According to TV Guide’s Mega Buzz, when Leverage returns to TNT this summer, it will give Chuck a shout out:

Got any Leverage scoop? — James
ADAM: The show is picking up where Chuck left off! Well, sort of. One of Nate & Co.’s upcoming targets is the regional team leader for Buy More, a nationwide chain of stores that moves into town and quickly puts all the Mom-and-Pop shops out of business. Though they preach honest, American values, they succeed by bribing county officials and slashing prices by selling goods made in sweatshops. We don’t think the Nerd Herd would approve.
Cool, but… are they even allowed to do that? Is Leverage also from Warner Bros?
Yes, they can use the term without infringing on anything.
i just hope Chuck comes into syndication and that more people knew about it. My family didn’t even know about it until I brought it up in season 5.
KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT!!!! “Chuck” will return in some shape or form, even syndication if people keep talking about it and purchasing the merchandise!
“I need you to be…awesome!” 🙂
This is not about this topic, but can someone answer this question..
What was Deckers masterplan after all. I don´t get it. I’ve never understood that. Can someone help me?
And Mel can you, maybe, make a topic called questions and answers. So we gan talk about the questions of Chuck? Or is there another site to do that?
It seems to me that Deckers “masterplan” was Shaw behind the scenes plotting revenge and taking over the CIA (Chuck vs the Santa Suit episode 5.07)
I gotta say, Decker came off more like a middle school bully rather than a badass CIA guy. Maybe he just seemed worse because Timothy Dalton as Volkoff was soooo epic!! He was a tough “bad guy” act to follow.
As Chas said, they were hoping to elaborate more with a full season, but alas NBC in it’s brilliance only gave them half a season.
As Larry said, for now it ended up being Shaw immediately behind Decker’s plan.
I kind of think they were expecting a full 5th season when they wrote that concept into Chuck versus the Cliffhanger. When they only got 13 episodes they had to improvise
Yes! I love Leverage, and now they’re going to reference Chuck! Awesome!
It’s AWESOME to hear other TV Network talking about CHUCK!
It is nice to see another network talk about Chuck. I thing it’s Great!! Man Im going to miss Chuck.
I just can say
in Austria
Speaking of Chuck references. I started watching Big Bang Theory from the beginning recently, and although they never mention Chuck directly, there seem to be a lot of cross references. I can’t think of many right now but the biggest is Zork. In one episode Sheldon mentions that he’s going to play the 80’s text based rpg Zork. In a totally different episode a few season later (season 4) Sheldon is again playing an 80’s text based rpg, which he doesn’t name, and runs into a troll that he has to kill. He tried to kill the troll with his sword instead of a nasty knife but it really reminded me of Chuck. Those are just two examples but there are more.
BBT would be a perfect show to Zach Levi to guest star on. Him and Penny and would be a great couple, if she wasn’t with Leonard, just like when they played ping-pong together.
Chuck and BBT started the same year, and were on opposite each other. Although vastly different formats, I really like both shows (but Chuck a great deal more). It still surprises me that the ratings for BBT took off, while Chuck’s dwindled. It just seems that there should have been a lot of overlap between audiences. I was really happy when BBT was moved to another night, since I thought Chuck’s ratings would pick up after that. Just one of the mysteries of the universe.
Moses Finkelstein would certainly not approve of a dishonest regional team leader at Buy More.