Yvonne Strahovski Joins Twitter

Yvonne has succumbed to our mental vibes and joined Twitter! You can follow her at @Y_Strahovski. Be gentle; she’s new! (We have confirmation from Yvonne that this is her, not another impostor. The account should be verified before too long.)

Wondering who else from Chuck is on Twitter? We’ve got your list right here.

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  1. I joined twitter last summer for Chuckme Mondays but haven’t been back since S3 started. Just not my thing. Also anything interesting the cast or showrunners have to say gets posted on the fan sights anyways.

    I hope having a twitter account gives Yvonne more exposure. With the talent she has, she deserves success. I am sure the fans who like to tweet will appreciate her presence.

  2. i join twitter also because of her……hehehe….she’s very talented

  3. She calls him “Zachy”? Oh my that has to be the funniest thing I’ve heard all week! LOL

  4. it’s nice to know that yvonne has a twitter already because they are (Chuck cast) the reason why I joined twitter.