Adam in Trailer Park Heroes

Zachary Levi, Adam Baldwin Star in TRAILER PARK HEROES for The Nerd Machine

It’s almost time for Comic-Con, and cosplayers are terrorizing a trailer park outside San Diego in this new short series from The Nerd Machine and Break Media. Starring Zachary Levi, Adam Baldwin, Joel David Moore, Jason Biggs, and Aly Michalka, Trailer Park Heroes is a three-part series premiering during the lead up to Nerd HQ live from San Diego July 12-15.

WARNING: There’s some bleeped language, a little cleavage, and more blood than you’re probably expecting here.

Nerd Machine: Trailer Park Heroes Pt. 1 – Watch More Funny Videos

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  1. Not bad. Hopefully will get funnier when Nathan and Alan come in. Decently made though for a short shoot.

  2. Some pretty serious filming going on here. Shows great promise for us bored people. Please let me know re part two. Truthfully I did like it and it’s got my curiosity goimg.

  3. Well allmost perfet they didn’t need the bleep. but it was bloodly so I forgive them for that. as for the the Cleavage well thats mens minds for ya. can’t do A thing about that. but I did like it.

  4. This just made me miss Chuck