CHUCK -- Season:5 -- Pictured: Adam Baldwin as John Casey -- Photo by: Mitchell Haaseth

Adam Baldwin Chats with CNN About Chuck, Firefly, Fandom

CNN’s Geek Out blog caught up with Adam Baldwin recently and talked to him about being part of two beloved fan franchises in 10 years.

Before “Firefly,” Baldwin was not as familiar to sci-fi/fantasy genre fans, though he had done a few episodes of “The X-Files.” But once the buzz built around Whedon’s sci-fi Western and he hit the convention scene, Baldwin was an instant hit.

“At first it was very surprising. People said, ‘oh, geeks, they’re so weird,’ and this and that. All these preconceived notions and judging people by their exteriors as opposed to the content of their character. I like to focus on that, and always give people time to say their piece,” he said.

“I love hearing people’s stories. I ran into a guy who, for all outward appearances, was just a nerd at a convention, but it turns out he works on geothermal imaging on offshore drilling platforms, and he told me all about a fire he was in and how dangerous the rigs are and the risk/reward factors. I love meeting people like that. Once they get past that initial ‘oh, my God, I’m meeting Jayne Cobb,’ I say, ‘it’s OK. Who are you? Where are you from? Tell me a story.’ It’s been a very loving and welcoming community for all of us. And I was very glad to be there from ‘Firefly’ all the way through ‘Chuck.’ It’s been a great experience for me.”

(Read the full interview here…)

Thanks to Verkisto for the head’s up!

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One comment

  1. Adam is right, patience is a vertue. Man I would love a CHUCK movie or another Firefly movie. Will just have to wait and see 8)