NBC released photos from the season premiere of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, including one with guest star Adam Baldwin. Adam steps in as the unit’s captain while Cragen is in jail on murder charges. “Lost Reputation” airs Wednesday, September 26 on NBC and is the first of 3 episodes with Adam.

Adam on Law & Order: SVU
He’ll also be on one of the episodes of Leverage to air this Sunday!
Hey All,
Adam Still looks like Col. John “Cold School” Casey to me – Sorry L&O: SVU! I think its the Suit
What do people think?
Gave up on Law & Order Special Victims Unit a few years ago but will definitely watch the 3 episodes in which Adam Baldwin guest stars. In the picture posted, Adam Baldwin looks a bit like Vincent D’Onofrio in the early days of Law & Order Criminal Intent.
Thanks, Mel for the detailed info so that we won’t miss Adam’s episodes.
Real anxious to see what Casey parts show up. Or, is he remade? Hope not. I like that gruff, honest, in your face, loyal, tough, gun lovin, sarcastic, and most of all as Sarah’s dad said; “cop face”.
This is just wonderful! Our Casey is back and I hope he’s just as blunt as he was in Chuck! How great would it be if Casey called his staff as “morons” and “idiots”! LOL!!!
I will be watching.!! I think if they have Adam say “morons: and “idiots” I might LOL!!
Might watch just to see how the character stacks up next to Casey.