Chuck: Declassified Mission – Tuesday, May 11

Chuck fans, are you ready to put the pedal to the metal? Are you ready for one last, week-long effort to let NBC know that we want to watch Chuck, Sarah, Casey, Morgan and the rest of the gang next season? We’ll be calling on you to engage in daily activities to make an impact this week, so be sure to check back every morning for your new mission.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Frustrated about ratings because you aren’t a Nielsen family? Jordan at Chuck’s Stable of Hos chanced across an opportunity for us to make some noise, courtesy of Nielsen-owned The premise of the site is for members to share what they watched the night before, taking a little quiz about the show and the commercials that aired during the show. Members then earn points to win gift cards and prizes.

Note: we’ve heard that the “win prizes” part of the site is less than ideal, so do this for love of Chuck, not to get a free Amazon gift card.

Here’s what to do today:

  1. Sign up as a member at (or login if you’re already a member).
  2. Click Play Trivia Games > Primetime.
  3. Choose Chuck from the list of shows (note: this will only work on Tuesdays as they only list the previous night’s shows).
  4. Click Play Selected Games.
  5. Answer the trivia questions about the show and the commercials.
  6. You’ll receive an email confirming that your answers were submitted.

To answer a few questions we’re sure will arise:

  • No, these numbers aren’t included in the overnight ratings we see reported on Tuesday mornings, but it is another way to let Nielsen know we’re watching.
  • No, this is not something international fans can do as questions pertain to the just-aired episode and commercials.
  • Please only register and report once per person.

Thanks to Amy from Chuck This Blog for the head’s up, and to Jordan at Chuck’s Stable of Hos for posting the original information!

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  1. I just took the test.

  2. malediktmanson

    I’m not an American citizen, maybe someone could tell me their zip code and state so I can participate? 🙂

  3. Just took it. They asked about the Kindle commercial I was talking about on Twitter last night. 🙂

    • I got all the show questions right, but I missed two commercial questions because I was Tweeting during the commercials……

  4. I’ll be signing up to do it. Also couldn’t hurt, everybody, to “re-watch” last night’s episode today on NBC.COM – and other episodes as well. Don’t count in the Nielsen’s, but shows web site viewing – which more and more is going to be a factor.

    Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

    Peace, all! Keep on Chuckin’ !!!

  5. Brtandon Johnson

    Took the test and kicked its a**!! I will be watching lastnights episode on when i get off work..

  6. Brtandon Johnson

    Is there a Chuck mob anywhere close to me? I live an hour away from Dallas Tx..

  7. I’m home sick today, rewatched Chuck, took notes on the commercials, and then took the test. I still missed two of the commercial questions. A little harder than I expected! I’ve trained my brain to ignore commercials my whole life, so this was a very different experience for me. I would only do this for Chuck!

    NBC make the right decision – order a full season starting in the Fall!! We’ll continue recruiting fans.

    • me too. I only missed 1 Chuck Commercial and the web commercial at the end. Lied and said I liked Walmart! Feel bad about that I hate walmart.

  8. I took the quiz, and I only got two commercial questions wrong.

  9. For those of us without a Nielson box, I’ve heard the best way to show NBC they have more viewers than they think is to watch episodes online so everyone head over to and keep a Chuck episode running while you’re on the computer

  10. Hey people, I may have missed it, but i havnt seen this on this site so thought id post it:

    Claiming Chucks been renewed

    • Yep, we posted it yesterday:

      Be sure to hit refresh on the front page to see the latest posts!