Zachary Levi was a guest on Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show this week, spending a couple of hours chatting about everything from Disneyland to singing at the Oscars to defining “nerd” to his vision for how to produce a Chuck movie to answering fan questions. It’s an excellent two hours; grab a beverage and a snack and settle in for a chat with Zac. (He talks about Chuck around 1:40 and again around 1:57.)

I love him.
I would totally sign up for a movie.
I miss Chuck.
I would love to see A Chuck movie. I saw the video of Zac talking to kevin Pollak I enjoyed the interview. I never seen Kevin Pollak before. But I liked it.
Jeanne, Kevin Pollack is in a movie called “The Usual Suspects”. It’s a kick ass mobster thriller. Pick it up. : )
I love Zac’s movie idea. Where do I send the $$$$ and/or write the letters? It is such a simple concept. Numbers and dollars. Not that hard to prove or disprove.
I do not know moviemaking, but I know a good idea when I hear it, and I do know numbers and dollars.
if firefly can do it after only 13 episodes, chuck can do it!
Maybe they could even do it like Dr. Horrible and just let future releases be their income. it worked for Dr. Horrible
I can’t tell the difference between Zack and his character Chuck. They are the same. Super nerdy and I love it. : )
And YES! Someone has to have the nuts to launch a site so Chucksters would chip in for a movie and not just ONE movie, a continuation of movies. Like Zack said, there are MILLIONS of fans out there and they wouldn’t think twice in donating. Let’s get this going!!
BTW, Yvonne NEEDS to do an interview like this. : )
Anybody know why this interview isn’t on the KPCS website or on HULU?
Yes! Chuck Movie/s please :)..I miss the chuck.