Nerd At 37,000 Feet!* – Episode 3.05: Chuck Vs First Class

Written by Chris Fedak

Directed by Fred Toye

In parallel story lines Team Bartowski continues to chafe under Daniel Shaw’s leadership while Morgan has his hands full as the new Assistant Manager trying to quell a Lester lead staff revolt.

‘Sometimes he sounds like Bond. And other times its like a Jerry Lewis movie.’
The Shaw ShakeUp continues for Team Bartowski; his mandate still unclear. It seems Shaw wants to make Chuck a spy even if that training causes Chuck to be killed. A strange combination when dealing with the world’s only walking Intersect. Tough love indeed!

‘Let me out of the car!’
After a review of missions Shaw concludes the team is dysfunctional. Its a nice little beat that everyone on the screen and at home expects Shaw to say that problem is Chuck. Instead Shaw shocks everyone when Shaw’s verdict is that the problem lies not with Chuck but with Casey and Sarah.

They are too close to Chuck. Too protective. They will not let Chuck evolve. To remedy that Shaw announces Chuck is going on his first solo mission. Casey takes this proclamation of continuing proof of Shaw’s incompetence. Sarah is besides herself with worry. Chuck is chomping at the bit for such an opportunity and is, of course, ecstatic. His reaction at the first class tickets and the packing of his nunchunks endear and set the worry meter even higher for Casey and Sarah.

AirSick  Intersect?
AirSick Intersect?

Morgan: ‘You command respect.’ Casey: ‘No. I take it.’
Over at the BuyMore, Morgan is struggling with how to gain control of the BuyMore crew as a battle of wills breaks out between him and Lester. One of the big problems that the show has struggled with, especially in the Second Season; most notably in the second half, is how to keep it relevant or a viable appendage of the show. More so that Chuck has moved on from the BuyMore.

‘Insurgents? I hate insurgents.’
So the show has retooled the BuyMore storyline. Instead of being burdened with finding ways of getting Chuck out of the BuyMore, the focus is now shifted to a vehicle for getting Casey into the BuyMore world. A slick solution, for Casey’s interaction with the BuyMore has always been a source of great comedic material. With this change in focus the BuyMore beats are now moments to look forward to enjoying instead of enduring.

Episode Flashes:

  • Shaw calling Sarah and Casey on the reason for Chuck’s slow spy growth
  • Protective Sarah – a caged lioness!
  • Chuck’s reaction to his first class tickets
  • Chuck and his nunchucks
  • Russian Tranq Pen – Thank you KGB!
  • Hannah and Chuck interaction – Hannah a perfect female mirror image of Chuck – and so sweet
  • Shaw making it clear he knows all about Sarah’s past
  • Hugo Panzer’s heart rate and pulse monitor with built in shocker
  • Casey telling Chuck while he is in the coffin that there is no try, flash or die
  • Casey helping Morgan with the BuyMore insurgents
  • Sarah’s unknown ability as a pilot – a call back to Chuck Vs The Helicopter perhaps?
  • Casey’s BuyMore promotion – Lieutenant Asisstant Manager and Chuck’s bemused reaction
  • The wedding rings from Shaw’s dead wife and fellow spy

‘This is crazy.’
Sarah is besides herself this episode. Trapped between obeying orders and wanting to protect Chuck. This is her nightmare scenario. She strides around the Castle like a caged lioness unable to reach and protect her cub. Always a person of action she is angrily frustrated by her inability to come to Chuck’s aid. Her horror at finding out that the mission is on the plane instead of in Paris is palpable.

‘Who are you, Agent Shaw?’
Ah yes. The proverbial $64,000 question. Who is Shaw and what is he all about.? Sarah goes on the offensive and Shaw shows how much he and Sarah are alike when he lets it be known they both like to keep their secrets. Secrets like Sarah’s real background of which Shaw is fully aware. Shared history of having loved a spy and then lost them. Though in Sarah’s case she cleverly manages to deflect Shaw’s initial thoughts about Sarah and Chuck by turning them to Bryce. No doubt Sarah did do what she said in regards to Bryce’s ashes but the real reason of running away with Chuck stays safe.

‘You’re different. You stand out.’
On the plane Chuck is seated by the season’s second dreaded Potential Love Interest(PLI) Hannah played by Kristen Kreuk. Fans should breathe a collective sigh of relief as Hannah’s injection into the storyline is adroitly executed and Kreuk is virtually luminous in the role as a female version of Chuck. Zac and Kristen have real chemistry together and Sarah will have her work cut out for her.

The villian of the week is exWrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin, and through no fault of his own, his Hugo Panzer, while imposing in stature, does not stack up against the guest turns of Angie Harmon and Armand Assante. Basically a prop in the second fight sequence, Panzer’s best moment comes when his heart rate/pulse watch monitor shocks him awake.

The concept of remotely controlling an airplane may have seemed cool in concept but plays rather flat in execution. Though knowing Sarah has a pilot’s license in her spy repertoire was a delightful surprise. Back safely at home, Chuck gratefully acknowledges his team mates keeping him alive.

In the closing moments the mysterious weapon from 3.02 returns and turns out not to be a weapon at all. Instead it contains Ring Intel that cost Shaw his wife. Plus an envelope. An envelope which contains a ring of a different sort. A wedding ring.  Shaw has lost a loved one. Sarah is very much afraid of the same thing happening with her and Chuck. Already it can be seen that the bond between Shaw and Sarah will be based on something more than mutual professional admiration but on shared emotional experiences.

Throw in the unknown about Shaw’s true intents, the appearance of Hannah at the BuyMore, the wedding ring, and they lead to possibilities of Shaw manipulations or true events or a combination of both. A different and more complicated approach to the PLIs than seen to date. Let the 3D chess games begin!

What about that closing shot with Hannah showing up at the BuyMore? What to think? What to think indeed. Sincere or manipulation? Hear that sound? It is the clankety ratchet of the Season 3 rollercoaster being pulled up the first big hill.  Buckle up Chucksters!  The real ride is about to commence.

* – title is a homage to The Horror At 37,000 Feet.

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  1. Glad that you’re still writing articles for the site =D.

    I didn’t read the article since I haven’t seen the episode (I’m on the west coast), but I’m anxiously waiting for this episode (as with any episode). I’m a KK fan ever since her days in Smallville. Will post my thoughts later.

  2. Great write up, Lou! There’s so much in this episode it’s going to take a while to digest, especially if we try to guess at Shaw’s motives.

    If he’s not what he seems, this is going to get very complex, very quickly. But we’re all going to think that anyway. Aren’t we? General Beckman said that she trusts no one.

    But so far, Chuck seems to trust him. So far, he seems to trust Chuck, even more than Sarah & Casey. Tough love, indeed.

  3. Im really tired of these emotional roller coaster ride between chuck and sarah.. They will still be together in the end.. it sucks.. It’s just like another Cole and Lou..

  4. The writers are doing a great job on season 3.

    Surprisingly, I don’t hate Shaw or Hannah at all (unlike Cole or Lou)… Injecting them into Chuck’s life made it more intriguing…
    Wanting to know if Hannah is really what she is or if Shaw’s really trying to get close to Sarah,or he’s just manipulating her…And I think in the end,having these other people around Chuck and Sarah’s relationship will make it rewarding for the viewers when they inevitably end up with each other…

    Well those are just my thoughts…

  5. Yes, the rollercoaster is about to start *sighs unhappily*

    I can’t wait for the episode where Chuck punches Shaw. Which is it?

    • I’m also excited about the punching bit. Not that I *hate* the guy. It’s just that I trust Shaw about as far as I can throw him. Besides, General Beckham openly admited that she trusted no one back in the second season, and judging by how aggitated/panicky she looked when dealing with Shaw in episode 3×02 suggests that there’s more to the man than he’s letting on.

      …Okay, I admit, I’m a wee bit paranoid — but we’ve already had Bryce and Cole in the show, two guys that rubbed Chuck the wrong way but turned out to be pretty good in the end. Third times the charm, though, right? And by saying that, I mean facing off against an enemy on the home front… Even if Shaw is working 100% for the government, I think he’s a little to narrowminded when it comes to dealing with the Ring. That’s going to lead to trouble.

  6. I instantly thought Sarah was lying about Bryce’s ashes – because didn’t the ring agents take his body away? Or maybe they just dumped it outside, and Sarah came back for it later.
    I really like Hannah, and Shaw for that matter, so the whole PLI issue isn’t bothering me all that much. It just makes for good drama, and we all know Sarah and Chuck will end up together (I’m thinking around ep 12 or 13). What would be even better would be if Sarah fell for a normal, non-spy guy. That would be interesting (and talk about the angst!) but totally out of character for her, so it would never happen.
    To be honest, this episode was disappointing, sort of lacking on some level (maybe the absence of Awesome and Ellie?). And it was this episode which made me realise how much I miss the old, goofy, innocent, stay-in-the-car Chuck.

    • I, too, missed the old Chuck. In the beginning of this episode, Chuck got too confident for my taste. Sarah and Casey not being by his side made me appreciate Team Bartowski of S1 and 2 so much more. I wish Chuck could return to his nerdy self every once in a while in accomplishing missions. Remember the Pilot episode where he detonated a bomb by sending the Irene Demova virus in the Prism laptop? That’s my Chucky! I wish he could use his good ol’ skill set in some episodes this season.

  7. I liked the episode, they’ve been doing a masterful job of bringing Shaw in, and making him a likeable character (so far). Thanks for the great article.

  8. Glad to see you still writing articles for the site as well- I enjoy your insights into the show and characters.

    For the record- I think Hannah is more manipulation than sincere.

    Looking forward to reading Chuck vs. Sarah- Part 2!!

  9. I find Shaw and Hannah to be two very intriguing characters. Are they bad or good? What are there motives? Hannah showing up at the Buy More was I admit romatic, but set of a few alarms in my head and there is just something about Shaw whether it be the fact that he’s a total Bad Ass or because he likes his “secrets.” I have a feeling theres a lot more going on with Shaw and Hannah than meets the eye and like it (sorry crazy shippers). This just turns up the drama and the suspense.
    This is by far the best episode of season 3 not to mention the best Buy More one ever. Gotta love Casey. lol 🙂

  10. I’m looking to seeing more Hack, although I suspect the relationship is going to be platonic and not romantic on Chuck’s end. All those moaning and groaning about Chuck being a sleaze ball and falling for Hannah need to refrain from jumping on the Chuck hating bandwagon until the guy actually does something worth hating him for. I think the relationship will be something that emphasizes the decided lack of actual communication, openness, levity and actual time spent together in what currently passes as the relationship between Chuck and Sarah.

  11. This season is sure keeping me on the edge of my seat. Saw the first two seasons on DVD and could rip right through them. This waiting a week is killing me! Call me an old softy, though, I really want to see Chuck and Sarah together.

    • I know exactly how you feel. I just started watching chuck when there was a marathon on scifi and finished up season 1 and 2 within about a week.

  12. Great review, Lou. Nice to see you around! 😀

    This is my favorite ep from S3 so far. Loved everything about it. Captain Walker FTW! Man, Shaw was great in this one.

  13. I think that Hannah and Shaw are married to each other (secretly) and are training Chuck and Sarah with the necessary abilities to be able to survive as married spies. Her ex “employer” sends her all over the world fixing things. Shaw looked at his wedding ring episode before last after Sarah mentioned that having feelings for another spy can be of benefit. He looked at his (dead?) wife’s ring this episode. Hannah is like Chuck, Shaw is like Sarah. Are you seeing what I’m seeing?

  14. Very intriguing observations on this episode, Lou. I definitely agree that the Chuck roller coaster is about to take its first plunge.

    While some fans like Shaw I tend to think that he is good in one sense in helping Chuck develop into a full fledged spy, but he clearly has some mixed motives when it comes to Sarah. His “We both made the same mistake, Sarah. We fell in love with spies” was not just referring to he and his deceased wife but was implying that Sarah had made the same mistake with Bryce. Yet if previews are to be believed he will make a run for Sarah and eventually tell Chuck “You’ve had your chance (with Sarah), and you blew it.” How’s that for being a super spy and following his own advice?

    As for Hannah somewhere I read that she is not what she appears to be. A member of the Ring? A CIA plant to break up Chuck and Sarah? It should be an interesting, though short-lived friendship.

    Sarah’s over protectiveness of Chuck is either born out of her growing love for Chuck (not wanting to lose him as she did Bryce) or the dysfunctional, protective relationship she had with her con-man dad. On either hand she needs to grow so that she can see Chuck as her equal instead of a younger brother that she has to keep safe all the time.

    Casey’s involvement in assistant to Morgan at the Buy More was hilarious. I’m thinking that this will have an affect on him thinking a little more about a normal life for himself.

    I’m looking forward to the continued development of all these characters, including Ellie and Awesome. That is as entertaining as all the spy stuff and adventure.

  15. OK Lou, I have two questions for you about Sarah’s remarks and actions in this episode.

    First, should we really believe that Bryce died and Sarah scattered his ashes in Portugal? After all the last time we saw Bryce he was being pulled out of the room where Intersect 2.0 was ready to be uploaded. One of the Ring’s men pulled him into the hallway (and who knows where from there) and at that point Team Bartowski knew nothing about the Ring. I’m thinking she was simply protecting her relationship with Chuck with that comment.

    Second, if Sarah is a pilot why hasn’t she challenged Chuck to a game of Flight Simulator X? Undoubtedly she could have beat him and received even more of his admiration and love.

  16. Season 3 should be renamed “spies do not fall in love”
    EP 1 Sarah and Chuck learned that lesson but calm Casey drove it home with Sarah
    EP 2 It was hammered on by both Karina & beckman noted it
    EP 3 Ellie called Sarah out on it and Awsome could not believe chuck
    EP 4 Chuck feels he has lost Sarah and Sarah is still resentfull but still shows her love for Chuck in protecting him. However Chuck is beginning to move on.
    EP 5 Shaw pointed it out at the end He fell in love with a spy only to loose her, while Sarah lost Bryce and Sarah lost chuckels to the spy world.

  17. I, for one, have enjoyed every single Buy-More moment and have never felt like I’m “enduring” anything. The only thing to be endured on this show are: a) some of the fans, and b) the occasional “phony bit” that I find severe enough to break the narrative dream (The Yale fencing team uses sharpened rapiers? Really?)

  18. I think Casey hypnotised Lester purely and simply to mess with the guy’s head. IMO, it gave Casey perverse delight. It also showed us that Casey has indeed, many skills. Seeing that Lester still wears kids’ pyjamas with feet booties was hysterical!

    BTW – nitpick alert! 1) Chuck’s cellphone should not have worked in the cargo hold. Look up ‘Faraday Cage’. :-). 2) It’s physically impossible to see any of Paris from Charles De Gaulle airport. Much less from a vantage point which appeared to be perched on top of the Sacre Coeur de Montmatre!

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