Head’s up, shoppers! Cay alerted us that her local Target stores have all 5 seasons of Chuck on DVD on sale for $10 this week. A quick check on Amazon shows the same deal there (with free shipping for Prime members), presumably all week. If you’re missing any seasons or were thinking about giving the show as a gift, this is an opportunity to get the full series for $50!

The early bird may get the worm, but the last mouse gets the cheese. Good things come to those who waited.
I saw this in the ad on Saturday and went out and got them yesterday. Unfortunately, the Target near my house only had seasons 4 and 5, and I had to order 1, 2, and 3 online, but I still go the whole series for only about $60.
General Beckman was on Castle tonight. She played a (very tough) nun!
Haha I knew I recognized her. I couldn’t put my finger on it though! Thanks!
Thanks for the heads up! Much appreciated!