe.
Baldwin was freakin awesome on Castle last night
Remember what Slaughter said about using the word “awesome” Otherwise your assessment was spot on. Took some getting used to the new ‘do. The shades of Casey were so vivid that it helped me appreciate just what Baldwin brought to each rôle.
I did it on purpose actually:D
Casey on steroids. Hopefully a recurring role. Brown Coat Firefly reference. Awesome.
I saw Adam on Castle last night? I would like to say that it was awesome, but I’m a grown man and according to Detective Slaughter (loved that name) grown men don’t use the word awesome.
I wonder if it would be ok to say he was freakin AMAZING
Now I won’t be able to watch Castle without Baldwin. The episode was 1000% better than a regular one. I think Baldwin and Fillion should be cast in a remake of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. They would be perfect.
Was great ! not exactly as I anticipated, the Becket/Castle was not resolved. Castle is settled down with the situation however they don’t look like their close any more.
Hope Baldwin pops in now and then.
Wonderful, rambunctious performance from Adam! Slaughter was perhaps half Jayne Cobb with a side order of cop. Adam made every line and every move count. I really hope the Castle PTB bring him back for a re-visit. On Twitter, ‘Slaughter spin-off’ is already trending and has been promoted by Adam himself!