While promoting TNT’s Men of a Certain Age, Scott Bakula told TVLine that he’d return to Chuck if asked:
But the one lady Bakula perhaps most hopes to share scenes on TV with next is Terminator toughie Linda Hamilton, who plays his (shall we say estranged?) wife on NBC’s Chuck.“Oh my gosh, I’d love to — that’d be a blast!” he says of possibly working with Hamilton, who joined the spy comedy just as Bakula’s Stephen J. Bartowski was (seemingly?) killed off. “Somebody told me that in [last month’s season] finale they intimate that I’m going to be back. But… we don’t know anything!”
With the final season of Chuck being planned out right now, surely the writers can find a way to bring Papa B back for a swan song. He did “die” next to a regenerater, after all.
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Even if it’s a flashback episode…I would love to see Hamilton and Bakula working together…
That was what I was thinking too. Maybe when investigating the conspiracy, Chuck finds information on one of the missions his parents worked together on and they show flashbacks of that mission.
Yes please! Even if it is just in a Flashback, I just want to see Daddy B again! 🙂
I agree. They can do a flashback scene with Orion and Frost.
Nothing would be more appropriate to a show whose message is “nothing’s more important than family and friends”, than to see a conclusion where everyone is happily paired off:
Steve & Mary
Ellie & Devon (& Clara)
Chuck & Sarah (& ???)
Morgan & Alex
Casey & Kathleen
Big Mike & Bolonia
Diane Beckman & Roan Montgomery
Jack & Mrs Burton
Carina & Cole Barker
a penitent Heather Chandler & a forgiving Mark Ratner
Mr & Mrs Turner marriage #4
Jeff & Lester
Fernando & Skip
id actually prefer to see cole barker with jill and recruit her for MI6
Yeah I’d like a little closure on Jill’s storyline. Normal girl? Badass evil spawn? Bad gone good MI6 agent? Dead? x) I wish they could bring Bryce back… Shaw did so why not our favorite ex of
Sarah? 😛
and I think cole would have perfect chemistry with jill carinas more of a one night stand girl
Kathleen is already re-married is she not?
Kathleen is already re-married is she not?
or were you talking about things being resolved between them?
No, but she has a boyfriend.
OMG!!!~~I LOVE Orion!!!~~
I am probably gonna get a lot of thumbs down for this comment but just hear me out. I think bringing Bryce would be a good story especially for the whole Chuck and Sarah thing. I think there would be comedy if he came back learning that Chuck got the girl and the badge without a scratch on him. lol I also think it would be cool to bring back Cole Barker, he was AWESOME!!! 🙂
I agree as long as they back off of sarah although it doesnt seem like it would be possible for bryce to still be alive
Yeah totally. lol
Anything is possible in Chuck, even Bryce resurrection, remember he’s been ‘dead’ once. And if he’s really still alive, it means he’ll have the intersect in his head because when he was shot ‘dead’ in the intersect room with chuck at the season 2 finale, his eyes were open!
And I’d love to see how it will affect the Chuck and Sarah relationship.
Another guest star I’d love to see again is definitely Hannah (Kristin Kreuk).
Have Scott bakula come back as Stephens evil twin brother, then near the end of the season have him put on a pair of intersect glasses over-riding his evil personality and memories with orions, essentially coming back from the dead
I personally think that is a bad idea, its like using the Volkoff thing over again, and an evil twin sounds a bit too cheesy
i really dont wanna see bryce cole or jill EVER again
Roger that! as Casey would say. Let’s add Shaw to the list as well.
shaw too…least fav chuck character yet
people hate guys who come between chuck and sarah way too much who wouldnt want sarah
I actually like seeing the tension in their relationship, and some jealousy once in a while that the thing I miss about season 2
No return honestly. Him dying was a major part of the storyline. If they want to do flashbacks that is fine but honestly they’re spies someone has to actually be dead otherwise it’s just “too” lighthearted.
If they bring anyone back it should be either Jill or Cole Barker since both played major roles in the whole Sarah and Chuck relationship and neither are dead.
Yes! Yes, Yes! It’s entirely plausible in the Chuck-verse that he could be alive. Before he revealed himself to Chuck as Orion, back in S2, it was pre-established that Orion was a ghost, even Beckman admitted that no one had ever learned his true identity…he was nearly killed 3 times before we “met” him…the fact that he was gunned down so easily by such a low-rate villain as Shaw never jibed with me. Schwedak loves pulling Schwammies (sp?)…this could well be one of them. I would love to see Scott Bakula and Linda Hamilton mix it up, they’d be great! What a cool way to end this awesome story, with the entire Bartowski clan intact, it would definitely bring everything full circle.
Scott Bakula back in ANY capacity…YES! PLEASE!
Papa b was incredible when it came to planning and technology. He might have left a video file for the family aka chuck sarah ellie and mom.
I voted for Papa B coming back, but I think it would be pretty cool if Bryce came back too!! Just so that there’s an episode where Chuck feels a little insecure about Sarah and Bryce’s past. It’s always fun when one of them is jealous!!!
He could be seen in flashbacks.
Hi All, Would like to asee Papa B & Bryce back! Papa B to complete the family circle. Bryce coming back could be fun in two ways – 1) role reversal i.e S1 vs Nemises when Chuck sees Bryce & Sarah’s “Partnership” when they fight Tommy & Co @ Buy More. 2) Bryce coming back & trying to hook up with Sarah & seeing how much of a “BAD ASS” Chuck has become in general but especially when it comes to his baby would be cool 3) Chuck & Bryce being friends again would finish the Bryce arc nicely I think.
After seeing this vote I remembered the final scene of the season finally where Chuck is talking to Decker (I think thats his name) and Chuck mentions his fathers death and Decker laughs. It may just be me but something in that laugh leads me to believe that papa B. may not be as dead as we thought. Shaw came back thanks to the cell regeneration device thing, I don’t see why the CIA didn’t acquire it after the fact…
yeah you would think that the Ring would have tried to save him in any way possible because he is such an asset but since the Ring was taken down where would that leave Orion. I would assume the Gov. would take him and not tell Chuck
I miss the flashbacks and presence of Bryce through season one and the popping in he did on season two. I didn’t like his bit role in the season two finale even though he was important to the story. Too much crammed into that episode. Everything he did to protect Chuck was exactly how a “spy” would handle it though. I wished they had explored the friendship component between Chuck and Bryce more. Not seeing him return though…
I agree that Scott Bakula’s Orion should return through Flashback 100% and be seen working with the character Frost helping to put together pieces of what has really been driving the lives of these characters. I’m not so keen on Orion returning from the dead. Not opposed to it. But I would like to see the character help Team B. figure out what is really going on.
Papa B./Orion is such an essential part of the mythology of Chuck. Seeing Chuck and his dad at work together was so great, but it was so short-lived. There is also much that we don’t know about Mary B’s past. Seeing Mary open up to Chuck, Sarah and Ellie about the alleged conspiracy inside the CIA would be awesome. Adding Papa B. to the mix would be an incredible way to end the series.
Mind You Im watching S3 DVD @ the moment & realised it would be difficult for Bryce to come back considering Sarah scattered his ashes in Lisbon – vs First Class. Pity tho
Hi All, I could see Papa B return – as he said in vs The Dream Job “Ive had to die a few times its one of the perals of being Orion.” By that statement anything is possible! I think S5 story arc should belong to Sarah’s back story (for 3 episodes @ the beginning of the season) & then the rest belong 2 Papa B & “The Conspiricy”. Also why did Papa B purged his records regards The Intersect Project 20 yrs earlier? Hartley Winterbottom has to come back too for the Conspiricy arc! Maybe someone altered Papa B’s Original Intersect Program & made Volkoff worse than he was ment to be. When Papa B realise who it was he ran!! What do people think?
Hi, Regards Papa B helping Team B finding out what the Main Conspiricy is (which was 1st aluded to in S2 vs Dream Job when Stephen say to Chuck ” When I found out what they planned to do with Intersect I had to run…..”) would be interesting. I think Team B will need his help & probably Mama B’s too!!