What would have been the Chuck season finale (the show received an order for another six episodes, extending the season to 19) airs tonight, and as one of the lucky fans who saw it in advance at WonderCon, I can tell you that it’s one you do not want to miss! To avoid being spoiled, you’d better either watch it live, or stay off the Internet until you do get to see it, because everyone is going to be talking about it.
CHUCK QUESTIONS SHAW’S EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING – BRANDON ROUTH (“SUPERMAN RETURNSâ€) GUEST STARS – Chuck (Zachary Levi), Sarah (Yvonne Strahvoski) and Shaw (guest star Brandon Routh) reunite to find the Ring operative behind the death of Shaw’s wife. Sarah has faith that Shaw is ready for the mission but Chuck is worried about his emotional stability. Meanwhile, Morgan (Joshua Gomez) considers leaving the Buy More. Adam Baldwin, Scott Krinsky, Vik Sahay and Mark Christopher Lawrence also star.
“Chuck vs. the Other Guy” airs Monday, April 5 at 8/7c on NBC. Need something to tide yourself over? Watch the NBC promo, then check out these screencaps from the promo to further decipher what’s going on. Be sure to join us in the forum and on Twitter to discuss the episode while it airs (and after).
Reminder: after tonight’s episode, Chuck will be in reruns for a couple of weeks. The next new episode, “Chuck vs. the Honeymooners”, will air April 26.
I cant wait
I really think tonight Chuck and Sarah will finally get together. If it does not happen tonight I really don’t think it will happen ever.
well from the promos we can see that they kiss so they must get back together…
also check this picture:
it seems Shaw is kidnapping Sarah and also he is holding the gun towards someone…
Zach Levi said on the Bonnie Hunt show that chuck faces some rejection in tonights episode. Just saying…
No, it’s a perceived rejection. Don’t worry, it will be dealt with quickly and firmly 😉
Huh..It looks like he’s holding her up as if she’s been tranqed or something
In the Canadian promo we can see Sarah moments earlier in that scene with a tranqdart in her shoulder.
Can’t believe you already watched tonights episode! That is really cool of the show-runners to do that. Hope to see some great coverage of WonderCON over the next two weeks. We’ll need something to tide us over during the break.
I don’t think I have ever been as excited for one episode of a tv show ever as I am for this.
You said it. I’m trying so hard not to read spoilers.
What starts as a ‘mission’ soon turns into a fight for survival for Our Heroes. I can imagine Shaw holding Sarah as bait to lure Chuck into a trap or selling them off to The Ring for a price by pulling the Judas card. Or both, anyway what he does in this one will definantly give us reason to hate him.
one more point, Call my crazy but I’d kinda like Shaw to survive this episode, so maybe he could come back as the Teams enemy in the finale. That would be cool. But if he dies then I’m glad to be rid of him. Can’t wait for tonight.
I think he brings Sarah to where she killed his wife and wants to kill Chuck in front of her as revenge.
Thats an interesting theory. He wants to kill the man she loves because she killed the woman he loved. In other words, he wants her to feel the same pain.
Shaw just sticked to the good ol’ plan…simply kill Sarah…good thing Chuck shot him…he’s finally out of the story…
ive watched that part like 15 times ….lol
man you gotta love the song from that scene…it fits perfectly…when i watched ep 13 for the first time(i watched it 2 times that day) that part just gave me goose bumps
I guess what I keep hoping for with Chuck is that he’ll come to the moment of truth–and function…that is, save Sarah, even if it means doing the deed and killing someone (in self defense, of course) rather than her having to kill to save him. Somehow that seems necessary.
I gotta say I agree with Amy.. I have been thinking about what would make Chuck kill for a while now. And the only thing I can come up with is: He would kill someone if that person threatens his loved ones especially Sarah.. So to sum it up Chuck would only kill if it meant saving Sarah from death. This is just my own personal thoughts, I got nothing but 2½ seasons of observation backing me up on this. Let us never find out, a Chuck who has killed wouldn’t be the same guy or would he?
i agree the only thing that would even make chuck consider using a gun was if sarah was in trouble =]
I agree with you both…Chuck would definitely kill to save someone he loves, but at the same time he will always be the Chuck we’ve come to love.
i definitely agree, guys… i’m just hoping SOMETHING happens. it’s been a great season, though, that i think we can all agree on. i just hope we see a next year, you know? it’s the best show i’ve ever seen, and it’s got a very loyal following… its just a small loyal following. i’m not quite sure how to get the word out, it’s like harry potter or something where you have to find out for yourself (like the hallows). i’m not sure.
Maybe Chuck will quote Shaw before he puts a bullet through him: “I don’t like guns but it pays to know how to use one”.
It just ared and he doesnt. but you are a Super super smart person
Just watched it live. That was the episode we have waited three years for. Charah together in Paris.
That was the best episode EVER!!!!!!!!!
my top five is now
1 other Guy
2 ring
3 Colonel
4 American Hero
5 marlin
Oh yeah and cancel the tank
I almost felt like I wrote this episode. Everything I wanted to happen happened. Fan girl heaven. Absolutely unbelievable. I LOVED it. LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED IT. FINALLY, Chuck and Sarah together. A mutual understanding. I about died when she finally admitted she loved him. I was like THANK GOD. She finally fessed up to something we’ve known for three years, lol. I wouldn’t have had it any other way though, this really was perfect. The writers knew what they were doing, and they did it well.
i could not have said it better myself, i have watched it twice already and going to watch it again. THE BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!
BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I just watched tonight episode and i loved it. Finally Chuck shoots someone for messing with Sarah… I know that that is the only time that Chuck would ever cross that line. The show is back in action now , the whole crew is back.. plus one.. Morgan!!!! I have ben wanting to see him more involved in ithe series. But the one thing that just made tonights episode just go over the top is that Chuck and Sarah are now back as a couple and I love it!!! All in all CHUCK just keeps getting better and better every week and it sucks that i have to wait 3 weeks till a new episode… 🙁 But its all good, i will just watch season 1 & 2 and make a good effort to now watch it all in one day.. ha ha ha i will try. Thank you to all the people who make Chuck happen every week. It is a GREAT show and i will do my part to get us a season 4. Thank You and ROCK ON CHUCK!!!!!
wow what an episode you can tell this was to be the season finale the highs the lows the whole chuck casey and morgan team shaw letting the pain of losing his wife to drive him to the dark side anyone else get the star wars rip off moment chuck doing the last resort to save the woman he loves it was just what i have been saying all season long the writers know what they are doing all of the complainers can just enjoy the taste of foot in mouth right now the story line came to a head at the right time in the right way chuck having to shoot and kill someone who was a mentor to him was just classic and casey using the ringleader (pun intended) to blackmail general beckman into making both him and morgan into spies was just too funny can’t wait for the return of anna and chuck’s dad see ya’ll in three weeks
Why must I wait three weeks for Chuck???!!! I’ve been Chucked, it’s uncalled for to take it away from me like this, it’s like taking Easter away from the kids. Explaination perhaps??
Chuck vs The Other Guy. I laughed I cried I was happy sad and worst of all I can not wait for episode 14 and to watch it online again tomarrow. I watched it live but did not record it but wished I did. It was so good. I can not believe he asked her drunk and in his underware, and her answer was perfect. Yvonne made that truly a wonderful moment. Then there was Casey. I love Shaw’s response” you brought Casey, Smart” Then Casey with General Beckman and his big ol stogie, getting his job back. After the way General Beckman treated Chuck, I am Glad Sarah closed the Computer on her. Mr. Fedak was right it was well worth the wait.
Love Casey is the one Chuck goes to, like a big brother. Figures saving Sarah is the only thing that would push Chuck to kill. Finally Mr & Mrs Smith action time. Shut up Chuck, way to go Sarah!
humble pie eating time!!! Chuck had its highs and lows but that episode made it ALL WORTH IT. Great on the charah front but the comedy was gold. Loving the fake action sequences line. Lets go morgan!
I have not missed a single episode of Chuck since the very first night it aired three years ago. Every episode seems to get better and better. But I know that there can be more Chuck to be written. So, COME on NBC..see the light…..this is one of the best and well written shows on ANY metwork in a long time. It has the PERFECT balance of comedy and action. So. do something SMART for a change NBC and keep this show on the air. I know there are at least 6 more episodes left, but it’s never too early to start sending NBC the message.
agree with you man…Chuck is just epic…the story, the characters…everything…
i really hope they’ll renew it for a 4th season…
“you can all die here today, but personally i have dinner reservations” i literally had to stop the record here to laugh for a half minute. Great episode, just hoping the next 6 episodes won’t bring any problems in Chara’s way, i could watch them being together like that for the rest of the season 🙂
haha man that line was genial and funny…loved it…
anyways it was a great episode…slightly better than 12 in my opinion…
ohh also loved when Gen. Beckman called Morgan to announce him that he was officially a member of Operation Bartowski:
“You’re not kidding me, are you? This isn’t some sort of mean prank or anything, is it?
“No, we don’t do pranks”
ohh and when i thought things couldn’t go better the Chuck/Sarah scene at the end just popped by…
wow..Episode 3.13 is amazing..want to vote for chuck not only for season 4..but also for season 100 +++++++….. They should have this storyline in the mid of the season ie..season 7….will make the show more interesting….enjoying etc….. Hope their relationship will be stronger and of course i’m expecting up and down ……it will make more challenging and interesting…for show…kudos to the writers and the producers well done…As i said, it will make the show better if this storyline showed earlier…Long live Chuck and of course Sarah tooooo.
yeah…ups and downs are necessary…without them the show would just get dull and boring
Hey, great episode, I have been waiting for this for a long time. Btw, on sidereel.com there is a contest for top tv shows, Chuck is in the final two. The competition is Lost. Please go there and vote for chuck. Voting ends on 4/7. I ask you to do this cause lost is winning in a landslide.
Hey guys I remembered something. Shaw said Graham (Sarah’s dead boss) had been the one to order the hit, what if in the NSA there would be other agents who are corrupted. Would be a nice set to season 4 (if we got it 🙂 ) the Team on the run perhaps not knowing who they can trust of their own people.that would sound very exciting if that happened.
Even though I’m from germany I watched every episode of chuck and I’ve even got the first two seasons on DVD. In my oppinion this episode was the best Chuck-Episode ever and it was the perfect end. Not a midseason final or the introduction into a new season, simply the perfect conclusion, the perfect ending for the show Chuck in its entirety. I know I’m alone with this oppinion, but the story of chuck is completly exhausted. There is nothing mor to say, so in a 4th season they would be pushed to repeat everythingagain and again, and that would destroy the show. It would make me sad to see Chuck going to this, so I’m really hoping they are not going to make a 4th season.
hate to say it but your right…… u are on our own, i think they can create a load more stories with the incredibly talented writers that they have on the show. CHARAH 4EVER 🙂
Hoping there will be a Season 4…this is the ONLY show I make sure to watch each week. It’s really a perfect blend of action for the guys, love-story for the girls & comedy for everyone. Seriously NBC, there’s a whole slew of fans who want more…don’t throw out a sure thing!!
I seriously have never been so attached to a show. I don’t know what I will do if this is ever taken off the air. If you knew me you’d know that’s saying a lot. I’m not one to say anything like that and TV is definitely not my thing, but this show is the best show on television, and for me personally, the best show on television, ever. It is now the only show I watch.
It’s clean and still manages to be incredibly entertaining and captivating. So many writers/producers think you can’t have successful entertainment and still be clean. This show proves otherwise. Props to the creators and everyone involved.
I have been saying so for months that the writers knew what they were doing and last nights show proves it. It is the only show that I both watch live and record so that I can re-watch it. There have been many times where I have re-watched an episode only to find out something I had originally missed. But still I know that one day this show will go off the air. Hopefully that is not any time soon and not before everyone gets a 4th season. We know that there are going to be challenges for new seasons to come since they now can’t rely upon the “will they won’t they” of the Chuck/Sarah relationship, but I have no doubts that the writers can get us through it with many new episodes to come.
Well, I watched this episode for like the fifth time, today. I still can’t believe Chuck killed Shaw. I thought that Chuck would NEVER kill anyone. I thought it went against his character and the genre of the show (which I consider to be more of a superhero story than a spy thriller), and I think I said as much on these pages. Shoot. I hate being wrong.
Having said that, I LOVE the way they did it. I was a little bit underwhelmed by the whole DYLM scene. But when Chuck killed Shaw, despite his obvious concerns that doing so would change how Sarah felt about him, THAT was the true declaration of his love for Sarah. He tried everything he could to avoid it, too. He tried to arrest him, fight him hand-to-hand, and talk him out of it, but when none of that worked, he did what needed to be done and pulled the trigger.
I was also reminded, in the scene on Sarah’s bed at the end, when Chuck says, “I couldn’t let him hurt you, Sarah. Trust me, I did what I had to do…” of a similar line (but with the speakers reversed) from “Chuck vs the Third Dimension” in which Sarah defends her cold-blooded killing of the agent at the end of “Santa Clause”. Obviously, both Chuck and Sarah are willing to suffer not only physical and possibly life-threatening injuries for one another, but also spiritual and emotional injuries as well. Both characters are now giving in equal measure to the relationship which can now grow and blossom as it should.
I’m going to go ahead and guess that Chuck ultimately did not kill Shaw and that if the show continues, we will see that Shaw was revived by the Ring. Falling into a river seems very easy way to later say that he was found in the river by the Ring and they revived him and had him go after Chuck.
Perhaps, but the point is he INTENDED to kill Shaw.
As far as Shaw coming back… Maybe, but I doubt it. It looked like a slow moving river. I’m not sure how these things work, but it seems to me one of the first jobs would be to get the body out of the river. If there were any irregularities in that regard, you’d think we’d have heard about it. Of course, there HAS been the occasional plot hole in this show before… 😉