iF Magazine has an exclusive interview with Yvonne Strahovski who talks Sarah, Subway, stunts and more.
iF: How did you like doing the sequences where Sarah was interacting with the British super-spy played by Jonathan Cake last season, where she had a peer for a little while?
STRAHOVSKI: Yeah. That was great. I mean, it was great for Sarah to get a love interest and it was fun, because he was a super-spy as well, so we had a little fun shooting those episodes.
iF: Was that similar to playing opposite Brandon Routh as experienced-albeit-very-troubled spy Daniel Shaw this season?
STRAHOVSKI: It’s different. Everyone brings a different dynamic. Brandon’s character [was for a long time] a little more stoic and sturdy and a real level-headed guy, so it’s a whole different thing. As you [watched] the show, and his back story got revealed, you [saw] why there was a common thread between the two characters and why they were sort of drawn to each other.iF: And the episode with Gary Cole as Sarah’s father?
STRAHOVSKI: Oh, I loved that episode. I loved going back in time and becoming the seventeen-year-old Sarah with the braces and the [bad] hair. She was so different and so nerdy and I loved that.
Hahaha! The episode with her father was the DeLorean but she was talking about Cougars!
Why do they always ask the same questions in these interviews?