The Australian series Sea Patrol is now showing on Hulu, accessible here in the U.S. Yvonne Strahovski guest starred in the 13th episode, “Cometh the Hour”, as Fed Agent Martina Royce. Watch the episode below:
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Love the hat. I wish Sarah Walker was an Aussie so Yvonne could speak in her accent because its quite lovely.
This was pre-Strahovski 🙂 I see she is Strechowski in this episode. Still has dark eyebrows for a blonde. Still “hot” in my book though.
Didn’t they misspell her name when they credited her? I thought her real last name was spelled Strzechowski.
Yeah. The did spell her name wrong or maybe that was another attempt at making a stage name in Aussie land.
Speaking as one of Polish ancestry on both sides of the family (yes, Holy IS Polish – probably about the easiest Polish name you’re going to come across – although the “l” in Polish has a line through it so it’s actually pronounced like an English “w”), I can tell you that Polish is HARD to pronounce. My paternal grandmother’s maiden name was Krzysiak. Try pronouncing THAT. It comes out phonetically as “shi shock.” (shi like in ship). It’s kind of like the coach of the Duke basketball team. Mike whatever his last name is (starts with a K, ends with a ski – good luck with everything in between). Bottom line – I think you can see why Yvonne “Americanized” the spelling of her last name. If she didn’t, we’d be calling her everything under the sun except what her last name really is.
Sure I can see why she “Americanized” her name. One of the things I admire about her is although she changed the spelling of her last name [to make things easier for Americans], she really has retained much of who she is, which must be difficult in her line of work. Her parents did a wonderful job of raising her.
Am I the only one that snickered when Hulu announced that the show was brought to you with limited interruption by Best Buy?
Okay, back to the show…
SarahFan – Amen! to your comments. Very true. The same for Zach Levi as well. I think that’s one of the reasons fans are so loyal to the show – not only do we love the show, but we think very highly of the actors as well. Certainly can’t say that about alot of the shows on TV today.
i have a feeling the producers of chuck also strongly suggested that she change the spelling.
I tried but couldn’t finish the show. Yawn… Both Yvonne and Zach are very likable in the interviews I’ve watched so far. Hopefully they will stay that way. Zach is much cuter wearing his real haircut and clothes. Please give Chuck a new look after he quit Buy More.
Interesting. I liked the show enough that tonight I watched Episode 1. And I’ll probably work my way up to #13 again.
For one thing, I love the scenery. Also, being ex-Navy, the US variety, I like naval shows.
Man, that was some monumental stupidity. Bad acting, cheezy sets and not enough Yvonne.
And why were they all wearing panties on their heads during the scene when they shot up the other boat?
@ Eonwe
We sure see things differently.
By the way, if you are serious about the “why were they all wearing panties on their heads”, I do have the answer for that.
The British Navy, and obviously the Australian, and probably the Canadian Navy wear those flash guards when they go to “Action Station” (Battle stations, in the US Navy). They use them to help protect against flash fires burinign their heads, most of their faces and arms, etc.
When I was in the US Navy back in the early 70’s we didn’t wear anything like that. Don’t know if the US Navy does today or not.
@Eonwe – That was interesting information you provided. I also was wondering what the purpose of those white head coverings were for. Thanks.
What I find fascinating, is that hulu wont show the program to anyone outside of the US, even though I’m from Australia, and the snippet of video I’m trying to watch, is from an Australian television show…
Wow! There certainly wasn’t much of Yvonne in that. I can’t imagine why they didn’t use her more. You can certainly see her growth as an actress when you compare Sea Patrol to Chuck. Imagine her in two years! Hopefully she’ll be getting better parts in the movies.
You *could* use the Share feature to clip out the specific scenes she was in… but in the meantime, for those just looking for glimpses of Yvonne, she appears at:
… and yeah, she’s come a long way since that bit part.
I feel asleep with all the parts of this episode without Yvonne. LOLZ She owns everybody in this.