Today is Chuck season 5 DVD/Blu-ray release day and, as we long suspected, iTunes release day as well. You can now purchase individual episodes or the entire final season of Chuck on iTunes U.S. It’s been available on iTunes Canada since October, but we do not know when it will be available in other countries.

I thought iTunes was music only I did not know you could buy other things? cool !
I went to Best Buy today, and they only had seasons 1,2,3,4 in store. I was disappointed to find out season 5 wasn’t in. I don’t know why it wasn’t. I was happy to see iTunes had season 5 out. I bought 5.13 only to later find out my iPod is to old to play it. Tough breaks all around for me today. I really want to see the extended 8 minute finale. It’s killing me just to wait.
Jeanne….iTunes sells music, movies (you can also rent them), tv shows, podcasts, apps, magazines, and books. Basically Apple wants to rule the world 😉
please… please… upload “the extra” on or youtube…. i m dying to see chuck vs the 8 minutes… 🙂 pleaaseeee…
It’s not 8 continuous minutes of new footage, it’s 8 minutes interspersed throughout the episode. So uploading just an extra 30 seconds from this scene or 45 seconds from that scene isn’t going to make any sense.
ouuww… so there is no 8 minutes extra scenes, what happened after the magical kiss… well, okay…. i was wrong then… zzzzzz….
what is “chuck vs the 8 minutes” exactly, @amalia?
Scenes of family and of Morgan/Sarah in Castle and Chuck/Sarah in Berlin. There is no change to the ending, but the scenes support what most of us appear to have come to believe: that is,the ending is and was indeed intended to be happy and hopeful.
Remember to spread the word about the Season 5 release so that hopefully we can get a movie due to the sales!
Thank You WB! Unfortunately, by now, I’ve forgotten what episodes from Season 5 I REALLY enjoyed.
FYI, it’s on Amazon instant video as well! Although I’ve still gotta recommend buying the discs since it comes with a free Ultraviolet Digital Copy of the entire season. Then you can watch it online or download/stream to your iPad/KindleFire/etc.
you have a zune? 😀
Just got my S5 in the mail, Wahoo, a chuck weekend comming up ! 🙂
What about the 8-minute extended finale they promised?Someone to upload it!!!!!Cant’t wat.
It’s part of the DVD/Blu-ray set.
Has there been any new info about a complete series box set? I know if Feb it was rumored, but can’t seem to find any updated info out there.
That’s because there isn’t any info yet. If/when there is, we’ll post it here.
Gotcha! Thanks for all the great work 🙂
Any new info on a movie or syndication? I miss Chuck.
a chuck vs the silverscreen campaign on
found this on tvbythenumbers site
If there were any such news we would have posted it here at We would not keep something like that to ourselves – honest! 😀
Finally got time to sit down and watch the special features and the extended ep 5:13 (loved the xtended dance scene) on my Chuck Season 5 Blu-Ray edition; it was really good (though we had heard a lot of these things before)!
And as Garnet said ear;oer, it’s more clear that Chuck and Sarah are in a good place at the end. I already thought so, but the contrast is very obvious between how Sarah felt at the beginning of the last episode (Mexican restaurant xtended) and how she felt on the beach. She’s back, and all in, with Chuck, even if she still doesn’t remember things fully at the time.
Especially loved the features about “The Future”, and the last episode. Had teary eyes a few times.
A few months have passed since the end of the show, and I was pursuing other things, but watching those features made me realize this: Damn I miss that show!!!