Chris Fedak Talks Chuck, Casey, Sarah, Shaw & More

Chuck co-creator/executive producer Chris Fedak talked with about Chuck, Casey, Sarah, Shaw and more in an interview posted today. Here’s an excerpt: In the last episode, we saw that Casey had a fiancé and possibly a child. Will we see more come out of that?
We will revisit that story later this season, yes. I think the amazing thing about Casey is that he’s been protecting the United States of America for the last 20 years, and now he’s actually going to be living among us. He has to live the life of an average man, and it’s going to be an alien world for him. Usually, he can always flip off to Castle and go on an amazing mission, but this is the opposite of Chuck. Chuck is now going off to become the hero, and Casey has been benched. He has to somehow survive through the Buy More.

(Read the full interview here…)

“Chuck vs. the Final Exam” airs tonight at 8/7c on NBC.

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  1. Great interview from Fedak! But if Casey doesn’t rejoin Team Bartowski, do we really believe that he’d remain in Burbank and work at a Buy More!??

    Really? He’d be on a beach sipping a cold one and having a cigar!!

  2. For what Fedak saus, Chuck and Sarah they are not going to be couple. If it is like that I’m sorry but for my Chuck has been ended.

    • No, what he said was “There’s a version of reality where he’s the perfect guy for her.” Obviously THIS is not that reality.

      • Exactly. I think what CF is talking about is why Sarah is in D.C. right now. She can’t be with Chuck. Bet that changes tonight.

    • I think (or at least hope) you are wrong. But if Sarah is with Shaw, or someone else for that matter, its done for me as well.

  3. Reading Fedak’s interview about Sarah and Shaw, it is more than obvious that he is trying to explain the choices of TPTB about this relationship and the expansion of Routh’s episodes (obviously Fedak could expain a little better).

    He didn’t say though they are going to be together. He din’t say that Chuck and Sarah will be apart either.

    Chuck and Sarah will be together very soon now, one way or another. It is so inevitable that you can almost see it.

    Have some faith people

  4. Lets be honest they are walking such a fine line today. This ep tonight is going to possbly have chuck killing someone! Thats going to destroy him mentally and his character. Shaw just really annoys me. I don’t really mind about sarah anymore i try to ignore her character. The comedy of chuck has gone up 10 fold which im really enjoying it. Unfortunately the majority of the vocal fans and the ones who fight for chuck want chuck and sarah and they really have been stabbed in the back and its a shame cause this show is losing viewers and fast. Swartz needs to realise that he can write his own story but ruining the characters that made it in the first place is a really really bad idea. Also rehashing the same boring old story lines gets really old really predictable and boring. Without the relationship drama chuck really is immense to watch. I’m on the train till the end but its a real shame that a lot of people don’t feel the same way i do.

    • MIke

      I absolutely agree with you. Without teenage angst, CHuck is a much better show because that angst really permeates through every element. Last week, there was angst, but there was serious substance behind it. Plus the episode for the most part was focused on Casey. It’s jsut one less thing to worry about.

      THere will be angst tonight I think but like last week, I hope there is substance behind it.

    • I really think the problem is that Shaw isn’t interesting. Bryce had a character, as did Cole in the two episodes we saw him.

      Shaw is just… robotic.

  5. While the thought of Casey being a civilian should be a great storyline, I hope it does not last for too many episodes b/c I love him as a part of Team Bartowski.

  6. I’m a Shaw/Sarah fan but I KNOW that relationship won’t last (at least not as a romance). Come on people, everybody knows that Chuck and Sarah will end up together, TPTB are just trying to create some tension and drama for the final payoff. It’s so obvious.

    Just don’t take it so seriously and try to enjoy the ride! I’m enjoying it a lot so far. All this emotional realism and great character development in the characters is really good to see, plus the show is still funny. Can’t wait for tonight’s ep! 😀

    • I agree with you stargazer Chuck and Sarah will end up together as spy partners and life partners all TPTB is doing is creating tension and drama.

      Since we are emotional people all they are doing is playing with our emotions right now.

      Come on! we all know that shaw won’t be around after ep.13,so why you believe anything that Chris Fadek says anyway.

      ep.12 Chuck will do something heroic to proved to Sarah that he is still the man she fell in love with.With some help from Morgan,Devon,and Casey.

      Ep.13 Shaw will use Chuck/Intersect and Sarah on a suicide mission to take out the Ring for the murder of his wife.He will die a doomed hero.

      Sarah will end it with Shaw in either in 12 or 13 count on it.

  7. I’ve just read some of the comments on the site the interview is on, and some people are really negative. I don’t see the point in that. It’s still a good show, and although character investment is important, the relationship is not the biggest part. I have to admit, the love/romance part of the show gave it a lighter mood and made it happier, and yes I am a little sad about the break up. But that just makes me want to watch more! So much is happening in the show and it’s a real shame that people feel like it’s over just because things aren’t so happy in Burbank.

    • Well Sam,

      I agree that there is no point in getting negative. On the other hand CF certainly knew what he was saying. He either doesn’t recognize the fatigue, doesn’t believe it, or doesn’t care.

      • I understand some peoples view on the way the writers are going about the romance. I feel it too sometimes. Maybe my love for the show is blinding me. What goes up must come down, I guess. I am referring to the romance of course. I’m hoping the finale will give a purpose to all of the drama throughout season three.

  8. Season 1 and 2 were great i would even say epic, but this season is full of crap with all the angst thats why rattings are dropping and thats why this season sucks!!

  9. I would love Chuck and Sarah to be together anyway possible. Even the “cover” relationship was a lot more real than either wanted to admit.

    And I’m realistic enough to understand that there exist too many barriers and obstables to overcome.

    Larkin and Barker I could see. I just don’t see Shaw. It makes no sense. I don’t see the attraction. I don’t see the chemistry. Among other things, she told him to put a shirt on. And his upper body is probably his only good feature.

    One of the reasons she can’t be with Chuck is because he’s becoming a spy and changing. And her character is apparently sick of the CIA. She did want to run away with Chuck, impulsive or not.

    I don’t get it. Shaw is not a puppy dog that Sarah can mold, boss around or generally get to do whatever she wants. And as for his alleged Super Spy status, he’s the most obtuse, overrated super spy on the senior circuit.

    Chuck has changed? Really? How? Not that much. He’s had to do a few unpleasant things as part of this realm, but essentially episode to epsiode he’s the same guy. He continues to contribute and/or dominate successful missions without killing a sole.

    • Perhaps her heartbreak from Chuck has driven her to another man…any other man. Maybe Shaw is the rebound guy. As for the changing, she has seen him do things he hasn’t done before. I think seeing him “becoming a spy” scares her too. But I have to agree, he still seems like the same heroic geeky charming man.

  10. throughout the show c/f has totally dispointed and betrayed all the fans,these guys are so ungrateful,,,,,,,,, if you happened to read this, read this to you and to your crew,,,,,we know that chuck and Sarah will get together, that’s why this is so called a t.v show. but you’ll should have sometime thought whether fans can forget the mess and the wrong decisions Sarah had made throughout the season…………let me tell you clearly “fans don’t like to see a show getting destroyed by a so called guest stat,,,,,,,,,,may be the whole drama has been really pleasant for you, but for us it’s been abominable to watch………

    you just imagine guys if this was originally 13 epic show, doing all the crappy things with Sarah And Shaw for 12 epic and one episode about chuck and Sarah….do you’ll really expect fans to be happy about one last episode……….cum-on man if you’ll had that in mind it’s so lame and disappointing,……… really serious about fans want to have another season. i don’t think so.

  11. I love Chuck for season 4 but get rid of the writers and the directors. Replace better directors and writers with no what market wants.

  12. I’ll declare an interest up front here. I enjoy Chuck, but not as much as I used to. I think the angst has been way overdone, and the show is now the OC with spies. That’s fine for those who like that sort of thing, and I’ll watch it in the same way as I used to watch the OC – as a piece of confectionery to pass an hour. The difference is, I didn’t care when the OC was cancelled – and I won’t care when Chuck is also cancelled.
    So that’s my take on things – but that’s not really why I’m posting. I’m really interested to hear the views of the committed Chuck fans (particularly Mel) on the decisions that Fedak (as the main showrunner) has made this season. It just seems odd to me that you would take a show where you have an energised fanbase, and choose a dark, angtsy storyline pretty much guaranteed to split that fanbase. Season Four really should have been a shoo in. You had the fanbase onside, and you’re on a network where, to be frank, things are so bad that you only have to turn up to get renewed.
    To change the whole basis and tone of the show, when you’re a bubble show, but you have a loyal and committed fanbase, just seems like a perverse decision. Fedak’s interview above smacks of a man, as BillatWork says, who doesn’t understand his own fanbase and the dynamics of his own show. I’m not as invested in the show any more as many fans, so it doesn’t anger me the way it angers many – but it really confuses me. If I wanted to sit down and write a season that would put Chuck most at risk of being cancelled, this is the season I would write. I’m not saying it’s bad TV, I’m just saying that it seems to me to be a 19 episode suicide note. Or am I missing something??

  13. Messing with the central romance of a show, especially by introducing new love rivals, always kills the ratings and they never come back. this show will be no exception. It pains me to say it, but Chuck’s gonna be cancelled, this season or next. It’s shedding ratings too fast to survive, and the reason why is because those that are in it for straight up action are the safe crowd, but once the crowd that like the couple become disenchanted, the relationship, and the trust is broken, almost like a real relationship, and it’s never the same again.
    I hear some people saying those people should “relax, it’s only a TV show”, but once people start thinking like that, they may be less upset, but they’re also less likely to tune in.
    It made no sense to keep Chuck and Sarah apart for 2 seasons because of the job, then have her date someone else with the same job, and expect to rebuild the central relationship. Her character’s lost credibility. They would have been better off constructing a troubled relationship for Chuck and Sarah in this season instead of the usual hackneyed hollywood love rival subplot.
    Still, it’s irrelevant now. Ratings have gone from 7.7 to 5.4 this season, the show is really just living on borrowed time.

  14. As I read the interview, it becomes clear that Fedak has no idea what is going on with the viewers of his show. I realize that these interviews are usually designed to generate interest in watching the show. However, when your show is in a death spiral, you really need to be addressing the major issues that your fan base is having and try to give them hope that the show is going to improve. It is obvious, that he didn’t think there is anything wrong at all. The arrogance of the creative staff and its inability to actually admit something didn’t work is making the issues; teenage angst, dark turn in story lines, and Shaws distruction of the cast chemistry grow on their own. I really don’t think we are going to get a 4th season as I don’t see them being able to turn anything around for another 3 or 4 weeks. The situation will be worse by then. It might help if they could a least admit there are things the viewers aren’t liking.

  15. With the addidtion of the robotic-like Shaw, CHUCK (for me) has lost its “heartwarmness” this year. I miss Chara and the Buy More folk (including Anna Wu). I have the first 2 seasons on DVD and still enjoy watching them, but won’t purchase the 3rd season DVD. I supported last year’s renewal efforts, but tend to agree with many of the opinions stated here, that the shows directional change of CHUCK season3 exhibits the producers’ (and writers) arrogance when straying from their supportive fans which will lead to a (once) GREAT show’s cancellation.