A Chuck Fan Visits the WB Lot

My family and I went on the Warner Brothers Studio tour in August.  I wore my Nerd Herd tee, my husband wore his Buy More greenshirt, my son wore his Nerd Herd hat, and my daughter wore her Jeffster tee.  We figured this was one place where we could wear our Chuck-phrenalia and everybody would get the point.

They did.

And they were delighted.  We’d made prior reservations, but when they realized they had Chuck fans on their hands they rearranged our tour so our guide would be Wes, who amply lived up to their description as Chuck’s biggest fan.   There were only 2 people on the tour besides our family, so he was able to concentrate on Chuck as much as possible.  He did a great job.

The crew was shooting on location, so Wes took us onto the set.  We walked past a room with the full size cage from the Buy More, and next thing we knew we were walking around the courtyard of Chuck’s apartment.

The site of so much drama / photo by Darya
The site of so much drama / photo by Darya

Wow.  It’s smaller than it looks on the show, not surprisingly, and the fountain takes up a good deal of the center, but it wasn’t hard to imagine it as a real place.  There were open doors around the courtyard and we could see people working inside.  When we asked if we could peek the workers said yes, so we got to walk all around the apartment.

The apartment was pretty much empty, except for the big screen TV from the Marlin episode up on the wall.  They were rolling up rugs and putting out new furniture.   We couldn’t ask what they were preparing, because they said they’d have to kill us and bury our bodies if they told us anything.  That was just as well, because my husband is very anti-spoiler, so what I’ve read about Season 3 I have to keep quiet about anyway.

The high point was being able to walk around Chuck’s bedroom.   They told us it was the only room that would remain the same.  It was surreal to actually walk around the room, which was complete even to the Chuck/Sarah picture on the bedside table and the Comic Con mug on the table.  The other bedroom down the hall was empty except for an exercycle.  The bathroom is as large as I’d pictured it.  The kitchen is a full-size kitchen, a step down from the hallway.  The strangest part of actually being there is that, having “been there” vicariously, it was hard to believe we were actually there in person.  If only we’d been allowed to take pictures….

Everyone we met was absolutely delighted to see Chuck fans.  I lost count of how many employees came up to us bubbling about how they love Chuck and how glad they were that we love Chuck.  We got to see The Mentalist set as well, and the Central Perk from Friends, and some outdoor sets.  We did get our pictures beside a NerdHerder.  My son is convinced that he saw Jayne’s Firefly gun hanging on a wall.   My daughter is pretty sure she saw Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory walking by the tram.

The tour was awesome.

Heading to Los Angeles and want to take the WB tour? Visit their website for more information.

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  1. what a great tour write up! thanks for sharing with us, donna! maybe i’ll get there myself one day…

  2. Thank you so much for sharing all of that, Donna. How I wish I could vacation in LA and see all of the movie and TV production sites, past and present. Unfortunately, it just isn’t in the family budget right now. Back in 1970, I was able to tour NBC in Burbank, and Universal Studios. I was 12, and it absolutely was the best vacation during my Childhood. And to hear your news about “Chuck,” and how excited they are at Warner Bros. Wow! How fun is that! I wish for March 2010 to arrive sooner! Oh, but let’s only hope that whenever Season 3 of “Chuck” arrives, it will make a nice loud splash, and the Neilsen meters will go wild.

  3. Wish I could have gone. Would have loved to have explored the CHUCK set. 🙂


    Donna, how did you arrange to have Wes, did you call and say you were a fan on the phone? Pls. Let me know.

  5. My wife and I are going on Thursday and have our Chuck gear ready, I am going to call up there and request a Chuck heavy tour.

  6. I am a fan of Chuck!! I wish I was able to experience being on the set too..:(

  7. lucky ducks! It’s been years since I was there (almost 3 years) and for some reason we always got the Gilmore Girls tour. (and the Friends set, and ER’s amnulance bay). It was better than the Paramount tour though. One year two of us wore our Enterprise Priject tshirts to Warner Brothers 😉 (we were saving Enterprise before it got canceled too)