Updated 07.10.12: Zac has confirmed that he will play Frandral the Dashing in Thor 2.
Zachary Levi was in talks to be a part of the Warriors Three in first [easyazon-link asin=”B0034G4P8A”]Thor[/easyazon-link] movie back in 2010, but when Chuck was picked up for a fifth season, scheduling wouldn’t allow it and the part went to Josh Dallas. Well, now the tables have turned. Thor 2 is gearing up to start production in July, but Dallas has scheduling conflicts with his new hit series Once Upon a Time and had to drop out. Enter Zac!

According to The Hollywood Reporter, producers are thisclose to offering Zac the role of Frandral. Although THR is careful to note that negotiations haven’t begun yet, when casting – or potential casting – news like this is released in a major trade publication, it’s usually because confirmation is practically a done deal.
Frandral is, of course, blonde. Very blonde. And Zac…is not. Will it be weird to see him sporting lighter locks? I think it will at first, but who cares? Zac in a superhero movie would be awesome! Stay tuned for official confirmation, probably coming next week.
(Because I know some of you will ask: I haven’t found an official start date for production, just “July 2012”, but I’m sure that all efforts would be made to accommodate Zac’s prior commitments to Comic Con and NerdHQ.)
I think it would be GREAT to see ZAC in A movie I hope it comes true. Hmm ZAC SUPERHERO Sounds GREAT to me!!!
Awesome! Fingers crossed that he gets it.
Time to share a scoop; Yvonne Strahovski, wil probably also be in Thor 2… The Enchantress (http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/8735/enchantress_m2.jpg) will be the main villain, and Yvonne is in talks for the main part!
I haven’t seen anything besides rumors and fan hopes that Yvonne will be in Thor 2, thus no reportage. It would be freaking cool, though!
Wow that would be amazing to see Zac and Yvonne on the big screen together. Double finger cross!!
Im with u CrownVic it would be so much AMAZING to see Zac & Yvonne on the screen together again.
Alison ( Ali )
Wow! that would be amazing to see Zac and Yvonne on the big screen together. Double finger cross!!
I wasn’t too impressed with the first Thor movie, but this will be DOUBLE the reason to see the new one!
Now all we need is a part for Adam!
Aegir, god of the sea? Balder? Bragi? Hel? Magni? Tyr?
It would be absolutely AWESOME if Zak and Yvonne would be together again! No doubt, Chucksters will flock to see Thor 2! 🙂
Chuck Vs. Ragnarok… How’s that for a sequel to season 5???
I thought the first THOR was done very well. And I could totally see Zac in the role that was originally played by Josh.