Friday Five: Things I’m Doing Post-Chuck

We’ve had several requests for the return of the Friday Five, and I agree: we need to have a regular Friday feature again. But – SPOILER ALERT – it may not always be a Friday Five! We’ll kick things off with a traditional FF, though, and get caught up with each other.

It’s been nearly 3 months since the end of Chuck. Here’s an idea of what I’ve been doing since the final episode aired:

  1. Catching up on everything else: The final season of Chuck was intense. Once NBC decided to run the final 9 or 10 episodes without a break, that meant most of my other projects/hobbies/laundry had to be put on hold or set on “cruise” so my focus could be on sending the show out with as much celebration as it deserved.
  2. Traveling for work: Since Chuck ended, I’ve traveled to Dallas and Philadelphia for extended stays, and taken several day trips to various cities in Kansas for activities related to my job. While I do enjoy traveling, it’s not exactly conducive to point 1!
  3. Welcoming a new family member: I’m an auntie again! Those of you following us on Twitter got the scoop at the time, but for those who weren’t following my Tweets, my sister-in-law gave birth to her ninth child, a girl, on March 18. In the hospital elevator. My brother delivered the baby just as the doors opened on the OB/GYN floor. Despite the dramatic entry, everyone is healthy and happy, and I now have 11 nieces and nephews to spoil ripe. (We don’t spoil all the way to “rotten” in our family. 😉 )
  4. Thinking about a Chuck-related project: I have an idea for something I’d like to create for Chuck fans, but haven’t decided yet if 1) it’s needed, 2) I have the time to do it, and 3) it doesn’t infringe on copyrights. Stay tuned!
  5. Planning for Comic Con: Liz and I will be in San Diego for the fifth year in a row come July, covering all sorts of shows for our other websites. It will be strange not to get up at the crack of dawn on Saturday for the Chuck panel, or to race to the press room afterward. We’re assuming we’ll bump into various Chuck folks there, however, and will definitely report back.
That’s a brief glimpse of what’s going on at Mel HQ, in addition to keeping up on the latest Chuck-related news. How about you?
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  1. What dose HQ stand for?

  2. 5 things I’m doing past Chuck:
    1. re-watching Chuck season 1
    2. re-watching Chuck season 2
    3. re-watching Chuck season 3
    4. re-watching Chuck season 4
    5. re-watching Chuck season 5

    • Yep, doing the very same thing. Funny, I’m always picking up new things that I didn’t notice the previous viewings. Chuck is a complex show that needs strict attention, otherwise you miss something and wonder why, what, where this is coming from. I’m now on my 6th viewing from the Pilot and I’m still leaning stuff.

      Incredible show. I really hope NBC or another network picks this up and continue where Chuck left off. It needs to develop even more. Too many possible stories to tell and Yvonne is incredible eye candy. : )

  3. 1. Complete Chuck re-watch (currently in season 2)
    2. Attempting to get into two shows on FOX–Touch and The Finder. Both are great! Touch’s got a lot of drama, and The Finder is funny. The Finder also has 2 Chuck guest stars as regulars–how can it not go wrong?
    3. Very into White Collar on USA. Reading fan fiction to get me to the season premier this summer!
    4. Homework–my 2nd semester of college is wrapping up.
    5. Comparing every show on TV I watch to Chuck because Chuck was so intense in so many ways that there will probably never be another show like it.

  4. I think you should keep up with Zac’s projects and mabey run a “let it go” fan site? especially if it gets picked up *fingers crossed*. I would LOVE if you considerd it because since chuck ended theres not much you’ve been able to do with this site…and everything zac does is amazing and i’m sure his new show will have lots of fans. 🙂

    • We are keeping up with all of the cast via this site, but won’t be launching any new fansites for a while. We have several others already running that need my focus now that Chuck is over.

  5. Things i have been doing since the end of CHUCK has been watching a weekend marathon of CHUCK seasons and still wondering who won the CHUCK ultimate Villan showdown.
    See you at COMIC-Con. 🙂

  6. Spoiled ripe. That cracked me up; I’m going to have to remember that one. I’ve got a new great nephew (am I really that old?!) and I’m dying to spoil him ripe… or maybe just a pinch over-ripe.

  7. In seaon 4 of chuck re-watch

  8. missing chuck insanely ):
    watching Bones now, in the 7PM monday slot
    doing homework in the time I used to watch Chuck
    Missing Chuck even more
    Wearing my Jeffster/Nerd Herd shirts and encouraging people to start the show!

  9. Mel- regarding your point #4 on your intro: in my opinion any “Chuck” related project is needed. Please.

    Doing the same as the rest of you. Rewatching all episodes. Since I have rewatched all so many times, I decided to accomplish something with this rewatch. I am cataloging the quality of each episode and noting all favorite dialog or scene. Not sure why. Maybe I could get creative. Long shot.

    Also- still very sad, and wishing for MORE.

  10. Are you not going to NerdHQ?

  11. Hey guys,
    Check this out:
    I wrote a story version of the The Shins’ A Simple Song.

    Became a fan of The Shins ever since I heard A Comet Appears on Chuck!

  12. Jeremy Bartowski

    Glad to see new stuff still popping up on the website! I do miss the podcasts though. Very curious to see what the Chuck-related project might be 🙂

    Oh, and just started 2×11: Chuck vs Santa Claus, in the complete series rewatch! Show has been just as good (if not better) the 2nd time around.

  13. Philippa Chapman

    1. Following the cast members in their new TV appearances wherever possible
    2. Making a new costume for the Masquerade at the ‘Chuck’ themed T4 convention in the UK
    3. Waiting for Season 5 on DVD!
    4. Still recording podcasts

  14. Mel, congrats on new niece, wish we have one. We only have nephews. Very interested in any Chuck related project. Would sign up for any Chuck online movie(s). Any update re Chuck score CD? We sent our letters late January to Warner Brothers. We don’t seem to be able to get interested in any new show, we rather rewatch Chuck. Finished whole series rewatch a couple of weeks ago, we are starting from Season 1 but this time everyone will choose favourites, we will continue to rewatch until we narrow down to an uanimous favourite, that should take a while. Thanks again for keeping this website going.

  15. 1) Re-watching “Chuck” from episode 1 (aren’t we all! :))
    2) Trying to stay on top of homework, and contemplating suspending classes after spring semester
    3) Continuing work for bookstore and looking for more work -that’s tough!
    4) Watching new shows “Last Man Standing” and “Person of Interest” as well as still watching “Big Bang Theory”…but NOTHING compares to “Chuck!”
    5) Getting back into physical shape I had a couple of years ago.

    Super psyched over the possible “Chuck” project, Mel! Here’s crossing fingers that it, along with any other project to continue the “Chuck” world will succeed!

  16. I am not yet “Post Chuck”. I am rewatching, reading fan fic, listening to Zach’s ideas, and loking forward to more CHUCK.

  17. Reading Chuck Fanfic 🙂

  18. Ive been watching Community, Hart of Dixie, The walking dead and homeland and they are AWESOME! Give some of them a try