Oh, boy! Chuck is renewed… Morgan has the intersect… Chuck & Sarah are married… Volkoff is now Winterbottom, and he & Vivian have given Chuck & Sarah a billion dollar wedding present… Team Bartowski now owns the Buy More and are mercenaries for hire… Yowzer!
The season 4 finale, Chuck vs. the Cliffhanger, was an amazing, game-changing episode in all respects. It was intense, full of action, yet tugged at the heart-strings, and even drew some tears on the podcast! We have a lot of fun talking all about it, and reliving all our favorite moments. So many Russians…
And if that’s not enough, Mel had a great interview with Chuck executive producer Robert Duncan McNeill, who also directed Chuck vs. the Cliffhanger. He takes us behind the scenes of the finale, hints at season 5, and will not confirm or deny whether a certain Bartowski could be back…
PLEASE NOTE: This is the last Podcast before Comic-Con San Diego in late July, as we will be taking a much needed break. Please visit ChuckTV.net for all your Chuck needs, and also www.chuckpodcast.com to catch up on old podcast interviews.
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Decker gave chuck the intersect suppression glasses, But Chuck Still has Papa “B” computer that gave his intersect back. Episode 1 season 5 Chuck will get a re-boot!
that computer was destroyed episode Chuck vs the last details
chuck fixed, in castle…
Yeah, but wouldn’t the CIA/NSA have taken it when they cleared out Castle?
It was destroyed in Chuck vs Agent X when Chuck used it to block Riley’s Henchwoman & she drove a knife through it.
once again, obrigado for a great podcast!
one note: i didn´t like much of vivian departure. i think chuck´s time kill it. if at least, i saw her with hartley, in the tropical place…i don´t know…it was a strange departure.
love mel words about casey been training morgan but the guy still scare of a few things 🙂 it will be a lot of fun!
enjoy your free time!
good luck with all other projects the 3 of you have!!
Great podcast. Thanks for your time and enthusiasm in keeping us entertained and informed. You guys rock!
Kudos to you Mel for the interview with Robbie. I have enjoyed your interviews over the years. They add so much to the show knowing what goes on with the writers and directors behind the sceens. **thunbs up**.
Mel if you get the chance to speak to the producers, please let them know that Chuck without an intersect is not Chuck. We need the intersect back in Chuck not Morgan. It may seem like a comedic storyline, but the fans will in my opinion in the majority hate it.
I did speak to a producer for this podcast, and relayed fan concerns. I encourage you to listen to the podcast for what RDM has to say.
I still don’t think Morgan having the Intersect is a good idea, I just hope at least they don’t forget about the governor and stuff like that. But Chuck without it is something I really look forward to. I’d like to see his brainy side and the everyday hero again, like in season 1 and 2. However I think he will need physical training at least, if he’s not willing to use guns. It should be fun to see Sarah teach him kung fu.
Great Podcast…. I still say..Please De-Intersect Morgan..A.S.A.P
Please Re-intersect Chuck A.S.A.P..
Nice podcast; however, I seriously hope the Morgan character doesn’t end up with the intersect. The show won’t be the same for me.
Nice podcast & a very entertaining interview. It’s just great to get insight from the guys who produce the show for little things like the montage, the fact that the crew & cast cry 4 real thinking that was the last episode (it’s kinda heart-warming if you think about it)
It make you realize that this wonderful people who made this show what it is now really got emotional attached to it and didn’t treat it just like another project in their road to success 😉
I hope season5 is packed with : romance,sexyness,action,comedy,drama etc.(the usual Chuck stuff). And i`m not against the Morgan being the intersect thing, as long as it doesn’t last for the entire season(cause as much as i love Joshua Gomez as an actor, he is good for the show as a supporting role not a pivot)
Thx very much for the interview Mel and also thx to the other guys for the lovely podcast.
p.s. I just love how Robert Duncan McNeil is about season5 as being series finale, he’s happy they get a chance to close up with a bang but also he’s hopeful the show will surprise everyone again with an extension 🙂 (Although it’s very unlikely to actually happen)
Guys, the big death was “Volkoff”.
Hearing the speculation about where they could go with the Morgan Intersect makes me both more excited and concerned; Morgan surely is going to need a Governor to maintain stability (as “stable” as Morgan can be anyway.) I personally think it would be interesting to keep Chuck as being special by having his mind overcome the “suppression” of the intersect, which has been emphasised a lot that his intersect was suppressed and no deleted. Maybe one avenue they could go down is having all the intersect abilities slowly become part of Chuck, so he no longer needs to flash to gain the knowledge of how to do all his super-spy stunts.
I wish they’d renewed it for a longer season if it truly is the final (22 – 24 episodes) but I still have faith that Chuck can get an extension.
Hi Whiskey8, I hope Chuck Gets a full Season 5 too. In order for that to happen tho there can’t be a repeat of Season 4. The writers will have to have a Story arc that will need all 22/24 episodes. From the last 5 minutes of vs The Cliffhanger – i.e Dekker’s Revelations – A full Season 5 is Highly probable dispite what NBC says. It will depend on how it is written tho. I think all who involved & assocated with Chuck should be allowed to finish the Show on their terms. They diserve that much. NBC are getting what they wanted since Chuck began! – NBC couldn’t see its potental (which I think will hurt nbc in the long run)! LONG LIVE CHUCK!!!
Still not a fan of the Morgan Intersect. I voted it dead last in the poll. I sincerely hope it gets reversed in the first episode of season 5. I like the idea of Chuck without it now but really see nothing that interests me with Morgan having one. I just hope they move him back into the supporting role I think he works best in and do not move him more forward in the final precious 13 episodes. To me they should focus on the original Team B, Chuck and Sarah dealing with being a married couple in the freelance spy world and Sarah’s backstory, plus her growth with her new and old families.
I have never watched this show for Morgan Grimes as a matter of fact I hated him in seasons 1 and 2. Nothing about this story is going to change that in the final 13 episodes.
Just cos I think it hasn’t been mentioned yet but what with the Morgan-sect I’m very excited about what we’ll get to see with Alex next season and whether she’ll get closer/into a spy mission or two, especially as they are now a rag-tag bunch of misfits outside the law. I’m hoping Ellie and Devon get the job of being the medics for the team too now we have little cia help. Also i’m dreaming of Timothy Dalton coming back for at least one more ep 🙂
also awesome podcast – enjoy you’re well earned break and roll on season 5!
Listened to Podcast. Enjoyed it.
I’m still anti-Morgan Intersect. From what I hear, it sounds like something the producers came up with in a “Gee, how about. . . ?” “Yeah, that would be cool” “Yeh; let’s do it!” meeting. They hadn’t really thought much about the implications.
Hopefully with the rather strong pushback against it, they’ll conclude it was a nifty gag, but just like blowing up the Buy More got reversed quickly in Season 4, so Morgan As Intersect (MAI) will be MIA, ASAP.
I would love it if they added more episodes to the final season, but only on one condition. NBC MUST tell the writers BEFORE they write the series finale, actually before they begin writing any of the final year. I don’t want the added episodes to be weak because the series essentially ended already. Give the show creators the ability to end a great show with a great ending. We all deserve that. 13 great eps vs 22 choppy, disjointed, garbage eps.
Loved the finale podcast, and great interview Mel, as always. McNeill seems like such a personable and interesting guy. I’m so glad you asked the question about the possible return of Papa B., something I’ve been predicting and hoping for since his “death” at the end of last season. He did in fact die right near the same Regenerator thingy that brought Shaw back from his watery death and we never did see what happened to Stephen’s body. I thought, as you did Mel, that the wedding scene was all a dream too because of how they cut to it after the hospital scene and particularly with Morgan doing the nuptuals and Chuck wearing the twist-tie on is ring finger during the ceremony. It was kind of surreal. I was so relieved to realize it was really happening that I think I enjoyed the second viewing even more than the first.
I am happy for the cast and writers to have a finish line of 13 episodes to finish this amazing saga, it deserves a solid ending and so do us fans. I have been bitterly disapointed in the past when my favorite shows get unceremoniously canceled and the endings fall short (i.e. Enterprise).
Although endings can be bitter-sweet I was very heartened to hear Robert say that there might be life for these characters even after the series itself ends. I loved his anecdote about the Star Trek convention in Germany and how many Chuck fans were there, makes me feel like I’m part of the same geek club, being a long-time Trekkie myself and of course a die-hard Chuckster.
Cheers to you and Gray and Liz for your all your hard work this season…have a relaxing summer and a blast at Comic-Con. I won’t be there again sadly, but I know that I’ll feel like I am when I get to hear the always exciting podcasts from the event. 🙂
i anti morgan it just isn’t Chuck if he doesn’t have the intersect then it’s morgan and i don’t want to watch that
So, will Morgan be giving the introductions to the show now, “Hi, I’m Morgan and here are some things you may have forgotten about me…or may chosen to forget about…or never tried remembering…you know, uhm roll the tape..”
No, the show is still about Chuck and how he balances his job (espionage) and his life (wife, family, friends, cover job, $877 million).
Great Season Finale!.. just two things.. did anyone notice that Chuck and Sarah still had those twisty ties on their fingers at the wedding. Also Morgan calling Sarah Mrs. B, in the end where they are talking about the conspiracy, was somehow awesome..
Morgan with the intersect it’s a VERY BAD IDEA ..it’s a shame! Please DE-intersect Morgan!
Hi All, Was I Dreaming that Robert Duncun McNeill said that he hopes the Chuck characters could live on – My Question is: How? Do those who are involved in production intend 2 sell Chuck to another Network? If they did that it would be interesting! Stargate SG1 comes to mind! What do people think?
Sean, he said that in answer to my question about a spin-off or feature film.
Honestly, now that I’ve adjusted to the idea of a FINAL season, I truly hope to see Scott Bakula, Linda Hamilton, Matt Bomer, Brandon Routh, and Timothy Dalton back in some form over the course of the season. Now that Decker has told CHUCK that everything over these last four years (Fulcrum, The Ring, Shaw, etc) had happened to him for a reason, I feel the need for some sort of conspiracy to unravel within the show! Sadly though, I highly doubt they’ll be a budget to bring any guest star back besides Mekenna Melvin.
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