Friday Five: Favorite Guest Star Animals from Chuck

This week’s Friday Five is a fan submission, and it’s too adorable not to share. The humans on Chuck get a lot of attention, but what about the animal co-stars? Chuck fan Obleebah submitted his list of Favorite Guest Star Animals:

  1. Sheep (for the Capt from 4.07 and Harley’s mom’s house)
  2. Sarah and Chuck’s golden retriever (Suburbs)
  3. The Tiger from (Role Models)
  4. Sarah’s goldfish (Wookie)
  5. Morgan’s “Scary Snake” Cobra (from the pit in Phase III)
He originally included Big Mike’s Marlin, then disqualified it from the list for being dead. Since it didn’t actually have to act, unlike the five animals who did make the list, that seems fair.
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  1. Aw, Kevin Bacon didn’t make the list? The LargeMart pig from Chuck vs the Muuuuuder? 😀

  2. Well, inanimate or not, I felt young Sarah’s giraffe carried the scene (4.21 Wedding Planner)

  3. Must not forget Chuck and Vivian riding the horse while being chased, and his jump from the horse to the tree branch was hilarious. A horse not unlike Maximus from Tangled one must note

  4. Good to see the Sheep at the No.1 spot. 🙂

  5. What, no love for Captain Awesome’s “bear”?

  6. :’-) (Excuse me, I must have something in my eye.)