SPOILERS: Anna Wu Plus Season Finale News

Ausiello has some Chuck spoilers for us in this week’s column:

Question: I’m freaking out! Is there a chance Chuck won’t see a fourth season? In the meantime, can you prescribe some spoilers to keep sane? —Marie-Helene
It’s true that Monday’s ratings were terrifying, but Daylight Savings Time wrought havoc on all shows, not just Chuck. Having said that, exec producer Josh Schwartz was alarmed enough to alert fans via Twitter that “it’s time to get organized.” For now, I’m leaving the show’s prognosis at “a safe bet” on my Renewal Scorecard. On the spoiler front, Schwartz confirms that Anna Wu’s back! Julia Ling will reprise her role in the May 10 episode. Teases Schwartz: “She’s coming back for Morgan.”

Question: This week’s Chuck was awesome! It’s so depressing that it hasn’t been renewed yet! Do you have any spoilers to cheer me up? —Julia
I have it on good authority that the season finale will feature at least one significant death. Feeling better, Julia?

Question: I desperately need some scoop on Chuck’s season finale! —Kim
Then make sure you pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on sale Friday. I also may tweet a hint or two tomorrow via @ewausiellofiles.

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  1. Please be Shaw that dies. Dear God, PLEASE!

    • I think Shaw’s run is done before that. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

      • I’ve read elsewhere (SA forums has a guy who works on the WB lot) that Routh was still around as they filmed 3.18…

        I hope not, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to deal with his boring, useless character til the end of the season.

      • Routh lacks the chemistry to to make a good contribution to the show-more like plastic man than Superman and NOT a spy-I want him bumped off and presently married with his wife still alive–Definetly not a Chrisopher Reeve- I would like a few more guests in the mold of season 1 or season 2 so they could afford to have more appearances of the regulars.

    • I don’t think Shaw dies. I think the significant death is a flashback to his wife’s death.

  2. I have a bad feeling the death will be either Casey or Sarah. I sincerely hope not though :/

    But Schwartz might be tricking us or holding something back. Maybe Chuck goes deep without Sarah and Casey and makes them think he is dead? Maybe he saves Sarah, and gets hurt and they THINK he’s dead?
    Maybe Bryce comes back AGAIN, and “dies”, AGAIN.

    Something crazy’s always going on down in Burbank…

    And I will fully help Schwartz back Chuck. It’s still my favourite show on TV without question. We all knew that with the new Intersect 2.0 storyline and Chuck delving deeper into the spy world that the storyline would have to get darker somewhat. But I think season 3 has been as could as it could and that JS and CF have done a good job making sure that the old Chuck comes through even though he is constantly changing. The individual storyline are less funny than season 1&2, but they have more depth and feeling.
    The show has changed but I can’t see that it has exactly got worse… This season had a LOT to live up to after the brilliant season 2. I genuinely don’t think it’s been a bad ride so far at all this season.

    • Have you heard any rumors that either Strahovski or Baldwin want off the show? If not, they will not be killed. For TV shows, a lead is killed off almost exclusively due to a) the show being a soap opera or b) one of the leads wants off the show.

      The original commander of MASH, McLean Stevenson, wanted off the show, so he was transferred back home, but died when his plane went down enroute home.

      That is not to say the show might not indicate one of the regulars is killed as a cliff hanger, but when (and if) the show reairs in the fall it’ll be shown that character is still alive.

      It’s also my belief that taking out either Casey or Sarah would kill the show permanently.

      • “It’s also my belief that taking out either Casey or Sarah would kill the show permanently.” – I fully agree…
        But as the season is going, with Sarah supposedly leaving with Shaw and Casey being fired, and Chuck struggling to maintain a firm grasp of the Intersect in his head which seems to go off when it wants sometimes, it’s leading to an explosive ending in one way or another. I would be absolutely gutted if they did kill them off, and I’m sure that the show itself would lose a big fanbase. As Zach said at Comic Con, without Sarah and Casey there is no Chuck, so I hope I’m very wrong.

      • Killing Sarah or Casey would the death of the show IMO, not to mention the broken hearts of the fans if that happened they’re both too popular for that besides Chuck himself.

    • Having anyone one of the leads being killed off would essentially be show suicide. Not gonnna happen unless it’s for the series finale.

  3. Once again, had to delete a bunch of comments that were off-topic. This is a thread to discuss the spoilers posted, period.

  4. Slow down, guys. Let’s remember that Scott Bacula is returning as Orion/Papa B. for the last two episodes. How do we know that he’s not the “significant death” or at least part of that equation? Maybe Orion sacrifices himself at the last instant to save Chuck/Ellie/Sarah/someone else.

    They are not killing off any of the three lead characters–Chuck, Sarah and Casey.

    I will also be following Ausiello’s Twitter today to see if he drops any more hints like he said he might.

    As for future episodes, I just want to see what happens next Monday first. After Chuck vs. the Fake Name began the recovery from The Mask, I vowed to just let the season play out.

    • Actually, when I heard “significant death” that’s kind of where my mind jumped — either that, or there would be some reflection ton Chuck and Ellie’s past concerning their mother. There’s supposed to be a flashback coming up, right? Maybe we get to find out what exactly happened to Mrs. Bartowski.

      • Maybe Sarah’s Dad returns and gets bumped off or Dad Bartowski dies while trying to save the show.

  5. I can’t imagine that Sarah, Casey, or Chuck would be ‘the significant death’ mentioned. They are the heart & soul of the show. And I can’t bear to think of anything happening to Morgan, Ellie, or Awesome either! Possibly as someone mentioned above, Dad Bartowski could be the one? Guess we’ll have to stay tuned to find out.

    I can’t believe we are in this limbo, nail-biting mode yet again about renewal for a 4th season! My nerves are shot.

  6. Remember, we were told last year that there would be a significant death in the season finale. It turned out to be Bryce.

    Just because it’s a “significant death”, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be a central character to the show.

    • My thoughts exactly. It could be Big Mike for a we know, considering how bad his diet is… (although, I certainly hope he isn’t chopped from the show).

  7. If a finale airs and there is noone left to watch it….nevermind

    We are now on episode 12 of “keep waiting, it gets better”

    • Well…it HAS gotten better. MUCH better. The show is humming on all cylinders right now.

  8. Interesting photo from the season finale up on EW from Ausiello. Either Jeff has to lay off the chemicals or that’s from a Jeffster music video.


    • Ausiello gave away the answer. He has two screen shots from a Jeffster video that makes up part of the season finale.

  9. Bryce died but came back, so maybee Casey will die and they will bring him back so he will choose love over country on his second chance at life.

    • I kind of like that idea Bree. Casey lived for duty and honor, giving up everything, but after years of service he returns to “the world”, to a family with which he has much to make up for. Yep, he’s my fav character of the show.

      Casey and Sarah are integral parts of the show, as is Chuck. Without any of those ingredients the show just doesn’t have the magic appeal. I highly doubt that either would be a perma death. JS must surely recognize the chemistry between these three for they are the trifecta that made this show possible.

    • If Bryce comes back it will be back flashes in Sarah’s mind. Incidentally his show “White Collar” is actually pretty good.

  10. through out season 3 some odd things have been happening,,,,,,zo I’ll not be surprised even if i see something like Sarah dieing to save Shaw or general beck-man dieing to save hmmmmm,,,,Morgan i suppose(same height)……..or if EVE is alive she dieing to save Sarah…….thus far it has been awesome, anything could happen…lets be calm and watch the drama(fans) i was completely entertained by every single episode,good job j/c,,,,i’m gonna mis Shaw and Sarah relationship after epi 13 :-((((((((.

  11. I had this crazy idea of General Beckman dying and Shaw being promoted to succeed her and therefore unable to continue being Sarah’s boyfriend, and then him, being the new big boss, officially allowing Chuck and Sarah to get together without getting Sarah fired for being compromised because he wants Sarah to be happy.

    But the head of NSA usually needs much higher qualifications and rank than what Agent Superman seems to have–then again, we barely know anything about Shaw, and he seemed to command a lot of respect from General Beckman, especially in one of the first few episodes of season three when she begs him to reconsider his plans for Team Bartowski.

  12. I think it’s gonna be Daddy Bartowski who will die in the season finaly, it would fit with the spoiler that there will be a flashback of Chuck and Ellie in the last episode.

  13. Significant death? Hm….I’ve already speculated about Stephen Bartowski and the upcoming flashback of Chuck’s childhood. This death could be the story of the absent Mrs. Bartowski, or…

    As was the case with our dear “Alexander Coburn”, maybe Chuck’s going to have to kill off his true identity? I’ve always thought about how the episode title “Chuck versus the Other Guy” meant “Chuck versus Charles Carmichael” and perhaps ‘Chuck’ is finally going to lose.

    Dun dun dun…

  14. I have severAL ideas…

    1. Papa B. ( this seems reasonable)
    2. Morgan ( sneaks off after team bartowski on a dangerous mission and is caught in crossfire.)
    3. Shaw ( i really hope he is killed off, and i looked @ the cast list and he is only a guest star and so was Hannah and look how fast she was gone.)
    4. Casey’s daughter, Alex, or her mother and Casey then takes in his daughter.
    5. No they will Not bring bk Byrce he was dead 3 times if they manage 2 bring him bk again that would take magic and no one is gonna grow fairy wings.

    But the episode titled chuck vs the living death sounds intrstng.
    Maybe someone fakes a death?

  15. Sounds like Swartz is getting ready to upset the fans again-if Routh is around for the last few episodes I think a season 4 would not be worth the pain of watching. Should Jill comes back to do anything besides helping Sarah and Chuck remain safe (together)it will be a bad move. Do not get me wrong, I want a season 4 but not enough to initiate any saving action. F&S need to sharpen their game to the point the show goes on based upon it’s own merits-This is a potentially great show but if it fails it is squarely on the shoulders of F&S and they should not expect support if they have not given viewers what they would like-to this point the soap opera referred to as season 3 has not been that good. I think with episode 11 the action will pick up-epsisodes 12,13 & 14 should really be pretty good. I want the show to concentrate on adventure and comedy with Sarah and Chuck pursuing the bad guy’s as a committed couple. C&S together should not spell the end of Chuck but a rebirth of new and better things to come. I think having high dollar guests has not been a good trade off with the absence of all the regulars. Come on F&S make us all proud and get at least a few more satisfying seasons-it is entirely up to you!!This is of course my viewpoint and and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.-

  16. As you all know now Shaw Dies who is killed by chuck and then sarah and chuck have “fun” in the hotel room =)

  17. so I think awesome will die becasue the preview for the rest of the season devon is on a stretcher with a towel on his head so, it could be him.

  18. I think Shaw comes back to kill Chuck and Sarah. But it’s Chuck’ father that dies by stopping Shaw.

  19. i think papa bartowski will die or ellie because ellie had communications with ring,so papa bartoswski will save chuck and ellie by dying!so i think that papa bartowski will die!is the most logical reason in chucktv forum discussion!

  20. shaw is dead!how can we bring him back?