Yvonne appeared in a beautiful photo shoot for French magazine Gala, where she models some of the hot fashion trends for spring. Visit YvonneStrahovski.net for the full set of scans. (Thanks, Joe!)
Yvonne was also a guest on last night’s edition of G4’s Attack of the Show. Although the interviewer was less than savory, she handled herself well and we were treated to (spoiler alert!) some exciting clips from episode 3.13, “Chuck vs. the Other Guy” and episode 3.14, “Chuck vs. the Honeymooners”. She also ‘fesses up on why she’s not attending WonderCon: she has Lakers tickets.
Unsavory is kind. I thought the interview was creepy and demeaning.
Have you ever watched G4TV or Attack of the Show? That’s just how they are. It’s their form of humor.
I’ll admit those who don’t watch their shows might be put off because it seemed rude, but the intention is merely playful more than anything.
I understand what you mean, but regardless of the interviewer’s and show producers’ intentions, it still came off as unprofessional, in my opinion. Adam Sessler from XPlay is irreverent, but I have no doubt he would have done a more professional of a job interviewing Yvonne.
I agree – that was kind of a creepy interview, and the guy blew the promo too! CHUCK IS ON NBC!!! Its one of 2 shows worth watching on NBC.
ackward interwiew…indeed.
is shaw´s wife in the promo??
Yvonne is a class act. My only hope is that her agent is smart enough to not put her with that interviewer again. The conversation seemed like someone breathing heavily on the phone. NOT GOOD.
On the spoiler : Sarah and chuck wears rings (look closely 0:31).
On the interview : It’s seems the guy really had a crush on Yvonne or he was not prepared for the interview, and I can say from a communication point of view that he did pretty much all the thing that we learn to NOT do in a interview.
Who cares about the interview. Did you see these pictures in the French magazine. WOOT! And I’m a hetero girl!
Ditto. Absolutely ditto.
Regarding the photos from the French magazine:
As a man who was voted the “Most Talkative” guy in his high school graduating class, this isn’t the case very often, but here it is–I am without words. In a good way. 😀
Wow, that guy was a douche. LOVED the photo shoot and the clip from 3×14 though! I can’t wait for Chuck Vs. The Honeymooners 😀
Class vs. Crass. How she was able to maintain her grace and good humour in the face of such vileness is a wonder. Way to go YS!
Ha Ha. Fans blown off for Laker tickets…. 🙂
Meh…she has a personal life too y’know… 😉
So much for treating a woman with dignity and respect. Is this guy like 12 years old or what?
I agree with you guys, this interview is creepy. :/ I felt embarassed while watching it, poor Yvonne.
About the rings – don’t you think they could be for mission? We’ve seen this before… I’d love to see Chuck and Sarah engaged though. 🙂
according to me Yvonne is a good lady, with a lot of genuine qualities.she knows how to interact with people she is a humble and a calm person.’chuck season 3 would have been a big challenge for this calm lady’.
Did you notice that Sarah has a ring on her left hand? (around 35s on the video)
Something big or just like vs. The suburbs? anyway it’s gonna be be great!
I know I saw it too tho it is the honeymooners so they probably are married like the suburbs.
Chuck and Sarah are both wearing wedding rings in that scene. It’s titled Chuck vs. the Honeymooners…… hmmmm?
I am sure Yvonne knows what she’s in for when she goes on a show like that.
Not necessarily. Actors have booking agents who set these things up. Either Yvonne made it clear to her agent that she enjoys being slimed on a show of this sort, or she’s currently looking for a new agent. Zac Levi’s agent got him back to back on Jay Leno and Bonnie Hunt. She should hire Zac’s agent!
Wow. That was just insanely awkward. Why the he’ll would he bring up something like that? She must’ve thought he was a total freak. For those who haven’t been watching, at all or live, watch the first season on TheWB.com and watch Chuck I’ve on Mondays at 8/7c on NBC!
(Warning: Spoiler from the 2nd preview in Yvonne’s interview)
I’m surprised no one mentioned Alex Forrest in the elevator scene (yeah I think that’s her to the right of ring director). She points the gun at Chuck. Pretty big spoiler no? I wish I didn’t see it!
I had a feeling that Forrest was just evil. I hope she is Ring.
yeh that is alex forest,well im pretty sure it is
Nice Yvonne is a Lakers fan!
Not neccessarily. She said she was going to the Lakers game with a friend. This may well be more about “friend” than about “Lakers”.
I’m also sure that a Lakers game is a place “to be seen” in LA/Hollywood.
i think yvonne was great in that interview considering what he was asking and how he was acting, great spoilers ( cant wait for ep.14!) Sarah’s wearing a ring on her wedding ring finger XD and so is chuck ! she looked like she felt a little awkward when he brought up the scene in mass effect 2, he could have been more proffesional with a classy actress like her =]
That interview was mostly a waste of time for yvonne… bet she wishes she’d had some tickets to.. well hell…. anything …. lol….. she handled herself well… got in a plug for chuck and met an annoying host of a an obscure program that should pull its host and replace him with someone who isn’t creepy and obsessed with making guests uncomfortable…. geesh
yvonne is amazing and realy pretty in the picture, love chuck!
I thought the guy was a creep as well. I would love to see Yvonne on Ellen, Jay Leno, Bonnie Hunt, or another professional interviewer who will treat her properly. Heck, I think it would be great if she guested on another NBC show, Biggest Loser. She and Zach could work with the teams-they are both fit, and it would be a nice cross promotion.
I love Yvonne…..and those scans from the magazine are fantastic!!! I’m sure she knew what she was getting into when she agreed to appear on the show. She has to know that she is a fanboy’s dream girl (this generation’s Dana Scully). I thought she handled herself well. I’m excited about the upcoming episodes too.
But a Laker’s fan??? Really??? Ah well….nobody’s perfect! Still love her though!!
Ooh La La
Need I say more?
Aew, I´m braziliam, but i love the serie of Chuck, I love even more to Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahoviski) ;).
and please send us immediately 3 season.
Well, the pictures from the magazine were lovely, sexy (in the good, classical sense), and stylish. The “interview”… not… so… much, thanks to the rutabaga who was acting as the host of this show I’ve never heard of until now. Yvonne did a very good job of deflecting his rudeness (his words, at the end of the “interview”, with which I agree). I can only guess that she has been seasoned to this sort of situation by what is probably an endless stream of pranks, goofs, and other mischief on the set of Chuck (intended and otherwise) during the episode shoots (especially Zach, Josh, and Casey).
Sadly, those of us outside the continental USA are blocked by Comcast from watching the interview on copyright grounds.
What amazes me about YS is how differently she looks depending on the particular hair style she is wearing at any given time [like in the magazine] or scene in Chuck. Always looks good, just different.