AKA Chuck vs the Best Friend II
We got the party started this week with a new opening line: “I’m Chuck and here’s what’s been going on in my life lately” – as compared to “I’m Chuck and here’s a few things you should know (or maybe you forgot)”. This change seems designed to highlight the fact that this season is about the conclusion of Chuck’s journey. It was and remains his story. This entire episode was very focused on character development and relationships, with insight into Casey, Chuck, Morgan, Sarah, Awesome and even Jeff. The spy subplot was definitely secondary and not terribly well fleshed out, but the character stuff kept me occupied enough not to care too much.
One of the major things that struck me about this episode was the continued growth in Sarah’s character. Whereas previously Chuck was the romantic wanting everyone else to date and find true love (he instigated Casey’s attempting to reconnect with Ilsa in Undercover Lover), now it’s Sarah that seems (overly?) eager to help Casey rekindle his (strange) relationship with Gertrude. Sarah seemed initially quite disappointed when he backed off on the chance to ask Gertrude out and instead placed a bug on her. What a long way she’s come from “spies do not fall in love”! There were many other warm and fuzzy Sarah moments in this episode – when she tried to comfort Chuck about Morgan in their apartment, the great scene in Castle where she and Chuck discuss “seventh grade Morgan”, and her worrying about Morgan and going to Ellie to see if she has any ideas of how to help him. She definitely seems to be much more comfortable in her skin and willing to share her feelings. In this episode she even had a bit of a motherly aspect – all further evidence of how good Chuck has been for her. I also liked what we saw of their relationship in this episode – partners in both life and business, sweet, caring and seemingly very happy together.
On the Casey front, his bizarre courting of Gertrude (now that he has bugged her, he can find out all kinds of things about her before asking her out!) is amusing and reinforces my thoughts from last week that Gertrude has an effect on Casey like none other we’ve seen before. Their fight/dance scene in her office was well done; I was glad that Casey was the one to end up on top in the end. It’s only a shame that Gertrude didn’t end up handcuffed to a bed. Despite enjoying the chemistry between Baldwin and Moss and appreciating the entertaining storyline, a small part of me is sad that it seems like Kathleen has been totally removed from the story since she found out who Casey really was, which seems strange, especially as he becomes closer to Alex. Casey’s heart-to-heart with Alex after Morgan dumped her (“Do you want me to kill him?”) was one of the sweetest Casey moments of the series so far.
I was happy to see that Chuck was the one to meet with Beckman rather than Casey or Sarah. Yet another example of how he truly is the leader of the team and a competent spy in his own right. He also did a pretty good job of sparring with Morgan after he had defeated all of the Verbanski trainees. This is the Chuck I always hoped we’d see – competent and smart, sans-Intersect – it just took 5 seasons to get here. Moreover, Chuck is still Chuck – as evidenced by his plan to “pants” Morgan, his hope that they’ll be friends again right away, and their very middle school-esque confrontation at Verbanski Corp headquarters. He can be both the superspy and the adorkable nerd we love, the two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Morgan’s arrival at the Buy More was over-the-top but entertaining, from the phallic pod car/motorcycle to the lifts and of course, the “frosted tips”. Gomez did a fantastic job with some pretty great lines and I loved the failed “intervention” in the Buy More office as well as their confrontation at Verbanski. Now that we know that the Intersect glasses were indeed from Decker and not Beckman and designed to bring down Chuck (as some suggested last week), I wonder what the effect would have been had Chuck actually downloaded the Intersect rather than Morgan? I have a hard time believing that Chuck would act in the way that Morgan has because it’s just not his character, whereas Morgan’s behavior was just believable because it exacerbated some character traits (“bringing out [his] inner jerk”) that were always there below the surface.
Meanwhile, in this week’s Buy More plot, Awesome is lured to the store by his own commercial when he realizes that being a stay-home dad might not be quite as awesome as he imagined. After saving Jeff from gassing himself under a running vehicle in the Buy More install bay (where were all the other employees? we never found out), he makes the discovery that much of what we know of Jeff’s personality is apparently due to chronic carbon monoxide poisoning from sleeping in his van with the engine running all the time. It turns out that the non-chronically oxygen-deprived Jeff is a lot different from the Jeff we’ve come to know – bright, considerate, and well-groomed. The “new” Jeff obviously doesn’t sit well with Lester and it looks like their bromance may be headed for a rocky patch.
Overall, I really liked this episode – definitely my favorite of S5 so far. My main complaint is that it seems like the “Darth Morgan” plotline was resolved too easily – he’s threatening to kill them all (and nearly does) but Chuck and Sarah are able to bring him back by talking about seventh grade and then everything is fine? I did appreciate that there will be additional repercussions as demonstrated by the kill order Decker has placed on Morgan, but I still think it seemed too easy from the extreme position that he’d moved to. This seemingly too quick progression may be due to “short season plot compression” as we’ve seen in the past.
My other question/complaint is why, after they knocked Morgan out at Verbanski, did they not take him into custody so he couldn’t interfere with their mission? It seems like they just left him there asleep with his pants down, hoping it would end up the same way it did in 7th grade. I would have expected Casey and Sarah to be more proactive than that!
Anyway, it was a fun episode all around and it looks like this week’s mini cliffhanger is going to lead into another fast-moving episode next week, so grab the arm of your couch and hold on tight! What did you think of the episode?
Quick thoughts and memorable quotes:
“Perving out on Gertrude, weird move, Casey” – Chuck, guessing that Casey bugged Gertrude for personal reasons, not corporate espionage
“They’re orthotics, okay, they’re for my posture, and it’s cool, ’cause Cruise wears them” – Morgan (yeah, ’cause that makes it okay!)
“He doesn’t have a dark side” – Sarah, about Morgan (you knew the “dark side” references had to be made eventually!)
“Soy? Who said anything about soy? What do you want me to do? Start lactating?” – Morgan to his personal assistant
“I’m here because you stole our mission…and our moron” – Casey to Gertrude during the confrontation in her office
“The master has taught you well”. – Morgan “I AM the master” – Chuck, as they square off at Verbanski Corp
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go put my quinoa salad in the fridge” – Jeff, coming in after the best oxygenated sleep of his recent life
“It’s like middle school all over again…until Meredith Lester showed up…” – Chuck, explaining the last time Morgan acted so arrogant and self-involved
Casey kicking Morgan out (where has he been living the last two episodes?) and Sarah insisting that he move in with her and Chuck
Morgan’s Matrix-style bullet dodging (kind of surprised that it took this long for it to come up!)
Does Awesome go around with a lab coat, stethoscope, and hospital gowns in his trunk or something?
Will Chuck and Sarah buy the house with the money from Beckman?
In response to your surprise about bullet time taking so long to come up, it did take 4 episodes before Linda Hamilton dropped the “Come with me if you want to live” line.
Unless you were talking about in general, not just in relation to Trinity being on the show. If that’s what you meant, never mind. 😉
I meant in general. They’ve made many other references to the Matrix (“I know Kung Fu”) but never did bullet time before, despite it being so iconic (and so commonly mocked).
i didnt even noticed the line change at the beginning and ive seen the ep twice
Loved this episode…Chuck and Sarah’s relashionship is simply the best and it continues to surprise me how much Sarah has grown and, like you said , is comfortable in her on skin, adore her :).
I’m just not so sure how I feel about Morgan living with a couple of Newlyweds..but will see how it turns out
It is funny that they are all in same apartment again when remember the episode where Casey made a point about Morgan live with them when they were engaged.
Can only agree with what SHE SAID 🙂
I hope that Morgan still will suffer consequences for his “traitor”ing, dumping Alex and acting like a jerk.
the Jeff twist is refreshing and much overdue (Jeffster turned boring a long time ago). Awesome’s homedad/doctor/buymore was also a nice addition and funny.
Can’t wait for next weeks episode, because I really wonder why Decker wants Chuck to fail under all circumstances and sent him the “bad” intersect.
Does this mean that they can upload the intersect into baby Clara, now that they are stating that there is nothing special about Chuck’s brain.
They haven’t said that… fans have just assumed that when they were unhappy with plot developments. I don’t think the Intersect from Decker being rigged tells us anything one way or another on this point.
I was able to watch the recording of Garrett Wang and Robbie Mcneill at dragoncon and Robbie actually said that when they were discussing a possible spin off that baby Clara could put the glasses on and download the intersect. Hilarious!! Now how serious he was who knows!!
In Stanford Chuck was examined that his brain has more capacity than average or something like that. Haven´t remember exactly because haven´t watch the episode recently.
BETTER… but still not great.
I thought it kind of bogged down in the middle, at Verbanski headquarters. And really, all of those superspies in the compound, and our little gang of three pulls it off so easily?!?!? And Casey/Gertrude did nothing for me, because of my disappointment about the apparent dropping of Kathleen… THAT would have led to some excellent Casey character development.
Another disappointment is that none of Alex’s scenes were with Morgan. I hope they have some kind of reconciliation scene later in the season because I love their chemistry together.
I liked the Jeffster part of the storyline, & got a chuckle out of Lester saying his biological clock is tick tocking. Awesome’s first stab at staying home was amusing, but I think it would have been funnier to see the super-fit, always-exercising dude wiped out & falling asleep on the couch by the end of the day while Clara plays happily in her playpen.
WE NEED MORE BECKMAN!!! I love her & her interactions with all of the team.
Overall I liked the episode, but…
I keep hoping this show I love will go out with a bang, a great final season that’ll leave me craving more and mourning its loss, but I’m starting to think it’s going to go out with a whimper (sort of like Desperate Housewives).
She Said – _a small part of me is sad that it seems like Kathleen has been totally removed from the story since she found out who Casey really was, which seems strange, especially as he becomes closer to Alex._
Although in the last season Alex didn’t want her mom to know about the Col. being alive because she was in a new relationship and was happy in it. So unless magically Kathleen wasn’t in that said relationship, then I suppose that the Col. would have a shot at things with her.
But, me thinks, it adds so much more to the story with a dangerous man such as none other than Col. John Casey – Marine, Master Sniper, Master Spy. . .Master Badass. . .etc. to have a thing for a dangerous woman such as Verbanski (even though we don’t know a whole lot about her as of yet). But what we do know:
1. Picture of former President Ronald Reagan
2. Choice Cigars
3. Loves guns. . .
Who does that remind me of. . .?
Does anyone else think Casey deserves another promotion?
I mean that guys been shot like 5 times (including having his toe shot off in “Chuck vs the Santa Clause”). And then he had Chuck take his blood to save the Generalisimo in “Chuck versus the Angel of Death.”
p.s. When talking about the Generalisimo, you have to bring up the enormous statue of Awesome. That was just awesome!
Casey was already at Bird Col. The next step would be General, but at the end of the last season, they had all been fired by Decker, so therefore sadly Casey is now Retired Col. Casey and is now working in the private sector.
But at the same time if they were still working for the CIA/NSA it would be sad if Casey turned into Gen. Casey. Becuase every show that put a character into that rank spelled the end of their being a big part of the show. Once they hit that rank they end up in the rear with the gear or in some office in DC.
I agree with you: favorite episode so far, and dedicate time to character relationships and developments over plots. However I strongly disagree over your Chuck and Sarah comment-“sweet, caring and seemingly very happy together”. I still do not see it and think that the biggest disapointment so far is the lack of any chemistry and showing of further development of their strong bond together which is what built this show in seasons one through four. They act like they barely know each other, or they have been married for thirty boring years. I will remain loyal, and not give up the hope that they at least get back to the deepness of last year’s final marriage episode.
I don’t understand that outlook at all. The warm, loving, sweet, open, happy relationship Chuck and Sarah have now is so much better than the fleeting moments of sexual tension they had before. It’s a true partnership now, one that has developed over several years and is richer for it.
“They act like they hardly know each other” – are we watching the same show?
What exactly do you want to see to be convinced that there is “chemistry”? As I stated in my review, I think that their relationship is admirably solid and they appear deeply in love, as opposed to just in lust.
For two people who hardly know one another, they were certainly kissing very passionately on the Heli-pad 😉
I has to disagree. In this episode morning scene in their home and that one after Chuck saved Morgan shows very much how much they love each other and how close they are.
>It’s only a shame that Gertrude didn’t end up handcuffed to a bed. <
[Or Casey, as in the Carina incident!]
Yeah, I'm hoping Casey and Gertrude keep ramping up the sexual tension :-). It's about time that our surly [sexy] Sugar Bear got lucky!
I could’t agree more
I had a feeling that Decker had something to do with the intersect, pretty much since the Season 4 finale..
What i don’t get though is why did he send it? He did remove it from Chuck after all.
I also thought Beckman sending the intersect was quite likely, after all Chuck has done for the CIA/NSA, but then my first suspicions were correct 😛
Hi All,
I enjoyed Sarah’s Chuck like responce to the check – “whow thats alot of Zeros” It was sutale and sweet!
I have a question, where can I find the “Rock the House by The Deekompressors” I search almost all sites but I didn’t get anything. Please Help me, I’m so loving it
Hey Guys,
I’m an online only Chuck watcher and haven’t been able to see the last 2 episodes. Hulu says it’s because of copyright issues but NBC isn’t streaming either.
Does anyone have any insight into what is really going on?! I feel so Chuck deprived, I may have to get counseling.
As noted in this week’s ratings post, we haven’t received a definitive answer from our contacts at WB or NBC about when/if episodes will be available online this season. As soon as we have something concrete to share, we’ll post it here at CTV. Keep your fingers crossed for good news!
Chuck: “Morgan did you die your hair?”
Morgan: “No I frosted my tips.”
I thought that was hilarious, I couldn’t stop laughing.
Does anyone know when we find out whether CHUCK gets a back 9 or other extension?
Given the ratings, it’s unlikely NBC will order more episodes. Production ends December 7, I believe, and while Fedak has said that he could get everyone back after the holidays to shoot more episodes, they really would need to know in the next few days for cost efficiency and time to write the episodes.
As Moe mentioned above, Gertrude and Casey’s common interest in President Reagan, choice of cigars and guns does not a lasting relationship make. Even if he doesn’t realize it now he is interested in someone who is exactly like himself. He should know by watching Sarah and Chuck that that is not the formula that really works. Opposites often attract and my guess that Casey will figure that out sooner rather than later.
I partially agree. . .but if Casey’s love interest was the opposite of him, she would be anti-gun (bad idea to date someone who isn’t on the same side of that issue), liberal (even worse) and would hate God and Country. . .(and the list could go on and on)
Chuck and Sarah have the same ideals when you look at it. But they do them in different ways.
Granted in the long run I really don’t see Casey and Verbanski turning into Caseanski or anything. But a good mini-arc to run though this sadly short last season.
This episode made me sad again.
After last weeks episode I felt we were on the up, but I thought this was a real step backwards.
I know I’m a broken record and I’m sorry to be one, but like episode one, I wanted to beat Morgan to death for the duration of the show.
Sarah and Chucks relationship seems really flat and Sarah’s defence of Morgan in the face of Chucks attacks on his character just didn’t seem to make sense when Chuck is his lifelong friend.
Casey and Gertrude aren’t doing much for me either and I also think that they should have stuck with the Kathleen storyline as there seemed better chemistry there.
The only thing that I liked in this episode was the Jeff storyline, I thought that was a funny little twist but it was only a side story so couldn’t save the day.
Chris Fedak hinted that the storyline may change direction after episode three and I can only hope that’s true because this has been a poor start to the final season.
I think the reason I’m being so harsh about this episode is because I had high hopes for it and it turned out to be a real let down which once more has me questioning whether or not I should continue watching what has been my absolute favourite show.
Sorry you didn’t like the episode, it seems like many did. Honestly though, if it’s been your favorite show for this long, why not just commit to watch the last 10 episodes and make the best of it?
Lord knows X-files and Alias lasted well past their prime, but I watched until the end and at least got a sense of closure.
You’re not wrong about Alias 😉
In all honesty Cay, it’s just more depressing if you enjoyed something so much and you feel it’s declined so badly.
You’re right, I should stick to the end and I probably will ,in the hope there may still be a few more golden moments. The difference here though is that it’s actually irritating me to watch it at the moment (mostly because of the M person) and that’s just not enjoyable to watch.
Rob– Thank you for pointing out that “Chuck and Sarah’s relationship seems really flat”. Careful, I got bombarded when I crusaded about that crucial subject. Thanks…hang in there, I bet they pick it up a few notches.
Paul Wilson (see me above)
Well i have to say that you must definatley be in the noone can have the intersect but a Bartowski. I personally hav really liked seeing Chuck grow into a capable spy without the intersect, he is secure in his relationship with Sarah, he is able to fight without the intersect, he was training last week and saved Morgans life twice just last week.
It was great to see him get the message from Beckman, not Sarah or Casey it was lovely to see that she treated him as the leader of the team. I hope we see more Gen Beckman in forthcoming episodes.
I loved Sarah, how secure she is in herself and how much she loves Chuck (her talking to him in the morning and hugging him reminded me of a similar scene in s4 Aisle of Terrror), and that her love for him lets her appreciate his feelings about Morgans attitude but she wants him better too, she goes to Ellie, and she is the one that talks to Beckman about the intersect.
I will concede that the episode was not perfect, i could have done with out the Jeff story personally, and i would have liked a bit more explanation from Ellie re Morgan and the intersect and how she changed the original.
But I think they did a really good job of showing the Chuck and Sarah relationship with it showing Sarah being there for Chuck and the kiss they shared on the Heli-pad looked plenty passionate to me!
Thank you all very much for your replies to my Nov 13 remarks re Chuck and Sarah. Although I got lambasted by virtually all responders, I am sticking to my opinion that there is not enough Chuck and Sarah chemistry. But, I am not going to keep beating my head against the wall by presenting what I would consider “evidence” supporting my position since we all agree we love CHUCK.
p.s.-Cay: nothing wrong with a little “lust” every now and then.
I thought the episode was best so far. I agree it was mostly character development and not so much spy story. I really think what came out was Sarah desire to protect her new family which is big step from mission focus only which was what Casey and Chuck were on.
I don’t think Casey can go back to Kathleen. I got the vibe that once she saw what he became and the hero choice he made she excepted that and I think it gave her closure. Casey made the choice for the better good and I think he still feels it was best for both since she did have someone new in he life. Trying to have a relationship with Alex and seeing how Chuck/Sarah were able to beat the odds he maybe starting to think he could now find similar happiness as Sarah
The bromance story line was different and new and the Trojan intersect hopefully plays into the conspiracy story which is the big one I see and the one I concerned about showing proper resolve. Since S3 the show had execution problems of a major story plot hope they have learned lesson.
Cay a good review and great points thanks for sharing.
As far as bullet time goes. I thought they had gone there in season 3 with the Tic-Tac. Chuck dodges the bullet fired by one of Kathleen’s attackers. Admittedly it was not so obvious, but even at the time there were comments about the Matrix.
Hi Cay, thanks for the great review. I thought the episode was a great payoff for ep 2! The only complaint that I have is that it resolved too quickly–that is, Morgan realizing that he was losing himself, and it only took that one memory,and he was okay again, but i understand the time crunch to get everything in. I must say that I am in between with the views on SArah and Chuck. I think that there could be a little more passion in the episodes, and that it has been a little flat even near the end of last season. But you can definitely see that they care for each other and love one another.Overall, I am loving this season and am already very very sad that it will be ending. I can only hope that they make a movie, possibly “Chuck: the movie” !! I know that it will do so much better than X-Files’ movies!! What a terrible letdown!! I love my Chuck though!!
Can anybody tell me what were the songs in this ep? PLSEASE ! At least the one playing while Chuck,Sarah and CAsey were on the top of the building trying to catch Zorn . Please reply.
Check our music page for all of the songs used on the show: https://chucktv.net/music/music-season-5/