The Television Without Pity website is having their annual Tubey Awards, and Chuck is nominated in several categories both good and bad. Head on over and vote for Chuck in all the GOOD categories, then vote for the competition in the bad categories. 😉
It’s also time to send in your nominations for E! Online’s annual Tator Top Awards. Chuck is eligible in several categories, so get cracking!
Hope, we can get some awards for Chuck this time, this season’s been nothing but amazing!
Chuck & Sarah should definitely win the best relationship 🙂
New polls next week; don’t forget to vote!
I know you said to vote for Chuck in only the good polls, but when I saw Sarah and Shaw in the worst couples poll, I had to vote for them.
I thought it was interesting that Chuck is in the worst couples and the best couples poll twice.
In worst couples the other pairing was Chuck and Hanah and in the most romantic couples both Chuck and Sarah as well as Ellie and Devon are in the poll.
Yeah, they were terrible as a couple(Sarah and Shaw, Chuck and Hannah), but they were important for enabling of Chuck & Sarah finally coming together, so I voted for the competition. But the categories are definitely great and I hope that we’ll win more this year than just best family relationship, because Chuck’s simply to awesome. Too bad, they weren’t nominated for the Grammys!
Yeah I also voted for Sarah and Sh** in the worst couples category, and I have a feeling many ppl have done that
Ahh, now I see it, I wrote Grammys insteads of Emmys! 🙂
New categories released!
@ Mel: Maybe you should update this post and tell people that there are new categories released, so we can get more votes. i just don’t think that everybody knows that new categories are released each week!