Following up her Chuck season finale scoop from earlier today, Kristin at E! has a little more to share in her weekly spoiler column:
Eric in Van Nuys, Calif.: Awesome Chuck scoop and photos! I’m digging the way it’s heading. Anything more you can share from set? Like who is dying?!
Just that Brandon Routh is a modern marvel of architecture…Really not horrible at all on the eyes. And Yvonne and Adam were shooting some crazy and very hushed scene with a lot of whispering. They seemed to be back in cahoots, but it was hard to tell. Also, there’s a deeply emotional loss coming up for Chuck.
So that means that Shaw is in the finale?
Or he was hanging out on the set when Kristin stopped by.
OMG. I hope you’re right so badly that I’m going to will myself to believe it, lol.
LOL! I’m just saying it’s an option. But if that makes you feel better, then let’s go with it.
Wonder what’s up with Chuck’s emotional loss. Think she’s talking bout the death in the finale or something else?
I hope that doesn’t mean they’re going to off Ellie.
Maybe there’ll be some remenescing about the late Mrs. Bartowski??? I really can’t imagine who they’re going to kill (outside Shaw, of course, because that would be too good to be true…)
Have they ever really said that Mrs. Bartowski is dead? All they ever said was that she left them at a young age on Mothers Day. Maybe she’s a spy too? Or maybe Ellie is?
I think that emotional loss would be sarah choosing her mission and shaw over chuck.
that will definitely suck.
I think Papa B… dies
Can’t, though, because he’s scripted for the last six episodes of the season (keeping in mind that the season’s real “finale” takes place in the next two episodes since the producers thought they were only going to get 13).
Yes!!! Adam and Yvonne have some more scenes together yay partners foreva:D I hope Casey gets to have a little heart to heart conversation with Sarah you know a brotherly push in the right direction. We all he wants them both to be together and the risks he takes from The Final Exam to the Other Guy? Proves his loyalty and devotion to them as his friends.
Yay!! Adam and Yvonne, best partners ever:D I hope Casey has a talk with Sarah to you know give her a brotherly push in the right direction. As well as telling her the truth about who really killed Hunter Perry. I don’t think he has to keep the secret from her since she risked a lot for him too besides Chuck. What the three have to worry about is the powers higher up finding out.
Hope – I like your idea that Casey will spill the beans about the kill. At first he doesn’t want to involve her, because she would have to report him/arrest him or risk charges of complicity after the fact herself. But if he gets wind that she is writing off Chuck completely because of the kill, he would step up and set the record straight. He is now clearly in favour of a C&S relationship, and wouldn’t let her make a decision of such magnitude based on faulty info. I believe that Casey would risk arrest because Chuck’s habit of doing the right thing has rubbed off on him.
And because he know what it could mean for her and Chuck,him not wanting to tell would his version of protecting them both since it’s obvious he’s grown to care a lot about them. And we’ve already seen him risking the only thing he has left to lose..his freedom. Chuck was right in the Tic Tac, no one is more loyal then Casey which is one of the many reasons why I love him so much.
How about chuck discovers that sarahs first kill was his mother?
Where did you hear these spoiler?
its not his mother, because the lady she killed was aorund the samed age as sarah! maybe it was shaws wife? or maybe it was a random
Sorry, but who is Adam???
Adam Baldwin, he plays John Casey on Chuck.
The season finale they are talking about is it episode 13 or 19? Kinda confusing seeing as how 13 was supposed to be the original one.
They’re talking about 3.19
Are they going to have a season 4?
About the season ender (I mean Episode 19, whose title is being kept under wraps), Scott Bacula returns for the last two episodes. There is a flashback scene to when Chuck and Ellie were kids, so I’m assuming it has to do with when their mom left them. Mom is somehow going to be in the picture. We know that a significant character is going to die in the season finale that will involve a deep emotional loss to Chuck. My guess is that Orion (Dad) will die trying to rescue mom from the Ring. That is just my guess.
There are also rumors (just rumors) that Shaw will return for the final two episodes. Nothing confirmed on that.
Kristin went to the Chuck set while they’re shooting 3.19, the season’s super finale if you will. So apparently, Shaw is gonna be around in the back six *sigh*.
I really hope they’re not gonna off Papa B, but he’s the first one that came to mind with the “significant death-emotional loss” tease.
yeah looks like the so called pay back that everyone is expecting in 3.13 is not going to happen as shaw is staying beyond the original.
I really think they should end at 3.13 and not bother showing the last six episodes more sarah and shaw together is not great TV and chuck a whipped puppy is not great TV. Why does chuck tell them to leave and get himself a new team. I was hoping the last six may just be better and actually pay off the fans for the rest of the season. Then ofcause the ending is supposed to be a cliff hanger oh well another show that ends with fans being left hollow.
I guess if you have the whole back 6 figured out, then there’s no point in watching. Unless you’re wrong. 😉
Just going from what we have heard and seen so far. Without any other evidence thats all we can do.
don’t throw in the towel just yet…we know there will be a significant death in the end…who knows, that may(could) be Shaw…
i still believe the show can be saved…we just have to wait and see how the final episodes unfold…
No, that is not necessarily the case. BR has friends on that show and may have just been visiting. From interviews I’ve read Scott Bakula stated he is the only guest star in his episodes (which are the last two).
Just because BR is on the set for 3.19 doesn’t mean he is in the last 6 episodes.
if there isnt going to be a season 4. its really going to piss a lot of people including me. i mean sarah cant end up wit shaw. i think shaw is just using sarah and making her push away chuck b/c clearly she still loves chuck.
Hopefully Shaw is not on beyond episode 12. Anyone have an idea. Maybe Mel you can answer this one
Shaw was a mistake they never should’ve made. He’s sucked the life out of this season with every ep he’s been in.
Having him in ep 19 means we get to see yet another instance of Sarah paying attention to another guy snd Chuck yet again feeling like his love will never be returned. Like he did when put himself out there and asked Sarah to go away with him and she told him she was leaving with Bryce.
I had high hopes for this season. There were a multitude of storylines to explore without throwing in Shaw at all . All they are doing is depressing thier fanbase. The hardcore fans who try to rein in new viewers are failing because it’s turning off these new viewers .
What would really suck is if papa B was killed by Shaw and it essentially would be Sarah’s fault.
Even if the significant death is Papa B, that doesn’t necessarily mean he has to *stay* dead.
It is fun to guess –if someone turns I would think the most likely is Shaw and if Jill happens to return she is there to repay Chuck and warn him about Shaw–this is based on absolutely nothing at all–but I assume we can guess–I wish C&S were getting married prior to seasons end. Some of the regulars are not getting as much on screen time as they did last year. I would think some would have to move on to make more money. I do not think the expensive stars like Routh were worth the trade off of all the regulars–Routh does not seem to have much chemistry with the regulars–a couple of episodes perhaps but the season 1 and 2 bad guys were good enough for me. I think Routh was at a disadvantage in his Superman movie, I know that I was comparing him to Christopher Reeve and that is a match up Routh could not win. Reeve and his wife were real American heroes.
I think the last 6 or 7 episodes will be considerably better than the previous episodes and hopefully will make the season worth all the work fans put out to get a season 3. now I hope we get a season 4 and end season 3 on a high note. I will probably buy my usual 3 sets of dvds (2 regular and 1 BluRay) but I do not plan on rewatching more than 1 or 2 episodes of the first 11 episodes. There are around 5 episodes in season 2 that I never watch.
If the episodes become better for the rest of this season I think the network should spend a little money advertising, featuring upbeat scenes. Regardless of whether S&F deserve a season 4 I think the regular cast members do. S&F needs to pick up their game and realize what the viewers want to see.
Really wish they would kill Shaw before the back 6. Sara needs to be with Chuck to be whole. If there is a season 4 it should be the boyfriend girlfriend theme that made the show irrisistable (can’t spell). If not there shold be a conclusion where they fall into eachothers’ arms. The fans want one thing and the writers are going somewhere else it seems. Hopefully if we are to trust them and to gain a season 4, then they need to do a lot better than they have been doing.
After watching 3.12 with Casey confessing to Sarah that he killed the mole not Chuck, does anyone see the scenario in 3.13 where Chuck HAS to kill Shaw to save Sarah’s life (now that Shaw knows Sarah killed his wife). That would be interesting and intense.
man i love this episode…for me it is perfect…everything i would’ve wanted and more…
and yeah, i guess Chuck will kill Shaw to save Sarah…
That would be ironic wouldn’t it?
He failed the red test but might have to re-live the experience with Sarah and Shaw and having to make “that” decision all over again to save her life if things take the path we all think they might…
Unless Casey steps in again… I think this time he can’t and it will be up to Chuck… tough one…
if it comes down to that, Chuck will undoubtedly kill Shaw to save Sarah…
she’s been the trigger to all of Chuck’s breakthroughs
Remember how when chuck stayed in the car, bad things always happened to him? Now it seems every time Sarah makes the decision to leave the gun… same deal… lol…
Regarding Chuck’s loss – I for one hope they don’t start getting all serious and too dramatic. I have been watching the show since its birth, and part of the appeal is it’s light comic twists along with the action. If I want a lot of drama and emotional upheaval, I’ll watch CSI.
I agree with whoever thinks dad’s going to die. If you recall in “Chuck versus the ring” when he flashed on the agent that took Bryce it looked like it hurt him.
My guess would be something to do with that
I agree with the daddy bartowski is going to die theory…. 🙁
It will be either him or ellie, maybe morgan or devon. But my money is riding on Stephen getting offed. 🙁 🙁 🙁
I ams o happy that shaw is dead. He better not pull a Bryce Larkin and come beck to life, cuz that will kill me.