BuddyTV has an exclusive interview with Chuck star Joshua Gomez posted on their site, complete with the mp3 audio file so you can hear the man himself. Gomez talked about the great chemistry he has with Levi, the unfortunate lack of chemistry he gets to have with some of his more fetching female co-stars, and the possibility of Morgan going on a spy mission.
And does this role come very naturally for you?
Yeah, because it really isn’t that far from who me and Zach are. We play video games, we talk about movies when doing the show, and games and life. And it’s definitely not… Unfortunately, I’d like to say that I’m good around the house, but I’m not. I’m good with tools. I’d like to say that I’m good with power tools, but I’m not. I’m much better with a controller.
So Morgan seems to have some constant lady troubles here and there on the show. How frustrating is it for you to see people like Yvonne and Rachel on the set, and know that Zach’s getting a lot of this attention?
It’s tough, to be honest. Not that Zach’s out of here [interview room] for a sec, just for anybody who’s listening that Levi’s now gone. Yeah, it’s horrible. I just, I can’t take it no. It’s yeah, it’s Sarah Lancaster especially. Because that’s the one I have, you know, Morgan is in love with his sister Ellie. And in real life I’m pretty much in love with Sarah Lancaster, as most young men are, I think, or should be. (read – and listen to – the entire interview…)