Friday Five: Annoyingly Vague Chuck Spoilers REVEALED!

Chuck spoilers, the double-edged sword. Some love them, some hate that they’re open to interpretation. Back when I gave y’all those Annoyingly Vague Post-Olympics Spoilers for Chuck episodes 3.08-3.13, I decided it would only be fair to address them after the episodes in question had aired. After all, if you can figure out the code, it’s easier to crack in the future. So, without further ado, those spoilers are revealed:

  1. Someone seeks a career change; someone else gets one.
    Morgan is the one seeking a career change (leaves the Buy More to become a spy, then returns to the Buy More, then becomes a spy); Casey is the one who got one (fired from NSA), at least temporarily.
  2. The show goes international. Again.
    Hello, Paris!
  3. A feint and a double-cross keep our heroes on their toes.
    The feint was Shaw being seemingly evil at the beginning of 3.13, then him and Sarah agreeing that they could still work together. The double-cross was Shaw actually being a Ring agent by the end of that episode.
  4. A pair of related deaths will have major repercussions.
    The related deaths are Eve and Shaw. (Get it? They’re related by marriage!) We’ve already seen the repercussions of Sarah killing Eve; we’ve seen the immediate repercussions from Shaw’s death, and we’ll see the aftermath of Chuck’s first kill in a few weeks.
  5. The pasts of two characters come back to haunt them. Subway is a place of comfort for one.
    The two characters in question are Casey (ex-fiancee and daughter) and Sarah (killing Eve). Casey went to Subway, which is “soothing for the tummy and the soul.” Although how a tuna-roni is soothing…

What do you think, too vague? Not vague enough? Think you’ve cracked the code? Should I do another round for Chuck‘s back six? And have you sent in your Chuck: Declassified entry yet?

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  1. Hindsight being 20/20, I was able to tie these all together after the episode. I did especially like the way you worded the “related deaths” spoiler. Clever, very clever.
    I would love to see five more for the back six – as long as you don’t include the one already here: “and we’ll see the aftermath of Chuck’s first kill in a few weeks.”

  2. OK now that you gave a code cracking lesson I’m all for another round.

  3. Thanks Mel for tying up some of the loose ends!

    You stated above “we’ve seen the immediate repercussions from Shaw’s death, and we’ll see the aftermath of Chuck’s first kill in a few weeks.” I’m guessing that’s referencing Chuck getting tossed into some kind of psych ward and the anticipated appointment with his therapist played by Christopher Lloyd.

    The “Chuck vs. The Honeymooners” promo on YouTube looks like it covers more than just episode 14. By all means some clues for the back six episodes would be most welcome!

  4. Your post with a different point of view really appeals to me.thanks