Mercedes Masohn Leaves CAT Squad, Finds THE FINDER

Mercedes Masohn, known to Chuck fans as Zondra, has joined FOX’s new series The Finder. Per TV Line, Mercedes will play Isabel Zambada, a Deputy U.S. Marshal who enjoys a “vigorous friends with benefits” relationship with lead Walter Sherman (George Stults). The romantic wrinkle: Forever wooed by the FBI and with her eye on one day becoming the first female Hispanic Attorney General of the United States, Isabel knows that Walter’s brazen, corner-cutting P.I. tactics could prove to be a liability to her career path.

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  1. You know the freaky part of this? I saw The Finders spin off pilot on Bones and who should I see guest starring but Mini Anden aka Carina. The other CAT. (singing) It’s a small worl after all.

  2. I guess this probably means its unlikely we will get to see her as a guest star on Chuck in the final season. Maybe she can be in the Chuck movie (wishful thinking) a few years from now