Your Choices for Ultimate Chuck Villains in Seasons 1-4

The Ultimate Chuck Villain Showdown for seasons 1-4 has come to a close, and we’re ready to reveal who you think the baddest baddies are (so far). We’ll vote for season 5’s most villainous character in February, then pit all of them against each other to deduce the Ultimate Chuck Villain. But first, your choices so far:

Season 1

Lazslo Manhovski (Chuck vs. the Sandworm)

Season 2

Ted Roark (Chuck vs. the Dream Job)

Season 3

Daniel Shaw (Chuck vs. Operation Awesome)

Season 4

Clyde Decker (Chuck vs. the Cliffhanger)

Odd Duck Run Off*

Alexei Volkoff (Chuck vs. the First Fight)

*We had a couple of seasons with odd numbers of villains, resulting in the Odd Duck Run Off. This is handy since there are five seasons and we’d need a sixth for an even set of polls in the final competition.

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  1. That was/is fun, MelLIz! Great idea. 🙂

  2. My guess is we’re going to come down to Daniel Shaw Vs. Alexei Volkoff. I’m watching through my Christmas DVD set of Season 4 so I might have to dust off Season 3 to give Shaw a fair shake in this. Volkoff was just GREAT in my opinion. (Volkoff) “Children love me.”

    However Ted Roark is a close possibility as well simply for his throw away line to Vincent at the end of season 2 that is just so, I don’t know, evil and hilarious at the same time?

    (Ted Roark) No, no, Vincent I may need them for leverage, when the tests are complete, feel free to use whatever despicable acts of violence are in your nature…. you can eat them if you want …

  3. Oh the mind boggles about other showdowns that could and I’m sure eventually will happen.

    Best line, Best song, Best guest star, Best Casey Grunt ….