Chuck vs. the Podcast – the new intro

Please click to view new opening / trailer on!
Please click to view new opening / trailer on!

You’ve seen my excited twittering about it… it’s finally here!

I hope you love the new podcast opening as much as we do… the previous one was quirky and fun, but designed as an “inside joke” to Chuck episode 102. As we are now in the middle of season 3, it was obviously quite long in the tooth.

Just like Chuck got upgraded to Intersect 2.0, which is much more snazzy, cool, and infinitely more powerful, we felt we needed a major upgrade this time around.

As we put the finishing touches on the opening, we realized it would also work as a standalone trailer, so we have released it on ahead of our next podcast (a marathon set of interviews with Mo Ryan of the Chicago Tribune and Jace Lacob of due within the next day or so).

There are lots of small details you may miss the first time — I encourage you to play it multiple times to get the most enjoyment possible! Also, please feel free to embed the trailer on your blog or website, and send it to all your friends! We’re always looking for new listeners, and we’re amazed how many Chuck fans have still not found the podcast.

Just 2 more days to the next Chuck… Whoo hoo!


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  1. Amazing!!! I can’t wait for the next podcast!

  2. Loves it!!! Definitely awesome. Great job guys!!

  3. OT: Kristin Kreuk is Trending on Yahoo. She`s #2,let`s make her a trending on twitter too t0night!

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