SPOILERS: More Finale Scoop From Ausiello

In this week’s Ask Ausiello, Mikey gives a rundown of his intel on the season finale, and an update on his opinion of Chuck’s renewal chances:

Question: Have you heard anything about the future of Chuck? —Kevin
Only that a fourth season isn’t the foregone conclusion that I thought it was, hence my decision to downgrade the show from “safe bet” to “could go either way” on my Bubble Show Scorecard. Probably not the news you were hoping for.

Question: Anything else you can tell us about the Chuck finale? —Henry
I can’t remember what I’ve already reported, so here’s a rundown of everything I know about the two-hour climax on May 24:

* Jeffster video.
* New romance.
* The security of every major intelligence agency is threatened.
* Someone from Chuck’s past will return to do him great harm.
* Chuck’s life is on the line and the only person who can save him is his father (a.k.a. Scott Bakula).
* More shameless Subway promotion.
* Faux facial hair makes a cameo.
* Exclusive premiere of three Band of Horses songs.

Concerned about Chuck‘s renewal chances? Join in the Chuck: Declassified campaign, and stay tuned for news about the exciting second part of the campaign coming later today! Meanwhile, speculate away about the season finale scoopage.

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  1. “* Exclusive premiere of three Band of Horses songs.”

    oh my god YES.

  2. Hey, he removed the death and the loyalty switch, does that mean that it was Shaw and it’s already happened?

  3. “Someone from Chuck’s past will return to do him great harm.”

    – Jill ???

  4. I love Band of Horses! Chuck has the best music!

    • It did in Seasons 1 & 2. Lots of absolutely stunning and catchy stuff. Band of Horses, Bon Iver, etc. But, with the exception of Imogen Heap’s “Wait it Out” in ep 1, the 3rd season has fallen short of the mark. Budget cuts perhaps? Fewer people on staff to listen to hours of potential material? Glad to hear that the Horses are riding again!

      • i also think bye bye bye by plants and animals is good too and perfect as an ending

      • it’s not as amazing as the previous seasons, but there were plenty of amazing songs in season 3, especially in the 13 episode.

      • Yeah I agree. I really hope they get some more “Spoon” in some episodes cause I love “Spoon” and they had a lot of spoon songs in season 1

      • what about “black & blue” by the maids of honor? “swim until you can’t see light”? “down river”?

      • I did dig “Down River” somewhat.

      • Down river was great indeed and fitted the moments it was used in.

        Bye Bye by Plants and Animals (Montreal based band) was great also. I feel ashame but I got it a week or two ago for free on itunes as the itunes free song of the week.

      • As a whole, season 3’s music hasn’t been as good as the first two seasons. However, there have been some really good tunes featured thus far:

        **In-Flight Safety’s “Model Homes”
        **Frightened Rabbit’s “Swim Until You Can’t See Land”
        **Tim Brantley’s “I Can’t Make You Want Me” (actually, this one was background music on commercials for “v. Pink Slip” and the Prague train station scene)
        **Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros’ “40 Day Dream”

        I’m so looking forward to the back six eps — new Band of Horses tunes debuting on Chuck is going to be fantastic!

      • Dude,

        Sam Isaac’s Bears rocked and it was so right for the scene.

      • I dunno. I really liked “Down River” by Temper Trap and “Bears” by Sam Isaac.

      • I thought Carla Bruni’s L’Amoureuse was perfect for the ending of episode Chuck vs. First Class.

  5. * The security of every major intelligence agency is threatened + a significant death in the season finale – beckman is going to die, casey will take her place in s4

    about the songs in s3 there were a lot of great songs,the average is 1/episode, my opinion is if the song suites the scene it doesn’t matter the costs.

    • Casey doesn’t have the qualifications needed to take over the NSA if Beckman were to die.

    • if casey takes her place, he would no longer be on team chuck. so i don’t think that’s going to happen.

  6. I think that the one doing great harm will be either Anna Wu or maybe even Mama B.. And the new romance who knows maybe Jeff and Lester? 😛 Or maybe just someone that’s not a regular will find someone on the regulars list.. I don’t think that they will mess with Charah in the same way as they have done this far ( only because they are afraid of the shippers 😛 )

    The Chuck’s life in danger thing will proabably have something to do with the intersect going haywire and either Papa B will fix it or remove it… hopefully fix it since if he doesn’t we will kinda be back on square one.. Chuck has grown a lot but I don’t think that he’s skillset without the intersect is enough to be a spy…

    Can barely wait for Chuck vs the Honeymooners 😀

  7. Hey I didn’t know how to contact any site admins but I found a poll that Chuck is in and was wondering if they could let everyone know to vote for Chuck. http://tv.insidepulse.com/2010/04/22/inside-pulse-best-show-on-tv-tournament-24-and-chuck-attempt-to-knock-off-remaining-1-seeds-lost-and-the-office-in-elite-8-round-voting/

  8. Hey, just read on Ausiello report today, that Chuck’s renewal chances are looking pretty good again. Yipeeeee!

  9. ‘someone from chucks past will return to do a great harm’….i think it’s Hannah.i don’t think Shaw will comeback coz we clearly saw him dieing,,,,,Hannah appeared only in four episodes i think her contract is for five episodes.

  10. The security of every major intelligence agency would be threatened if the Ring captured the Intersect 2.0.