Just a reminder that Adam Baldwin guest stars in tonight’s 2-hour season premiere of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit as SVU’s acting Captain while Cragen is investigated on murder charges. Catch him tonight at 9/8c on NBC, and again in next week’s episode.

Adam on Law & Order: SVU
I will be watching.!! GO Adam!!!
Thanks for the reminder Mel! Ill be watching! 🙂
So, what’d you think?
I still don’t like Law & Order, but it was good to see Adam Baldwin again.
Adam’s parts were too small and I wish he had a major role. IOW, more of him. He did a good job but he seemed out of place. Not relaxed. Anyway, it’s great to see him.
I just watched Adam’s appearance in Castle……WOW!! Now that’s the Adam we all know and love! He was totally in his element. Relaxed, comfortable and just being like Casey! I loved the Chuck references with “awesome”, “idiots” and the grunts! LOL! He made my day! Compared to his appearance in SVU, no contest. I hope Adam looks better in the next SVU.