MUSIC: “Chuck vs. the Curse”

We’ve updated the Chuck season 5 music page with songs from “Chuck vs. the Curse.” Note that I couldn’t figure out who sings the first song, when Ellie and Devon are getting ready to go out. Lyric search fail! If you know who it is, please leave a comment below.

Updated 12.17.11: Thanks to Jeff in the comments below, we have the first song identified.

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  1. MyNameIsJeffNImLost

    Another site has Zascha Moktan as the signer.


    Sepinwall says it’s Joie de Vivre, and he apparently gets the music list every week from a good source.

  3. Hey Chucksters the song the play when Ellie is dressing up is Kiss Me by Zascha Moktan

  4. I think it’s actually Everyday by Zascha Moktan

  5. Can’t figure out how to edit my post. Here’s the song preview

  6. I’m really sorry, i messed up. delete my posts i was wrong.

  7. The chuck website has a music section and it says it is Kiss me by Joie de Vivre but it can’t be found anywhere.

  8. If you take a look at NBC’s website, it does say Kiss Me by Joie de Vivre ( Joie de Vivre can be found in Spotify, but Kiss Me is probably not yet released since that particular song isn’t listed.

  9. I found it. It’s called kiss me by Zascha Moktan on her album state of mind which has not been released in the United States.