EW’s Ausiello tweeted late yesterday that NBC might not announce their decision about Chuck‘s third season on Monday, but not to read too much into it. Now comes an article from E!Online quoting Zac (who quotes Josh Schwartz) that it could be a week or more before NBC makes the announcement:
“I thought we were going to hear about it this Monday because NBC’s announcing a bunch of its schedule, but I just got an email from [Chuck executive producer] Josh Schwartz, and he said stay positive, [but] we’re not going to find out on Monday. It could be another week or two. They’re making their final tallies and decisions.”
“I don’t envy the job of anyone at NBC or any network to have to make those calls,” he told us. “It’s a very difficult thing to do, especially in television nowadays, even trying to get a solid idea of how many people watch. It’s so difficult between live and DVR and videotapes and Internet streaming and downloading and all that. And really, the concept of television has always been ‘advertising money makes the shows,’ and when people stop watching advertising because they’re just going blip-blip, blip-blip [through the commercials] or watching online, you can’t blame the companies for not wanting to put their money into it. Because it’s like, what’s the point? Nobody’s watching the commercials.”
What does that mean for us? We keep the Watch/Buy/Share/Write campaign going. If you haven’t sent in your post-finale letters and Subway receipts, do it now. Watch Chuck on NBC.com and Hulu. We’re still optimistic that NBC won’t be able to ignore a campaign that proves that Chuck fans are willing to support their advertisers. Stay tuned to ChuckTV.net for the latest!
People still use DVR’s? Come on people the commericals arn’t that bad. Chuck FTW SAVE IT!
Keep a positive attitude, everyone! But also keep the pressure on NBC. Mail more letters, eat more subway, Buy More dvds (Buy another set to share with friends to addict them). Try sending an eMail to your local NBC affilliate. Keep watching episodes on NBC.com and HULU. Don’t slack off now. If we want CHUCK s.3 we’ve got to earn it! Don’t let FULCRUM win!
I guess this can be taken as good news…I mean, if NBC “really” didn’t think it wanted Chuck to hang around they wouldn’t have any trouble telling the cast and crew. Another week could be a boon—means, maybe, they’re just trying to fit it in the schedule(?).
I’m just going to stay positive about this. This is getting to be really frustrating…
^^ thats what i was thinking.. hopefully they’re just working some final things out.
this is stressful….but im staying positive.
This has just made me more nervous!
With them now possibly taking longer to make a decision on chuck, i am unsure if i should take this as good or bad news?!.
This does not exactly fill me with confidence!
Hopefully this is good news. Perhaps they are figuring out a new time slot or something along those lines. Also maybe they are only going to do 13 eps like the first season, while I would prefer more, it’s a start. As said above, the network wouldn’t have a problem saying it’s done, so maybe it’s just a final numbers thing to decide the amount of shows.
Do we have any lawyers in the fan base, what does it mean when the jury takes a longer time to come back with the verdict? Dump “Chuck” or Keep “Chuck” ?
I’m holding out for keep “Chuck” !!
As I said in a posting earlier today on one of your story’s sites, it’s high time for NBC to “s**t or GET OFF THE POT!” when it comes to CHUCK. If they’ve already renewed Southland (which has worse ratings and is up against much less competition than CHUCK is), then they surely had to have renewed CHUCK as well. JUST ANNOUNCE IT FOR CRIPE PETES! So maybe they don’t know yet for how many episodes. Maybe they don’t know yet what night and what time. Maybe all the i’s aren’t dotted and t’s aren’t crossed. WHO CARES?!? Just announce it one way or another. They are playing with this – trying to get more “free publicity” from the fans and sites like this one (as if we haven’t given them enough free pub already). Let’s be honest, this site and sites like it – and especially the loyal fans – have done FAR MORE to promote CHUCK than NBC has. NBC – shame on you!! No wonder you have fewer and fewer viewers every year if this is how you treat your friends!
I agree totally with what Rick says. This could be just a easy way for NBC to get the show some free promotion. I have friends who have started watching CHUCK as a result of this campaign. I take some encouragment from the Southland renewal, If NBC are willing to renew a show with worse ratings/acting/story, then surely they will renew a well acted/well written/more competitive show like CHUCK, with fans that have proved how much the show means to them.
who won in the eonline save one shown?
I can’t actually see how this could be a bad news, I mean if NBC were really planing on canceling Chuck, why bother delaying the announcement? It doesn’t make sense… I agree with those who said that they are just ironing the deal with WB… Also it should not be forgotten that NBC lost one of its execs recently, I’m sure that has to throw them off a little bit…
“Time for the tryptophan to wear off and the alcohol to kick in?” — Jeff Barnes
I’m no TV executive but it seems to me that if you produce quality, you can find an audience. Make sure you have a quality product and stand behind it. People will watch.
i’ve been going absolutely crazy these last few weeks not knowing if i should take down my nerd herd poster or not and now i have to wait another week or TWO!!!!!
although i totally aggree that taking more time is a sign of good news.
If they were going to cancel Chuck they wouldn’t be prolonging it like this.
I don’t think…
TV executives have to see that the way commercials have been done traditionally is outdated. DVRs are a great invention which help us cut through the crap and watch only what we turned on the TV to watch. If NBC wants to stay ahead of the competition they’ll have to figure out a better way to place advertisements in their shows, via product placement or on-screen banners instead of the traditional 40 minutes TV, 20 minutes commercials. THis will not change unless DVRs are actually banned, then, they’d just lose some viewers altogether.
By the way, I love Chuck and it would be a tragedy to cancel the show.
NBC – don’t punish geeks like me by canceling a show just because I skip the commercials. Do something creative and start a TV revolution!
I sent my two letters to NBC last week. I watched E!’s interview with Zack telling about the “week or two” delay in NBC’s decision. Two ideas for continued Chuck chatter from the fans. First what about a “Save Chuck” or “ChuckMe” marathon weekend over May 8-10 where fans are encouraged to watch the last several Chuck episodes on HULU or NBC Rewind? They could invite their friends to either watch with them or on their own. Second what about encouraging Chuck fans to show up outside the NBC Today Show studio in NYC on Friday, May 8 and Sunday May 10 to show their support for Chuck? Chucktv.net could also make a high resolution photo of the “Save Chuck” campaign available for download which those fans could take and create posters and t-shirts that they could use to send the message that Chuck is worth saving. Imagine if dozens of enthusiastic fans showed up yelling “Save Chuck”! That would get some attention.
Im from Philippines and i watch Chuck all day and all night or even bedtime so please NBC don’t hesitate to launch the 3rd season Chuck because its totally AWESOME even i don’t see it yet. please!
What are you kidding me? We have to wait. CHUCK has shown growth and promise while other shows like Southland decline. They are waiting just to see how many Subway Footlongs we buy. We love Subway but NBC is yanking our chain.
More chuck!
I’ve got addicted, so Is my school 😀